Who receives the official MVP?

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Opening Posts


Tripple Hoyo Player

Host - @Rej
Co-host - @osieorb18
Players -
Game Type - Hybrid

The Shogun has drafted the Vanguard Party, consisting of the worst sentenced criminals the world has seen and their assigned executioners from the Yamada clan. The party has been ordered to immediately begin an expedition to the Shinsenkyo and get their hands on the Elixir of Life, which is rumored to grant one immortality. Whoever claims the Elixir of Life and brings it home will have their sentence lifted by the Shogun.

Crossing the sea to Shinsenkyo, the expedition team of the Shogun, the Vanguard Party or also known as the "Expedition Town" is readying their minds for making their big landfall on Shinsenkyo.

Players Alive -
6. @T-Pein™
10. @Fujishiro @Dr. Watson [Replaced D1]
12. @Red Night
13. @Polar Bear

Graveyard -
22. @Ultra [Zhu Jin] [Lynched D1]
16. @The Orca [Fuchi Yamada Asaemon] [Killed N1]
17. @Orwellian [Sagiri Yamada Asaemon] [Killed N1]
15. @MangoSenpai [Eizen Yamada Asaemon] [Lynched D2]
11. @Ekkologix [Choubei Aza] [Killed N2]
4. @HeWhoHasNoEqual [Nurugai] [Lynched D3]
2. @Alwaysmind [Houko] [Killed N3]
3. @MUUGEN @Flower [Replaced D1] [Touma Yamada Asaemon] [Killed N3]
19. @Indigo's Lament [Gantetsusai Tamiya] [Modkilled D4]
1. @Kiku [Genji Yamada Asaemon] [Lynched D4]
18. @Seatonnes [Senta Yamada Asaemon] [Killed N4]
14. @CakeWalker [Yuzuriha] [Lynched D5]
21. @Michelle [Shion Yamada Asaemon] [Killed N5]
20. @Luka [Kishou Yamada Asaemon] [Lynched D6]
9. @Mr. Reloaded [Tao Fa] [Killed N6]

23. @Sallucion @AL sama [Replaced D3] @Kiku (ver2) [Replaced N4] [Tenza Yamada Asaemon] [Killed N6]
7. @Naomi @Mashiro Blue [Replaced D5] [Akaginu] [Lynched D7]
5. @Hayumi @Charlie [Replaced D3] [Rokurouta] [Killed N7]

8. @Ratchet [Gabimaru] [Endgamed N7+]

@Ultra [Zhu Jin] [Lynched D1]
@Mr. Reloaded [Tao Fa] [Killed N6]
@Dr. Watson [Mu Dan] [Alive N7+]
@T-Pein™ [Ju Fa] [Alive N7+]
@Polar Bear [Rien] [Alive N7+]
@Red Night [Mei] [Alive N7+]

Write-Ups -
Game Start/Day 1 Start
Day 1 End/Night 1 Start
Night 1 End/Day 2 Start
Day 2 End/Night 2 Start
Night 2 End/Day 3 Start
Day 3 End/Night 3 Start
Night 3 End/Day 4 Start
Day 4 End/Night 4 Start
Night 4 End/Day 5 Start
Day 5 End/Night 5 Start
Night 5 End/Day 6 Start (MiLo)
Day 6 End/Night 6 Start
Night 6 End/Day 7 Start (MiLo)
Day 7 End/Night 7 Start
Night 7 End/Game End

Game Style -
  • Traditional Setup - This game will prominently feature an uninformed majority against an informed minority.
  • Closed Setup - The characters present in the game will be unknown to the players. The same can be considered for the roles.
  • Flavour Claiming banned - Players are allowed to claim their abilities including their effects and names. However they are not allowed to claim the name of the character they play. All sorts of hinting or shading will be strictly punished too.
  • Plurality Lynch + Hammer - The player with the most votes at the end of the Day phase will get lynched. No-lynch is an option. Majority is enabled. Upon hammering a wagon, the day may continue until a lynch write-up occurs, however votes can't be placed or changed after hammer.
  • Day start - This game will begin with a Day phase. Day 1 will exceptionally last 48 hours.
  • Phase length - The game is divided into cycles with each cycle consisting of 2 phases, a day phase, and a night phase. Each phase will last 24 hours, with the exception of D1.
  • Night Actions only - All role abilities will be resolved during the night with exception of abilities, mostly passives, specifically designed for the day play. A role is allowed to perform only one action per night.
  • Deadline - There will be a deadline for actions. After 23 hours officially into the night (1 hour before end of the night) I will lock the actions and start to process them. No actions afterwards will be accepted. A lynch write up will occur with a slight delay; this timewill be substracted from the available night time.
  • No Night Chat - Chatting inside the game thread during night is prohibited unless an ability causes to lift this prohibition.

Rules (Old Set) -
  • Do not, under any circumstances, reveal any information to any player regarding this game if you are no longer alive.
  • Do not quote Private Messages from me or others; paraphrase. Replacing second-person pronouns with first-person pronouns does not count as paraphrasing.
  • Do not edit your posts; double post if necessary. Typos are not that big of a deal. Continuous failure to comply will result in severe punishment, including modkills if it is abused to cheat. Take this as your only warning.
  • Vote towards a lynch by typing Vote lynch <name>, where <name> is the name of the player you are voting for. You do not need to type Unvote, or [Change] alongside a newer vote. I will always accept votes even with a wrong format as long as I see it, however, it is not my responsibility if I miss them by mistake. Failure to vote results in nothing but shame. Please do not tag me when voting or unvoting, it is unnecessary as I have to read every post already. I don't count self-votes.
  • You must post at least 5 times per day phase. Failure to comply will result in a warning and a mod-block at the first offence. A second failure will result in a forced substitution. If you think you might not be able to meet the requirement at any given phase, please let me know in advance and you will not be affected by the repercussions. Note that posts made for the sole purpose of meeting this requirement will not be considered.
  • If you believe that I have made a mistake, please address the issue with me via Private message. This goes for questions to the hosts as well, anything addressing the host should be sent through role PMs, do not tag me to respond to questions in the thread. If needed, I will make an announcement to clear up any misunderstandings. Save any other comments for after the game.

General Rule Set -
  • Three Strike Policy - Players need to guarantee a healthy game enviroment, by following the rules and tolerating their fellow players. We are here to make memories and enjoy ourselves. By signing up you agree to this very rule. Players will hereby be warned by the hosts if they break the rules or serve behaviour that is not tolerated. Upon receiving three strikes we will forcefully replace you with a new player. Note that we count individual posts for the strikes and this game will be strictly moderated to punish slurs. Rulebreaks that also break the game, for example due to a cheat or unauthorized claim, will be strictly punished with no strikes, but instant modremoval.
  • Required Posts - Players are demanded to post atleast 5 game related posts per day in the thread to enable their role and avoid a strike. Remember, this is for the sake of an active and enjoyable game. A consecutive break of this rule will lead to an instant replacement.
  • Angleshoot, OOGI and other Cheats - Behaviour and playingmethods that are against all ethnicity of social internet gaming are forbidden. Note that those cause harm to the game and can turn hours of work from all sorts of participating individuals into nothingness. This rule includes Truth Tells, Online Timer Checking, Tactical Chickening, game discussions outside of the game against the host's knowledge, reasoning Substitutions, talking about host errors or the hosting in general (example: "The host told me this, the host told me that"), and many other rules. If we as hosts come across a new challenge and cheating method that we have not experienced before, please be patient with us, as we often consult on how to punish in most fair manners, and in order to save the game's integrity.
  • No Editing - What is said stays said. As in real life this also counts for online social gaming. Players are prohibited from editing their posts. Make sure to carefully reread your posts for errors and if you see a necessity to correct an error, do this by quoting the post that contains your error and fix it in a new post.
  • Clean Tongue - Players are not allowed to slur or use other strong language. We know a game can get intense at times and dirt on your tongue may slip through. Make sure to be aware of your own bad behaviour and correct it as soon as possible to avoid accumulating strikes. Playing accordingly to spite is extremely prohibited with this rule too.
  • Hosting Privacy, Substitutes and Errors - Players are prohibited from leaking intel about their role or chats with the host to the game thread and outside of it. You may paraphase mechanic related information tho. Do not discuss the reasons behind substitutions, replacements are not metaindicative. If you find errors by the hosts, please report the error to the hosts in your role chat. Note that we are also humans and we might make mistakes or show inconsistencies. Notifying us about this helps us alot to keep the game clean from errors. Please keep in mind to not discuss those errors in the game thread.
  • Pretending - Pretending to break a rule counts as breaking a rule and will be punished accordingly.

Thank you alot for reading the rules!

>>>Countdown to Game Start!<<<

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Tripple Hoyo Player
Game Mechanic: The Exploration of Shinsenkyou

Embark on a journey to explore the island of Shinsenkyou with your expedition team.
Find the Elixir of Life and bring back home, what has been desired over centuries.​

Gameplay -
In this game the players, in form of the Expedition Town, will traverse this island in order to find and defeat the Tensen Mafia and secure the Elixir of Life. Every player will have an Expedition Meter, that will automatically charge up with every day start via a dice roll of a ten-faced die.

You will roll a number between 1-10 and that will be the steps you will be traversing on your Expedition Meter. Once you reach 20 steps, you will reach the Hourai and unlock your Tao Form. For every further 10 steps, every role will receive certain buffs that depend on your role.

There might be certain effects that will allow players to only roll high numbers, in order to ensure a safe travel to the Hourai. These type of effects do not stack with each other.

Vanilla's Tao Form contains the option to learn one ability from a pool of five random selectable abilities.
They will toss those abilities upon demise if not used until then. Other roles will receive a one-shot Take with every 10 steps in their Expedition Meter after reaching Hourai (20 Steps). So yes, this game contains Vanillas and Toss & Take mechanics.

Lorewise, the Tensen don't participate in the Expedition, but they will have the ability to disrupt the Expedition and thus become stronger the more their Expedition Meter rises.

Town Sample Role:

You are Yui. A member of the Expedition Town.

[Vanilla] - Yui comes with no special abilities or capabilities. She is abilityless and only has her wit and vote.

Tao Form:
[Ability Draft][Game Mechanic] -
Unlocking this, Yui may start to draft one ability from a choice of five random abilities among a pool of different abilities.
She may start her first draft during the day after unlocking this ability, and each further draft for each 10 further steps moved on the expedition meter. She will toss drafted abilities she holds in possession during her death.

You win when you defeat all threats to the Expedition Town.

About Action Resolution:

Priorities -
Bus Drive

Type -
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Game Start/Day 1 Start


Tripple Hoyo Player

The Vanguard Party finally arrived at Shinsenkyo, an magnificent and beautiful island that for some weird reasons taunts your mind. Not even shortly after landing, the Vanguard Party splitts up across the island to investigate while noticing some dubious presence on the island. Life on this island may not seem what it is at first glance.

The expedition starts!

The dices have been rolled for Day 1. Everyone is moving accordingly.
The status of the expedition is hidden for every player.

The game starts!

It is Day 1!
You have 48 hours to discuss and decide on a lynch!




Certified Memelord
Ladies and gentlemen, gather 'round, for today, you bear witness to the one, the only, the undisputed champion of the cyber-arena, yours truly - the First Poster in this game thread. Yes, I know what you're all thinking, and yes, it's true: I did it first and the posts before mine do not count, and yes I did it best. It's truly a privilege to address you all, and I must say, it's about time someone of my intellectual prowess graced this thread with their presence.

You see, my friends, I have done what no one else could do: I pressed that "Post" button before anyone else even had a chance to finish typing. As I reveled in this glorious victory, I couldn't help but chuckle at the mere mortals scrambling to respond, like ants in a futile attempt to challenge my supremacy.

Now, before you all go on about how this is just an internet forum game, and it's all in good fun, allow me to revel in the glory of my unparalleled achievement. As I bask in the virtual spotlight, I want to extend my gratitude to you, my adoring fans. It's not easy being this amazing, but hey, someone's gotta do it.

You see, when the rest of you were still pondering the meaning of life or deciding what to have for lunch, I was already here, crafting a post that would set the standard for all to follow. The greatness of my wit and wisdom cannot be contained within the ordinary limits of this digital realm. No, my friends, I've transcended those limits.

I understand that some of you may be jealous of my unparalleled quick-fingered skills. But fear not; I've honed these lightning-fast reflexes with hours of practice and an IQ that soars beyond the stratosphere. I've not only set the bar but rocketed it into the cosmos, and there's no coming back down for the rest of you.

As you sit there, composing your responses, know that I've already won. You see, I'm not just a trailblazer; I'm a pioneer, a maestro of first posts. And as you, my dear forum companions, labor over your words and ponder your second-place status, I bask in the glory of knowing I've outshone you all.

Some might say that first isn't always the best, but when it comes to game thread posting, I beg to differ. You're all just trying to catch up to the master, the pioneer, the trendsetter - me. The rest of you are mere mortals, while I am the digital deity gracing you with my presence.

So, as you scramble to compose your replies, remember that you are but humble supplicants in the court of the First Poster. Take your time, think carefully, and perhaps one day, you may approach my level of excellence. Until then, my dear forum-dwellers, I'll be right here, reigning supreme and enjoying the fruits of my unassailable superiority.

In the grand scheme of things, being first in a forum game thread may not earn me a medal or a Nobel Prize, but it certainly does cement my position as the master of this digital domain. So, my fellow forum dwellers, take a moment to bow in the presence of greatness and marvel at the awe-inspiring poster that is, well, me. For in this forum, I reign supreme, and that is something you shall never forget!


Ladies and gentlemen, gather 'round, for today, you bear witness to the one, the only, the undisputed champion of the cyber-arena, yours truly - the First Poster in this game thread. Yes, I know what you're all thinking, and yes, it's true: I did it first and the posts before mine do not count, and yes I did it best. It's truly a privilege to address you all, and I must say, it's about time someone of my intellectual prowess graced this thread with their presence.

You see, my friends, I have done what no one else could do: I pressed that "Post" button before anyone else even had a chance to finish typing. As I reveled in this glorious victory, I couldn't help but chuckle at the mere mortals scrambling to respond, like ants in a futile attempt to challenge my supremacy.

Now, before you all go on about how this is just an internet forum game, and it's all in good fun, allow me to revel in the glory of my unparalleled achievement. As I bask in the virtual spotlight, I want to extend my gratitude to you, my adoring fans. It's not easy being this amazing, but hey, someone's gotta do it.

You see, when the rest of you were still pondering the meaning of life or deciding what to have for lunch, I was already here, crafting a post that would set the standard for all to follow. The greatness of my wit and wisdom cannot be contained within the ordinary limits of this digital realm. No, my friends, I've transcended those limits.

I understand that some of you may be jealous of my unparalleled quick-fingered skills. But fear not; I've honed these lightning-fast reflexes with hours of practice and an IQ that soars beyond the stratosphere. I've not only set the bar but rocketed it into the cosmos, and there's no coming back down for the rest of you.

As you sit there, composing your responses, know that I've already won. You see, I'm not just a trailblazer; I'm a pioneer, a maestro of first posts. And as you, my dear forum companions, labor over your words and ponder your second-place status, I bask in the glory of knowing I've outshone you all.

Some might say that first isn't always the best, but when it comes to game thread posting, I beg to differ. You're all just trying to catch up to the master, the pioneer, the trendsetter - me. The rest of you are mere mortals, while I am the digital deity gracing you with my presence.

So, as you scramble to compose your replies, remember that you are but humble supplicants in the court of the First Poster. Take your time, think carefully, and perhaps one day, you may approach my level of excellence. Until then, my dear forum-dwellers, I'll be right here, reigning supreme and enjoying the fruits of my unassailable superiority.

In the grand scheme of things, being first in a forum game thread may not earn me a medal or a Nobel Prize, but it certainly does cement my position as the master of this digital domain. So, my fellow forum dwellers, take a moment to bow in the presence of greatness and marvel at the awe-inspiring poster that is, well, me. For in this forum, I reign supreme, and that is something you shall never forget!

Red Night

Chise and Joseph
Ladies and gentlemen, gather 'round, for today, you bear witness to the one, the only, the undisputed champion of the cyber-arena, yours truly - the First Poster in this game thread. Yes, I know what you're all thinking, and yes, it's true: I did it first and the posts before mine do not count, and yes I did it best. It's truly a privilege to address you all, and I must say, it's about time someone of my intellectual prowess graced this thread with their presence.

You see, my friends, I have done what no one else could do: I pressed that "Post" button before anyone else even had a chance to finish typing. As I reveled in this glorious victory, I couldn't help but chuckle at the mere mortals scrambling to respond, like ants in a futile attempt to challenge my supremacy.

Now, before you all go on about how this is just an internet forum game, and it's all in good fun, allow me to revel in the glory of my unparalleled achievement. As I bask in the virtual spotlight, I want to extend my gratitude to you, my adoring fans. It's not easy being this amazing, but hey, someone's gotta do it.

You see, when the rest of you were still pondering the meaning of life or deciding what to have for lunch, I was already here, crafting a post that would set the standard for all to follow. The greatness of my wit and wisdom cannot be contained within the ordinary limits of this digital realm. No, my friends, I've transcended those limits.

I understand that some of you may be jealous of my unparalleled quick-fingered skills. But fear not; I've honed these lightning-fast reflexes with hours of practice and an IQ that soars beyond the stratosphere. I've not only set the bar but rocketed it into the cosmos, and there's no coming back down for the rest of you.

As you sit there, composing your responses, know that I've already won. You see, I'm not just a trailblazer; I'm a pioneer, a maestro of first posts. And as you, my dear forum companions, labor over your words and ponder your second-place status, I bask in the glory of knowing I've outshone you all.

Some might say that first isn't always the best, but when it comes to game thread posting, I beg to differ. You're all just trying to catch up to the master, the pioneer, the trendsetter - me. The rest of you are mere mortals, while I am the digital deity gracing you with my presence.

So, as you scramble to compose your replies, remember that you are but humble supplicants in the court of the First Poster. Take your time, think carefully, and perhaps one day, you may approach my level of excellence. Until then, my dear forum-dwellers, I'll be right here, reigning supreme and enjoying the fruits of my unassailable superiority.

In the grand scheme of things, being first in a forum game thread may not earn me a medal or a Nobel Prize, but it certainly does cement my position as the master of this digital domain. So, my fellow forum dwellers, take a moment to bow in the presence of greatness and marvel at the awe-inspiring poster that is, well, me. For in this forum, I reign supreme, and that is something you shall never forget!
If you're not scum after this
Ladies and gentlemen, gather 'round, for today, you bear witness to the one, the only, the undisputed champion of the cyber-arena, yours truly - the First Poster in this game thread. Yes, I know what you're all thinking, and yes, it's true: I did it first and the posts before mine do not count, and yes I did it best. It's truly a privilege to address you all, and I must say, it's about time someone of my intellectual prowess graced this thread with their presence.

You see, my friends, I have done what no one else could do: I pressed that "Post" button before anyone else even had a chance to finish typing. As I reveled in this glorious victory, I couldn't help but chuckle at the mere mortals scrambling to respond, like ants in a futile attempt to challenge my supremacy.

Now, before you all go on about how this is just an internet forum game, and it's all in good fun, allow me to revel in the glory of my unparalleled achievement. As I bask in the virtual spotlight, I want to extend my gratitude to you, my adoring fans. It's not easy being this amazing, but hey, someone's gotta do it.

You see, when the rest of you were still pondering the meaning of life or deciding what to have for lunch, I was already here, crafting a post that would set the standard for all to follow. The greatness of my wit and wisdom cannot be contained within the ordinary limits of this digital realm. No, my friends, I've transcended those limits.

I understand that some of you may be jealous of my unparalleled quick-fingered skills. But fear not; I've honed these lightning-fast reflexes with hours of practice and an IQ that soars beyond the stratosphere. I've not only set the bar but rocketed it into the cosmos, and there's no coming back down for the rest of you.

As you sit there, composing your responses, know that I've already won. You see, I'm not just a trailblazer; I'm a pioneer, a maestro of first posts. And as you, my dear forum companions, labor over your words and ponder your second-place status, I bask in the glory of knowing I've outshone you all.

Some might say that first isn't always the best, but when it comes to game thread posting, I beg to differ. You're all just trying to catch up to the master, the pioneer, the trendsetter - me. The rest of you are mere mortals, while I am the digital deity gracing you with my presence.

So, as you scramble to compose your replies, remember that you are but humble supplicants in the court of the First Poster. Take your time, think carefully, and perhaps one day, you may approach my level of excellence. Until then, my dear forum-dwellers, I'll be right here, reigning supreme and enjoying the fruits of my unassailable superiority.

In the grand scheme of things, being first in a forum game thread may not earn me a medal or a Nobel Prize, but it certainly does cement my position as the master of this digital domain. So, my fellow forum dwellers, take a moment to bow in the presence of greatness and marvel at the awe-inspiring poster that is, well, me. For in this forum, I reign supreme, and that is something you shall never forget!
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