Character Discussion Great pirate successors

Rocks pirates disbanded leading newgate, linlin, kaido, shiki, and probably some others to eventually create their own crews and become legends in their own rights

Roger pirates disbanded leading to shanks and buggy creating their own crews to become legends in their own rights

Whitebeard pirates disbanded leading to honestly nothing really positive lol. Teach created his own crew becoming a legend but in the worst way possible. Marco tried to keep the whitebeard pirates alive and failed
  • Ace who had the most potential to make something out of himself was killed

Big mom and beast pirates disband leading to ??? I wonder if any new and strong crews will come out of the fall of both?
If it goes the marco route where they just try and keep the crews alive without the captain i don't see them really succeeding much.

Out of the big mom pirates i think surprisingly enough katakuri, perospero, and smoothie have the most potential to start their own groups not necessarily a part of the big mom pirates. Maybe it could be one of the current children instead

Out of the beast pirates i think surprisingly enough yamato if he doesn't join the strawhats, ulti if she doesn't join kid or law, and weirdly enough jack has the most potential to set out on their own. Queen might reunite with mads and king might follow idk

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
BMP gonna be Luffy's underlings.
BP are bunch of losers and they either get killed/sent to Impel Down or also become Luffy's underlings.
All the ways lead to Goofy
The Beast and BM pirates will not have any successors. The reason is because the ones who made a name for themselves after disbanding had ambition (except WB). Shanks and Buggy were too young to have their ambitions set out like the rest. Teach always had something in mind. The Rocks was a group of conquerors already. Only Kata has been shown to have CoC (the one who could have ambition) but the guy is older than Mihawk and Shanks and lives with his Mama, even Chiffon had more balls than that guy. Kata is waiting for Luffy to come and dethrone BM and free Kata. I think one of the Tobi Roppo might have been able to make a name but they have been underwhelming for me.