Chapter Discussion Dissecting Chapter 1031 Color Spread and the PK's Wings

That’s not really how colourspreads work.

Shonen Jump as a magazine has 3/4 colourspreads every week, they’ll tell the authors when they want them. The colourspreads will already have been drawn in advance. They might try to matchup the colourspread to events in the manga but they won’t always succeed.

Oda will have worked on the Zoro one, completed it, moved on to the next one and at some point later the editors will have said ”we need one from Oda this week” and Oda will hand over the already completed Zoro one regardless of what the chapter covers.

If anything Oda would have been hoping to put it into one of the Zoro vs King chapters but just didn’t manage it.

The same thing happened in Zou. Chapter 821‘s coverspread was this

But the Sanji retrieval team didn’t form until the next chapter, and Carrot didn’t appear until 823.
Wings Statement is neither about Power Levels nor the relationship between Zoro & Sanji
You people only focus on comparing them Two but never focus on the whole reason "Wings" Word was used
Wings of who? It's Luffy ofc

An Unbiased Analysis should focus on Luffy to understand what Wings mean, not Zoro & Sanji
Oda is telling you that Luffy needs both Zoro & Sanji to fulfill something
And it's not to become Pirate King, cuz the Entire Crew will be responsible for helping Luffy reach such Title

It's for his Second Dream! In other words, it's a Foreshadowing, that "After" Luffy reaches Laugh Tale, his Secret Dream will be fulfilled thanks to Zoro & Sanji

Now let me ask you, what's the Moment in entire Manga that is only Exclusive to Zoro & Sanji where rest of Crew were Absent?!
It's obviously "Nothing Happened" Moment

That Moment happened "After" Luffy brought back The Dawn (People can survive the Sun) & defeated Moria
(Who was literally the Crew's Final Villain from Pre-TS)

So there is a Foreshadowing that "After" Luffy becomes Pirate King & defeats Final Villain
Something will prevent Luffy from fulfilling his Secret Dream (Which Luffy admitted must happen after he becomes Pirate King & he ain't sure if it's even possible, hinting that Luffy will still need some Help then)

That's where the Wings Statement becomes more clear, as Zoro & Sanji are the ones who will fulfill Luffy's Secret Dream
Now if you go check their Fights against King & Queen, how did they End?
Sanji Unlocked Stronger Flames while Zoro declared himself King of Hell & then encountered a Shinigami

The idea is very simple, throughout the entire Story, Sanji is being built to handle as Much Heat as possible, while Zoro is being built to handle Death itself, in other words, what stands in the way of Luffy fulfilling his End Dream are Extreme Deadly Heat & Death itself

Since Luffy will be Powerless at that moment (After defeating Final Villain), someone must take him to where he needs to go & another person must protect him from Death, this is why both Zoro & Sanji are portrayed as Luffy's Right Hand Men & Wings

Cuz at the end, Sanji is the Man who can carry Luffy & Fly as if he is his Wings, while Zoro is the Man who can even defend against Death!
Why? Because Sanji is on the Path of reaching Biggest Heat Resistance, while Zoro will Unlock a Black Blade

Black Blades are Special cuz they are the only ones that can "Hurt or Touch" Death itself (Oda even spoiled us who this Character is when he said that a Man with Eye-Patch will appear at the very end of One Piece). While Sanji is the only one who can resist coming close to the Sun's Surface

In other words, the method to save the World which happens to be also Luffy's Dream & what the Straw Hat symbolizes & it represents the Ultimate Form of Freedom as it means going to a place that "No One" ever reached, is none other than Luffy being taken to the Sun!

Sanji will carry Luffy & take him to the Sun, while Zoro prevents "Final Mysterious Figure" from stopping them
And during this moment, Zoro will finally call Sanji by his Name as they say Goodbye, and it will be Final Death in One Piece & it's Biggest
(Sanji's Kindness will indeed be his End & he will be remembered as a Legendary Hero & The boy who flew too close to the Sun)
While Zoro will be seen as Strongest Warrior who was able to fend off Death itself

If someone asks, tell them "Nothing Happened"
Zoro doesn't have more command than Sanji, actually the opposite, Oda showcases Sanji's leadership skills quite a lot. When the matter is giving orders to crewmembers when the situation asks for, they don't do it to each other, but act individually

Not even Jinbe agrees with that

Dude treated Luffy and Sanji as the main bosses in WCI

Literally offered himself to help Luffy and Sanji reach the rooftop. When Sanji heard Black Maria's subbordinate being supposedly harassed, Jinbe straight up thought that Sanji felt a strong enemy and just went to deal with it.

Zoro and Sanji's bounties are literal gags with their birthday dates

Why is everyone desperatly asking Sanji to go help Zoro and Brook in the latest chapter?

By outsiders, maybe, cuz he was a Shichibukai and known by other reasons as well. In that case only Luffy can compare to him most likely

Nah u must be kidding with these takes

Im not so sure about that buddy, it's actually the opposite. They either wank the Monster Trio or Zoro and Sanji, individually or together.

Nami and Chopper literally called Sanji the Captain, gave a name to "Sanji's crew" and stuff

Zoro potentially leaving the crew has nothing to do with "staying undisputed", but with how serious Luffy takes the Captain role, and we can't even assume that Zoro still has that same opinion

Bruh what manga are you reading
No the only one who believe that is you because u cant read a children story, dont try to make ur deluded opinion a fact :suresure::milaugh::gokulaugh:
Well that sure rubbed some people wrong.
The difference is that it doesn't have that meaning for Zoro at all

And "Vice Captain" is treated as an actual role
"First mate" has one meaning whether it's for Zoro, Rayleigh or whoever, and that meaning is "first subordinate in hirearchy". I don't recall any time Zoro has been referred as the "first mate" in a way it holds semantic distinctiveness.

"Vice captain" is the same as "first mate", hence why Rayleigh, Beckman and such are referred as "first mates" as their roles in their crew. Zoro is the combatant who happened to be the first to join Luffy, that's all.
"First mate" has one meaning whether it's for Zoro, Rayleigh or whoever, and that meaning is "first subordinate in hirearchy". I don't recall any time Zoro has been referred as the "first mate" in a way it holds semantic distinctiveness.

"Vice captain" is the same as "first mate", hence why Rayleigh, Beckman and such are referred as "first mates" as their roles in their crew. Zoro is the combatant who happened to be the first to join Luffy, that's all.