Powers & Abilities Does Ulti have Conquerers Haki?

If we are going to assume that Yamato is a conquerer because of the black lightning from her clash with Kaido in the latest chapter, can we then assume Ulti is a conquerer as well based off of her clash with Luffy?

Maybe I’m just differentiating between regular haki and CoC haki clash wrong, but the black lightning here is exactly like the one at the end of the latest chapter with Kaido and Yamato. Is Ulti a CoC user or not? Also are we jumping the gun on calling Yamato a CoC user?
Yeah, I'm sure Ulti does have it but she might not know it/be able to handle it yet. She should be 17-20 years old and is obviously a prodigy like Dellinger in Doffys crew and how Ace was viewed in WBs crew or Sabo in RA - people who will be top commanders or even future captains.
Kaido: "we don't need anymore conquerors"
Makes you think kaido's statement he probably doesn't have alot of conquerors in his crew and likes to stay dominant maybe that also why king may likely not have it either but then again I might be wrong.
I also interpret Kaidos line on conquers in his crew like that as well. But on the other hand what if he said that because his crew already has too much conquers?