--Baam through out the span of TOG has accumulated many external powers like Leviathan ,thorn , blue theresa , red thryssa etc all adding up to his current power.
--But how powerful is current baam without all these powers?
@Shadowlord123 @Greenbeard @NAMELESS @Welkin @Cinera @Worst @Cadis Etrama Di Urek @Minatoze Narutomaki @Ha Yuri Zahard @Flower @Tai long @Haoshoku @Marimo_420 @Medeia @LogicoftheVI etc
--But how powerful is current baam without all these powers?
@Shadowlord123 @Greenbeard @NAMELESS @Welkin @Cinera @Worst @Cadis Etrama Di Urek @Minatoze Narutomaki @Ha Yuri Zahard @Flower @Tai long @Haoshoku @Marimo_420 @Medeia @LogicoftheVI etc