Powers & Abilities Gear 5th is in our doorstep | Did Luffy master gear 4th?

Hey everybody, I haven't made a thread here for quite some time (I guess it's coz I couldn't enjoy the writing in Wano lately) but the lost chapter sparked a little hope, a very fragile hope in my heart that Oda might've woke up and realized that he should change things and the recent change of editor is a good sign, a very good sign. So, now I wanna share my thoughts about gear 5th and gear 4th that occured in my head after reading the latest chapter so, let's get into it.

Did Luffy mastered gear 4th?
Previously gear 4th was the last reserve, samthing that Luffy would use only if he had no other choice but to use it, even against Big Mom and Kaido Luffy didn't use gear 4th at the beginning but only when he felt that there is no other option and the reason behind it, is because gear 4th has a massive drawback so, Luffy uses it when he has a chance to finish the fight quickly or if the aponnent is so strong that he has to, but, recently Luffy is using it irresponsibly, he's using it in cases when he shouldn't use it especially when he has to fight against Kaido like for example here

At first I made the mistake thinking that Oda fu'ked things up again, but with recent chapter I changed my mind. First, if we look at the panel we can see that Law is using regular room and Kid uses an unknown thecnique that I'm pretty sure isn't his strongest and even if it is I don't think it has a drawback unlike gear 4th. Gear 4th makes Luffy weak, it uses Luffy's stamina and this is why Luffy can't use it before the final fight but it was one example so I didn't pay too much attention to it.

But in fight against Ulti Luffy was ready to use it (ok, listen guys, this is not about Ulti or her power level so please don't tell me how strong she is) regardless how strong Ulti is Luffy could've easily finish her whiteout gear 4th, usually Luffy would take the damage in this scenario instead of using gear 4th since gear 4th would be more harmful for Luffy than a punch from someone weaker than Luffy, against whom he can use CoA in order to minimse the damage given by Ulti, but instead of that Luffy decides to use Gear 4th (as if it was gear 2th/3th) which makes me believe that Luffy might have mastered gear 4th since Luffy learned advanced CoA which should have impacted on Luffy's gear 4th

The core of gear 4th is haki and because of that people have been theorizing/speculating that if Luffy learns advanced CoA he would be able to use gear 4th whiteout time limit and as we can see Luffy is indeed using gear 4th more often after learning advanced CoA and as we know after mastering the previous gear Oda introduces the new one.

Gear 5th is in our doorstep.
If Luffy mastered gear 4th (and it's seems he has) then, that would mean that gear 5th is coming and Wano is the best arc to introduce it since Luffy is going against Yonko and Luffy needs new gear since gear 4th is Fodder level compared to Yonko. The gap between Luffy's gears is Big for example, compere gear 2th to 3th or gear 3th to gear 4th with every gear Luffy jumps into a new tier, with gear 5th Luffy will jump into a fully top tier and will become Yonko level but that power will come with heavy price since Luffy's gears always have a drawback and after Wano Luffy will try to master his new gear. It has been speculated that samthing big should happen in chapter 1000th, since there's no way that Kaido is getting defeated in chapter 1000th then I'd say that Oda will introduce gear 5th in chapter 1000th, I can already see how in the last page of chapter 1000th Luffy says "gear 5th" and break next week. πŸ˜‚

@Finalbeta @Jo_Ndule @Bogard @Bullet @silverfire @critical mindset
@Monster trio @MonsterZoro @Zoro D Goat @Sakura no Hiluluk @Sakura no Hiluluk @Sadistic Senpai @SaintBellkin @KINGKONGGUN15 @Fenaker @Jew D. Boy
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He doesn't really need that, a better control of CoA and Awakening is more than enough (not to take down Kaido...he can even unlock gear 6 and still not be able to take on Kaido 1v1) but it will be more "balanced" than "oh yea I had another gear all this time" o I just thought at this last day and now I'm 20x stronger
He doesn't really need that, a better control of CoA and Awakening is more than enough (not to take down Kaido...he can even unlock gear 6 and still not be able to take on Kaido 1v1) but it will be more "balanced" than "oh yea I had another gear all this time" o I just thought at this last day and now I'm 20x stronger
The mysterie of 6 months still remains, Rayleigh trained Luffy for 18 months and left him there alone for six months, all this time we saw only the resolt of training with Rayleigh, but what about those 6 months? When Sanji asked Rayleigh how strong Luffy has become Rayleigh said "I don't know, I haven't seen him for half a year" also back in pre timskip Luffy unlocked two gears at the same time while post timskip only 1.
He'll have something new for the Kaido fight. Whether it's a new G4 form or G5 is up in the air.

But yeah, him casually using it against fodder, saying he would use it against Ulti, the fact we've seen it beaten twice, the length of time it's been in the series- time for something new.

But I hope to see more of Tankman before we get to the new stuff.
Oh, you'll see it a lot even after gear 5th since Luffy is not going to use gear 5th against everyone.
Haki is finite, so by definition he will never be able to use that form for an unlimited amount of time.

But I think you're right by saying he mastered it since I believe he can switch to that form without as much as drawbacks than in the previous arcs where he used it.

So he can pretty much finish most of his fights against strong opponents in a few hits without being as tired as before.


When were you under the impression this game is..
The mysterie of 6 months still remains, Rayleigh trained Luffy for 18 months and left him there alone for six months, all this time we saw only the resolt of training with Rayleigh, but what about those 6 months? When Sanji asked Rayleigh how strong Luffy has become Rayleigh said "I don't know, I haven't seen him for half a year" also back in pre timskip Luffy unlocked two gears at the same time while post timskip only 1.
Luffy did not have g5 up his sleeve all this time mate, he was in a life or death situation against kat, was going all out against an emperor whom he thought murdered his friends. If he had it, he wouldve used it in those 2 scenarios.

I do not thinks luffy has g5, what i think is that luffy mastered his g4 and can now use it at will without any drawback(ie no more time limit) and its haki drain is less so than before due to his training.