Powers & Abilities Elemental Race abilities

Elemental Race powers

I’ve had this theory for a while that Oda is assigning Elemental abilities to certain Races.

- Fishman- Fishman karate, Water
- Minks- Electro, electricity
- Giants- Elbaf Spear, Wind
- Tontatta- Plant growth, Earth
- King’s race - fire

What’s interesting is that Oda has maintained that other people can learn and use these abilities despite not being from the races

- Koala and Robin learned Fishman Karate
- Big mom learned Elbaf Spear
- Mont Bloc Nolan learned the Botany techniques of the Tontatta
- A whole host of people can Summon fire similar to King

There’s vague allusions to Luffy using an attack called “Thor” that summons lightning similar to Electro but this is the one element no one outside the Minks has manifested. But given the pattern above, it might be possible to learn it afterall.


Zoro Worshipper
Yes Yamato can also use elementary attacks IIRC and it would be interesting to figure her race.

Luffy can use fire too and it's unlikely it's all thanks to his DF if he can afford it since fire is generated so casually it doesn't look like so much friction is applied.

I think it's very likely that characters can learn elementary attacks despite not being constituting part of a specific race.
Fishman Karate is just a form, neither Koala or Robin are manipulating water.

Elbaf Spear is no different from swordsman making their slashes fly, lol at trying to imply they are controlling wind.

Idk who that is and I don’t care. Also plants aren’t earth… That’s a no brainer.

A whole host of people use friction or devil fruits clearly. Lucci flicked his fur so hard it ignited. Luffy punched so hard it ignited. Mera Mera no Mi, Heat Heat no Mi…

Sanji has fire because of his latent Germa powers expressing themselves.