General & Others Heaven vs hell


Heaven and hell is clearly a very important and prominent theme oda has been setting up

The gorosei who are seen as gods in heaven looking more like demons straight from hell

The celestial dragons supposedly representing gods and the people of D demons
Doflamingo was even called the heavenly demon

The angelic lunarian and demonic oni that might have ties to the ancient weapons Uranus and Pluton

Oden’s blades enma and ame no habakiri representing heaven and hell.
Momonosuke and zoro potentially having something similar
Oden wielded 2 swords back when was alive the purple enma and white ame no habakiri

With enma getting tons of hype and focus while habakiri really doesn’t get anything. Everytime both blades are mentioned together it’s always enma getting wanked. Despite them both being the same grade and both being swords used by oden since he was young habakiri seems weak in comparison. With the blade seemingly being simple to master without any real learning curve.

Maybe instead of Ame no habakiri just being some basic blade what makes it more special is just something more passive and difficult to notice

Enma like most cursed swords are only considered cursed because they are difficult to master. They might even kill you if you aren’t strong enough to use them. Once mastered it’ll help boost your attack power and strength in different ways depending on the specific blade

What if habakiri is the opposite of enma and cursed blades in general? So instead of it being a cursed blade that boost your attack power once mastered it’d be considered more of a blessed blade that protects the user once mastered. It likely not being easy to master a blade like that either but it’s significantly less dangerous and risky than trying and failing with a cursed blade. Worse case scenario with habakiri you just fail to master its full potential. Worse case scenario with enma you just straight
Enma and habakiri representing heaven and hell, Ying and Yang, cursed and blessed, attack and protect, etc

As for how momonosuke and zoro fit into this? They obviously each have 1 of oden’s beloved blades. Zoro the purple enma and momo the white habakiri

Zoro already has a white blade with his wado ichimonji. It being the sword the sword passed down from koshiro and kuina to him. It’s also the sword he used to proclaim that he’ll fulfill his and kuina’s dream of becoming the wss. It somehow carrying kuina’s will in a way similar to enma with oden’s would be really poetic. It’d be like she really was there the whole time supporting zoro so they can become the strongest. If wado does end up being the only blade of the 3 he makes black to it’d signify even more their connection and dream
As for what his third blade would be if I don’t 100% think he’s keeping sandai and kinda do hope he gets a new blade. It being another great blade made by Kozaburo would be cool. So it’d be him starting and ending his journey with 3 of his blades. At the very least something tied to the shimotsuki and a great grade. As for what could make it special enough to replace sandai? Idk

As for momonosuke he currently has the white habakiri meaning to fit the pattern he’d need a purple blade. As for where he’d get one? There’s coincidentally another purple cursed great grade blade on wano. This one in particular even being made by his kozuki ancestors. That blade obviously being the nidai kitetsu that his grandfather is holding.
As for why he’ll use nidai or 2 sword style in general?
  1. No one else is using it and it seems like a perfect replacement for enma especially with momo being a kozuki
  2. He wants to surpass oden his dad. Plus his other father figure kinemon also uses 2 sword style

If oda goes farther into the wings dynamic + king of hell thing for zoro maybe sanji will represent heaven. If he learns that his jambe is associated with his mother maybe he’d think of it as heavenly flames instead

  • Luffy - pirate king aka king of the seas aka between heaven and hell = shirahoshi aka mermaid princess aka Poseidon aka ruler of the seas
  • Zoro - king of hell = Yamato (?) aka oni princess and potentially the one that’s gonna use pluton aka ruler of hell
  • Sanji - king of heavens/skies(?) = lunarian princess aka maybe tied to Uranus aka ruler of the heavens
  • Also and old theory I made. Tho again it’s old so…

Blackbeard represents an evil person with the will of D and shanks potentially a good person with celestial dragon blood
Them representing the lunar and solar eclipses would be really cool too. Tying their fates together and to luffy’s more

We know vivi herself has both the blood of the celestial dragons and the d and luffy might be the same. Luffy’s biological mother being a celestial dragon would be pretty poetic. Celestial dragon vs will of d, heaven vs hell, gods vs demons, the sea being in between both, might tie into shanks and Blackbeard, etc
Zoro is supposedly king of hell and ifrit means demon god ( Majin )

Both can be connected in a way or another. It isnt for one of them only
Even Robin has demon related attack, Brook represent the undead and underworld.

Ifrit represent jinn in Islam, wait, BM's son Daifuki already got that Jinn DF.

Connected doesn't mean Sanji is the KOH too, haha

Candyboys want everything Zoro has 😆😆
Zoro is supposedly king of hell and ifrit means demon god ( Majin )

Both can be connected in a way or another. It isnt for one of them only
Yeah it’d be cool if each monster trio member had something to represent both
  1. If luffy is both of d and celestial dragon blood that’s how he can represent heaven and hell. With him being perfectly balanced as the pirate king aka king of the seas
  2. Zoro has enma to represent hell and potentially wado to represent heaven. Him leaning towards hell theming more with the whole king of hell thing
  3. Sanji can maybe can be some king of the heavens/skies. If his fire powers are tied to sora in some shape or form maybe he can view it as a blessing like heavenly fire. Since he hates judge maybe you can argue he sees the exoskeleton as a curse in a way he has to control
Each potentially being tied to an ancient weapon/princess/race is also cool imo
  1. Sea: Poseidon, fishmen/merfolk, mermaid princess, king of the pirates/sea, etc
  2. Hell: Pluton, oni, oni princess, king of hell, zoro’s mom’s name is Tera, etc
  3. Heaven: Uranus, lunarian, lunarian princess, king of the heavens, sanji’s mom’s name is Sora, etc