Hating a person wont change what he says.
He quoted verses from the Holy Quran and Hindu's religious book (Geeta?).
It shows even bigger problem; People reject positive message of Islam and focus on negativity spewed by extremists (who push their own agenda, either they are being paid or just straight up dumb).
Zakir naik is just a joke
I do advocate for it. I think it's a healthier lifestyle that doesn't restrict what you want to eat or drink.
You could also argue that absolute freedom which borders on anarchy is unhealthy for the human condition. Unbridled consumption is also not good for the person.

I think we should respect people's religious beliefs, but not bend to them. Which is why, if religious symbols are banned in all French schools, I disagree with Muslims being allowed to wear their hijab, etc, as it is contrary to the rules that have been set.

I think there is a place in this world for many different beliefs. There are many spiritualists that are peaceful and harmonious with the world around them.

In fact, I've known many religious people who are incredibly wise individuals with an incredibly high EQ.
You could also argue that absolute freedom which borders on anarchy is unhealthy for the human condition. Unbridled consumption is also not good for the person.

I think we should respect people's religious beliefs, but not bend to them. Which is why, if religious symbols are banned in all French schools, I disagree with Muslims being allowed to wear their hijab, etc, as it is contrary to the rules that have been set.

I think there is a place in this world for many different beliefs. There are many spiritualists that are peaceful and harmonious with the world around them.

In fact, I've known many religious people who are incredibly wise individuals with an incredibly high EQ.
I support religious freedom. You do whatever you want as long as you're not hurting anybody else. Doesn't mean I don't find it silly. Atheism doesn't advocate for absolute freedom or anarchy (I don't know if that's what you think it is) instead it bases its morality on the most basic concept of all time. Do whatever you want as long as it doesn't hurt anybody else. Of course there are caveats and grey areas, but I think a lot of people, even those who are religious practitioners, understand that all the magic and wonder that is preached in their creed is probably not real and most likely metaphorical.
Wow, that took a turn. The fact that you feel like you can say that shit to me when all you do is fan the flames of toxic discourse just for the sake of your own entertainment is hilarious to me. I say what I say because I actually get frustrated and angry, not for a fleeting moment of satisfaction.
Hate to say this bro, but Maynard is actually incredibly consistent in his views even if he does lean towards being a bit of an inciter.
Did I ever call you a troll/toxic when you disagreed with me on a topic I was very emotional about? ...No.
Reported for racist hate speech
How is it racist? They were scammers. They sold him tap water claiming it was holy. You're such a hypocrite. You'll be out here being racist and anti semetic against Muslims in india but as soon as I mention you're a snake oil salesman and that I've encountered indian scammers before you clutch your pearls and decry racism. Maidenless behavior. I'm literally married to a half indian woman.
Post automatically merged:

Hate to say this bro, but Maynard is actually incredibly consistent in his views even if he does lean towards being a bit of an inciter.
Did I ever call you a troll/toxic when you disagreed with me on a topic I was very emotional about? ...No.
You're new aren't you? Just to make things clear, I like solis. But that doesn't change the fact that they have done it from time to time in here.
I support religious freedom. You do whatever you want as long as you're not hurting anybody else. Doesn't mean I don't find it silly. Atheism doesn't advocate for absolute freedom or anarchy (I don't know if that's what you think it is) instead it bases its morality on the most basic concept of all time. Do whatever you want as long as it doesn't hurt anybody else. Of course there are caveats and grey areas, but I think a lot of people, even those who are religious practitioners, understand that all the magic and wonder that is preached in their creed is probably not real and most likely metaphorical.
I was not saying atheism advocates for freedom and anarchy. Atheism isn't even a real belief system, it's the absence of a religion belief system.
The issue is, mocking people's religion does hurt other people. You're actively going against what you espouse you believe, which is kind of odd.
Furthermore, many religions can help people contextualise reality around them in a way that is more manageable for them, which builds a community of like-minded individuals. Sure, I don't necessarily agree with any religion, but being 'right' isn't really what's important all the time. Sometimes it is about what 'works' rather than what is right. And for some, religious spirituality assists them. All the power to them, I say.
How is it racist? They were scammers. They sold him tap water claiming it was holy. You're such a hypocrite. You'll be out here being racist and anti semetic against Muslims in india but as soon as I mention you're a snake oil salesman and that I've encountered indian scammers before you clutch your pearls and decry racism. Maidenless behavior. I'm literally married to a half indian woman.
You are the one hurling insults though I was just voicing my opinions and offering to help. You are insecure deep down that you may shatter your world view and lose your sanity that makes you act like this.
I was not saying atheism advocates for freedom and anarchy. Atheism isn't even a real belief system, it's the absence of a religion belief system.
The issue is, mocking people's religion does hurt other people. You're actively going against what you espouse you believe, which is kind of odd.
Furthermore, many religions can help people contextualise reality around them in a way that is more manageable for them, which builds a community of like-minded individuals. Sure, I don't necessarily agree with any religion, but being 'right' isn't really what's important all the time. Sometimes it is about what 'works' rather than what is right. And for some, religious spirituality assists them. All the power to them, I say.
How am I going against what i espouse? I support your right to congregate and practice anything you want. I just think religion is silly, which is my personal opinion. You can think it's disrespectful if you want, but I'm not contradicting myself.
You're new aren't you? Just to make things clear, I like solis. But that doesn't change the fact that they have done it from time to time in here.
Not as new as you might think, lol. He's pretty consistent if you read between the lines. From my basic interpretation, he appears pretty moderate -- except when it involves corporatism.