Great Generals Tournament, Losers R1 - Round 4

Who Wins?

  • Total voters

Lee Ba Shou

Conqueror of the Stars
Wait huh? What? What's Happening??
So, essentially what happened is this:

Kan Mei was featured in Round 1 of this Tournament where he was defeated by Ou Sen. However, due to Round 1 of the Tournament having unspecified rules that made some voters confused, Kan Mei was thrown back into the tournament later on to give him a fair shot. What this means is that there were two generals in Pools who actually faced Kan Mei (Ou Sen and Rin Shou Jou).

This means that Kan Mei was supposed to have been featured in this round, however, Kan Mei has already had his bout in Losers against Gai Mou. So rather than have Kan Mei fight in 2 separate versus matchups, I thought it more wise to throw in a brand new General.

Since Kei Sha never held the official rank of Great General for Zhao, and since unlike Kan Ki or Ou Sen he's never been outright stated to be GG level, only the "closest to the rank", we'll essentially count that as his first L and say that if he loses here, he's eliminated. However, Kei Sha, like anyone else, could still win the entire tournament if he gets the votes lol.

So yes. Here we are.

-Some of the Generals featured in this tournament have only hype and no feats, so just vote based on who you think would win based on whatever reasoning you feel!
-You MUST vote in the poll for your vote to count!
-Discussion is of course encouraged but keep it civil. Feel free to try and persuade each other why the General you feel is stronger overall would win.
-Every General in the Losers Bracket still has a legitimate shot at winning the entire tournament. However, if you lose a round in the losers bracket, you are out of the tournament.

Loser of this round is Eliminated

Round 1 - Losers R4

Ka Rin

-Chu General: Ka Rin has a Chu Army of 120,000 (Including her Elephant Battalion that she used during the Battle for Kankoku Pass)
-Subordinates Generals/Commanders:
Kou Yoku
Haku Rei
Ka En


Kei Sha

-Kei Sha has a Zhao Army of 100,000 including his personal "checkered" Cavalry Unit
-Subordinate Generals/Commanders:
Gaku Ei
Kin Mou
Ki Sui, Ba Tei, Ryuu Tou

Location: Bayou Outskirts
Scenario: Kei Sha begins on the Zhao Side. Ka Rin begins on the Qin side.
War to slay the opposing commander or force them to surrender by any means necessary. Literally any strategy or lack-there-of is allowed. If you think one of the Generals would permanently retreat, count that as a loss for that General.

Who Wins and Why?
@Hiragaro @Yo Tan Wa
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Karin takes this as she is far much better strategist and leader in comparison to Keisha even though later one has instinctual advantage.

While even with commanders/subordinates, Karin is better.