Chapter Discussion Dissecting Chapter 1031 Color Spread and the PK's Wings

So a quickly, pretty straight forward and unbiased dissertation for this color spread

That was made on Chapter 1031, called "Warrior of Science", a chapter almost entirely dedicated to Sanji's character. Then you ask youself: What is a color spread that seems to be about Zoro doing there? But yes, even this color spread has everything to do with Sanji's character in this specific chapter.

First, lets look at Oda's explanation for that

Q: Hello Odacchi, judging from the color spread of chapter 1031, Bepo is the No.2 of Heart Pirates?! I was surprised since I thought him, Penguin, and Shachi are all No.2s. So is Bepo (sulong form?) the strongest out of them?

Oda: talking about that color spread huh. Same goes for Zoro, not everyone on there holds the position of vice captain. They are just the No.2s that I picked out. Penguin and Shachi are more reliable in normal circumstances, but those two have seen Bepo's sulong transformation, so they acknowledge that "combat wise Bepo is superior!

As obvious as it was, Zoro is not the Vice Captain, although he is the First Mate, the very first person Luffy recruited, and that definitely has a special meaning for Zoro's character.

But what we actually have is the "wings" portrayal being a thing for the most part of the story, something that Oda build up for quite a long time and so far is one of the proeminent dynamics in the manga.

To the point that this is something that Oda is trying to mimic with Zoro and Sanji's opponents from the same factions the more as the manga progresses.

Very superficially speaking, these are their roles in the crew.

But the crucial thing here is that at a certain portion of the chapter, Sanji calls Zoro through a Den Den Mushi after destroying the Raid Suit and having to make a choice for the sake of Luffy and his dream, even recognizing his potential mistakes as a person (something characters barely do in the manga) due to his personality and values, which is what makes these characters be who they are and potentially develop.

He explains they are 100% going to beat the Beast Pirates without a doubt and asks Zoro a shocking and apparently unreasonable thing.

Notice that even with all of their bickering, Oda doesn't cease to show us how much important the cooperation between them is for the crew. It's a pretty special dynamic among all the other crews. And keep in mind that Zoro has no clue about everything that happened with Sanji since WCI and definitely didn't had any idea of what was actually happening with Sanji above.

Basically, Sanji acknowledges Zoro's "superiority", not in a way of "wow you're definitely better than me bruh, you can beat me in a 1vs1 100%" but in a sense that, if Sanji wants something to be done, doesn't matter how hard it may be, he acknowledges that there are things that he can only rely on Zoro to actually have the chances of doing, even the bare minimum chances.

In the end, Zoro couldn't even go look out for Sanji as Sanji asked, he didn't even thought about it after his fight was over, which shows even more how much that isn't about who is stronger, but about reliability and trust in circumstances that are too far from normal, which Zoro shows for Sanji through several moments as well (that i will leave to another thread), even tho this one is in a whole other level due to Sanji's mental breakdown.

Zoro also tries to act tough and keep their rivalry going on, even at such moment, acting like he will easily beat King and then just go to search for Sanji to potentially kill him because thats more "interesting" than fighting King

"At least now i have something to look forward after this!!"

After that Sanji also had already accepted his destiny, to the point he acted like he started unleashing more of his strength solely by changing his mindset.

Oda wanted to keep us aware that Sanji was holding himself back with uncertainties during a considerable portion of the fight.

So thats it: Sanji put down his rivalry and bickering for a second and asked Zoro to kill him aiming a greater good, which is: Not potentially put the crew in danger, in many potential different ways, and not living as what Judge created him to be. Straight up acknowledging Zoro's strength and capability of doing it, something that they never do, and when they do it's not in front of each other, which also shows the amount of trust they need to have on each other in a way or another

Even if it ended like this (although this could come back in the future, somehow)
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So a quickly, pretty straight forward and unbiased dissertation for this color spread

That was made on Chapter 1031, called "Warrior of Science", a chapter almost entirely dedicated to Sanji's character. Then you ask youself: What is a color spread that seems to be about Zoro doing there? But yes, even this color spread has everything to do with Sanji's character in this specific chapter.

First, lets look at Oda's explanation for that

Q: Hello Odacchi, judging from the color spread of chapter 1031, Bepo is the No.2 of Heart Pirates?! I was surprised since I thought him, Penguin, and Shachi are all No.2s. So is Bepo (sulong form?) the strongest out of them?

Oda: talking about that color spread huh. Same goes for Zoro, not everyone on there holds the position of vice captain. They are just the No.2s that I picked out. Penguin and Shachi are more reliable in normal circumstances, but those two have seen Bepo's sulong transformation, so they acknowledge that "combat wise Bepo is superior!

As obvious as it was, Zoro is not the Vice Captain, although he is the First Mate, the very first person Luffy recruited, and that definitely has a special meaning for Zoro's character.

But what we actually have is the "wings" portrayal being a thing for the most part of the story, something that Oda build up for quite a long time and so far is one of the proeminent dynamics in the manga.

To the point that this is something that Oda is trying to mimic with Zoro and Sanji's opponents from the same factions the more as the manga progresses.

Very superficially speaking, these are their roles in the crew.

But the crucial thing here is that at a certain portion of the chapter, Sanji calls Zoro through a Den Den Mushi after destroying the Raid Suit and having to make a choice for the sake of Luffy and his dream, even recognizing his potential mistakes as a person (something characters barely do in the manga) due to his personality and values, which is what makes these characters be who they are and potentially develop.

He explains they are 100% going to beat the Beast Pirates without a doubt and asks Zoro a shocking and apparently unreasonable thing.

Notice that even with all of their bickering, Oda doesn't cease to show us how much important the cooperation between them is for the crew. It's a pretty special dynamic among all the other crews. And keep in mind that Zoro has no clue about everything that happened with Sanji since WCI and definitely didn't had any idea of what was actually happening with Sanji above.

Basically, Sanji acknowledges Zoro's "superiority", not in a way of "wow you're definitely better than me bruh, you can beat me in a 1vs1 100%" but in a sense that, if Sanji wants something to be done, doesn't matter how hard it may be, he acknowledges that there are things that he can only rely on Zoro to actually have the chances of doing, even the bare minimum chances.

In the end, Zoro couldn't even go look out for Sanji as Sanji asked, he didn't even thought about it after his fight was over, which shows even more how much that isn't about who is stronger, but about reliability and trust in circumstances that are too far from normal, which Zoro shows for Sanji through several moments as well (that i will leave to another thread), even tho this one is in a whole other level due to Sanji's mental breakdown.

Zoro also tries to act tough and keep their rivalry going on, even at such moment, acting like he will easily beat King and then just go to search for Sanji to potentially kill him because thats more "interesting" than fighting King

"At least now i have something to look forward after this!!"

After that Sanji also had already accepted his destiny, to the point he acted like he started unleashing more of his strength solely by changing his mindset.

Oda wanted to keep us aware that Sanji was holding himself back with uncertainties during a considerable portion of the fight.

So thats it: Sanji put down his rivalry and bickering for a second and asked Zoro to kill him aiming a greater good, which is: Not potentially put the crew in danger, in many potential different ways, and not living as what Judge created him to be. Straight up acknowledging Zoro's strength and capability of doing it, something that they never do, and when they do it's not in front of each other, which also shows the amount of trust they need to have on each other in a way or another

Even if it ended like this (although this could come back in the future, somehow)
Zoro : Master swordsman
Sanji : Cook
In a fight: Zoro wins

Who is Luffys partner/vice captain/whatever you want to call it: Zoro

Who has command in the day to day pirating:
1 Luffy
2 Zoro
3 Sanji*

* Jinbei is actually more respected at the moment than Sanji by captain, crew and outsiders. But it will end up being Sanji. At the moment it's clear Jinbeis level headedness, experience and power is seen as superior to Sanji.

Not in one moment has the same hierarchy battle applied between Zoro/Jinbei, all of the crew are clear on Zoros undisputed position as #2 even though Sanji does his utmost to rival him. Luffy is of course undisputed #1 and if he fails to stay undisputed then Zoro leaves the crew like he threatened in Water 7.
Who has command in the day to day pirating:
1 Luffy
2 Zoro
3 Sanji*
Zoro doesn't have more command than Sanji, actually the opposite, Oda showcases Sanji's leadership skills quite a lot. When the matter is giving orders to crewmembers when the situation asks for, they don't do it to each other, but act individually
Jinbei is actually more respected at the moment than Sanji by captain, crew and outsiders.
Not even Jinbe agrees with that

Dude treated Luffy and Sanji as the main bosses in WCI

Literally offered himself to help Luffy and Sanji reach the rooftop. When Sanji heard Black Maria's subbordinate being supposedly harassed, Jinbe straight up thought that Sanji felt a strong enemy and just went to deal with it.

Zoro and Sanji's bounties are literal gags with their birthday dates

Why is everyone desperatly asking Sanji to go help Zoro and Brook in the latest chapter?

By outsiders, maybe, cuz he was a Shichibukai and known by other reasons as well. In that case only Luffy can compare to him most likely

Nah u must be kidding with these takes
all of the crew are clear on Zoros undisputed position as #2
Im not so sure about that buddy, it's actually the opposite. They either wank the Monster Trio or Zoro and Sanji, individually or together.

Nami and Chopper literally called Sanji the Captain, gave a name to "Sanji's crew" and stuff

and if he fails to stay undisputed then Zoro leaves the crew like he threatened in Water 7.
Zoro potentially leaving the crew has nothing to do with "staying undisputed", but with how serious Luffy takes the Captain role, and we can't even assume that Zoro still has that same opinion

Bruh what manga are you reading
In a fight: Zoro wins

Who is Luffys partner/vice captain/whatever you want to call it: Zoro

Who has command in the day to day pirating:
1 Luffy
2 Zoro
3 Sanji*

* Jinbei is actually more respected at the moment than Sanji by captain, crew and outsiders. But it will end up being Sanji. At the moment it's clear Jinbeis level headedness, experience and power is seen as superior to Sanji.

Not in one moment has the same hierarchy battle applied between Zoro/Jinbei, all of the crew are clear on Zoros undisputed position as #2 even though Sanji does his utmost to rival him. Luffy is of course undisputed #1 and if he fails to stay undisputed then Zoro leaves the crew like he threatened in Water 7.
No the only one who believe that is you because u cant read a children story, dont try to make ur deluded opinion a fact :suresure::milaugh::gokulaugh: