More than his favourite characters (Gaimon seems to be Oda's favourite character lol), these are the characters that he favors the most, always giving them hype and showing in a good light giving them badass scenes, massive power ups, and impressive showings of their might.
Oda seems that he just can't stop to wank these guys.
The characters below, well most of times get bad portrayal and feats even when they actually are put in a good light. Oda seems to enjoy making them look bad even in moments when they have to shine: he makes them shine, but also makes them seems worthless compared to others, even to their supposed peers or even actual peers, sometimes.
Do you agree?
Also, what are your favourite characters in the series? Make a list of the ones you like and the ones you don't like, if you feel.
@Finalbeta @T.D.A @Zowo @yorosenpai @ConquistadoR @Fenaker @The White Crane @kumae @Geo @Sentinel @Orojackson Refugee @Peroroncino @Redboy776 @Rekien @Sword God Ryuma @nik87 @Manos. AsuraZoro @bennbeckman @mly90 @Akagami Law @style @Sanji D Goat @Marimo_420 @Shishi @Geo @Money D Malio
More than his favourite characters (Gaimon seems to be Oda's favourite character lol), these are the characters that he favors the most, always giving them hype and showing in a good light giving them badass scenes, massive power ups, and impressive showings of their might.
Oda seems that he just can't stop to wank these guys.
The characters below, well most of times get bad portrayal and feats even when they actually are put in a good light. Oda seems to enjoy making them look bad even in moments when they have to shine: he makes them shine, but also makes them seems worthless compared to others, even to their supposed peers or even actual peers, sometimes.
Do you agree?
Also, what are your favourite characters in the series? Make a list of the ones you like and the ones you don't like, if you feel.
@Finalbeta @T.D.A @Zowo @yorosenpai @ConquistadoR @Fenaker @The White Crane @kumae @Geo @Sentinel @Orojackson Refugee @Peroroncino @Redboy776 @Rekien @Sword God Ryuma @nik87 @Manos. AsuraZoro @bennbeckman @mly90 @Akagami Law @style @Sanji D Goat @Marimo_420 @Shishi @Geo @Money D Malio