Character Discussion Eustass 'Captain' Kid - Keep on rollin'

I think the Kid pirates were legitimately destroyed in elbaf.
I think:
  • Most of the crew died
  • Kid lost his legs
  • Killer lost his arms
  • Heat lost his jaw and possibly some limbs

Much as he did with the arm Beckman took, Kid will use his DF to rebuild himself and his crew from the ground up.

He will replace his legs with engines that shoot out immense amounts of electromagnetic energy, similar to damned punk. This will allow him to fly at high speeds.

Killer gets new cybernetic arms that are able to hold much larger spinning blades.

Heat’s new jaw stores flammable liquid in it, amplifying his fire breath and making it much stronger.

The rest of the crew is replaced by robots created by Kid’s fruit.
Ngl my guess is that the Kidd pirates get picked up by some giants. Maybe out of obligation for beating Big Mom, or maybe there is some sort of internal war that Shanks is mediating and Kidd could sway. If this does happen and Kidd gets a glow up in Elbaf I'd be pretty happy with the handling of his character.

He brutally stomped his way through the blues and paradise like a blood thirsty Luffy who stopped giving a shit after recruiting Zoro. He got backstabbed by some rats and an became an Emperors punching bag for several arcs that Luffy spent pushing Doffy/BMs shit in. He didn't break though and along with Law was able to beat Big Mom effectively putting them roughly at Luffy's power level after Katakuri. They didn't fully beat Big Mom though so he has room for upwards mobility without reaching into PK tier too.

Bepo is en route to Elbaf. Law's crew of childhood friends have been kidnapped, and just like Luffy/Kidd his logpose is locked to Winner Island and can navigate to Elbaf or Egghead. Egghead seems like the natural choice, but the siege on Egghead has a lot of coverage and he's not in fighting condition. Kidd would be the only other quasi-ally he has, and he might know that Luffy and Shanks are on good terms and might be willing to give them safe harbor. News of Kidds defeat probably hasn't gotten far yet too.
Shanks definitely used his whole power & stamina & haki to smash Kidd. I suspect he's the kind of swordsman who gives it all to reach the kill instantly. Otherwise he wouldn't have asked Dorry and Broggy to sink their ship. He would have done it on his own :pepecopium:

Or maybe it was just a cool cooperation between him and his giant friends :pepelit:
kidd's birthday is january 10. i think maybe oda will bring him back around that time.

we just need to be patient :shocking:
I don’t think Oda cares about the birthdays. Zoro fans said the same thing about Zoro’s bday and I’m pretty sure nothing happened that week.

I think Oda will give updates about the status of Kid and Law at the end of egghead. Kinda like how we learned about what happened to Sabo post wano.

Gorosei Informer

37 shadows Moria > Mid
Its amazing how you guys always manage to lower the bar than even thought possible and come up with far worse takes than before.

I think scientists and psychologists legit need to investigate this, its genuinely unhinged lol.

I shouldnt entertain such bad takes and obvious trolling but you guys legit worry me at this point.
Its amazing how you guys always manage to lower the bar than even thought possible and come up with far worse takes than before.

I think scientists and psychologists legit need to investigate this, its genuinely unhinged lol.

I shouldnt entertain such bad takes and obvious trolling but you guys legit worry me at this point.

I'm one of the few people around here that gives him some respect.

Its been a long time since i shit posted against Kid let me have some fun :josad: