Powers & Abilities Gaban will neg G4 Luffy first

Only person to neg G4 was Kaido at Kuri
The other one to bully g4 left and right was Katakuri before luffy got fs

Kizaru didn't do anything despite his last kick. No damage done offscreen or onscreen. He didn't dominate

Gaban might fight adcoc-adcos g4 and lose
But this battle won't be serious
I just hope luffy uses CoC
I think overwhelming a Luffy who stays in base for the most part, but is using G4 partially could work (or just Boundman which is fine) then have Luffy swap to G5 when he gets pressured and realizes Gaban is the real deal. G5 Luffy vs Gaban should be interesting, Gaban will get his hype, maybe display Future Sight and Conqueror's haki to make up for lowered stats compared to his prime, but Luffy will impress and get the key.
Since the chain that locked up Loki is a sea stone chains, the key is likely made of sea stone too.
Luffy would have a hard time if that's the case.
Egghead has utterly destroyed everyone's powerscale, this is insane.

The only way any character alive in One Piece is low/neg-diffing G4 Luffy is if Luffy doesn't use ACoC.

Luffy is a sky-splitter. He stands alongside old Whitebeard, Big Mom, Shanks and Kaido. Don't let Egghead's foolishness distract you.

Luffy did not use ACoC vs Kizaru until White Star Gun. Luffy is not a top-tier unless he is using G5 or ACoC. ACoC-less G4 Luffy is high YC1, around the same level as King - that is the version of G4 Luffy that Kizaru beat. We already know that without ACoC, Luffy is below Yamato who isn't even top-tier herself, she's an inbetweener.

ACoC is defined as the power of the strongest. It is an unbelievable power-up that simultaneously takes one's offense and defense to ridiculous levels. Luffy has it to a sky-splitter's degree - if he is not using ACoC outside of G5, he is not a top-tier; it is that simple. Kizaru basically fought post-Udon Luffy and people went crazy.

No character alive bar Imu/Gorosei is beating G4 ACoC Luffy any less than mid/high-diff, and the only ones who could go as easy as mid-diff are high top-tiers themselves, which Kizaru isn't.

And if Luffy decides to use ACoC against Scopper, then Gaban doesn't make it past chapter 1140.
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Egghead has utterly destroyed everyone's powerscale, this is insane.

The only way any character alive in One Piece is low/neg-diffing G4 Luffy is if Luffy doesn't use ACoC.

Luffy is a sky-splitter. He stands alongside old Whitebeard, Big Mom, Shanks and Kaido. Don't let Egghead's foolishness distract you.

Luffy did not use ACoC vs Kizaru until White Star Gun. Luffy is not a top-tier unless he is using G5 or ACoC. ACoC-less G4 Luffy is high YC1, around the same level as King - that is the version of G4 Luffy that Kizaru beat. We already know that without ACoC, Luffy is below Yamato who isn't even top-tier herself, she's an inbetweener.

ACoC is defined as the power of the strongest. It is an unbelievable power-up that simultaneously takes one's offense and defense to ridiculous levels. Luffy has it to a sky-splitter's degree - if he is not using ACoC outside of G5, he is not a top-tier; it is that simple. Kizaru basically fought post-Udon Luffy and people went crazy.

No character alive bar Imu/Gorosei is beating G4 ACoC Luffy any less than mid/high-diff, and the only ones who could go as easy as mid-diff are high top-tiers themselves, which Kizaru isn't.

And if Luffy decides to use ACoC against Scopper, then Gaban doesn't make it past chapter 1140.
This doesn't make sense to me, kizaru literally stated that he could see that was the man who defeated Kaido. How does that make sense if Luffy wasnt using coc? I think Oda just changed his art style.
I think Luffy doesn't have full control of the ACoC yet. It's not yet a skill he can use easily and without problems... that's why he didn't use it often after the fight with Kaido.
With Kaido he fought for his life and pushed himself beyond his current limit.
he is even closer to Kizaru's level than Kaido's. It wouldn't make sense if he didn't use 100% against Kizaru, risking his nakama being killed, which actually happened to Vegapunk.
This doesn't make sense to me, kizaru literally stated that he could see that was the man who defeated Kaido. How does that make sense if Luffy wasnt using coc? I think Oda just changed his art style.
Kizaru acknowledging Luffy as ‘the man who defeated Kaido’ isn’t proof that Luffy was using ACoC against him. Recognition and experience are two separate things. Kizaru is simply acknowledging Luffy’s status, not saying he was fighting a Kaido-level Luffy in that moment.

Case in point: do you believe that Kaido would be overwhelmed so easily by Kizaru?

If your answer is no, then interpreting Kizaru's statement as him saying this is literally the power that defeated Kaido doesn't make sense because it's not a power that could defeat Kaido in the first place.

A character can simply recognise someone's strength - after one punch from post-Udon Luffy, Kaido started comparing Luffy to every top-tier who ever gave him an ass whooping. Doesn't mean he was anywhere near them, it just means Kaido could acknowledge his strength.

Furthermore, the art style for ACoC has not changed. It's still the same thick black lightning upon impact, as we saw Zoro's black lightning when he struck Lucci or clashed with Venus, yet no such thick black lightning was shown when he clashed with Kaku or struck S-Hawk.