Current Events I think of a suggestion for Oda

Oda's writing quality had declined so much compared to pre-TS. False hypes and silhouettes with quality drop in reveal, long build-up without proper payoff or reward, important characters that are stupid or not developed, thousands of minor characters adding nothing to the story, dragging plot and fighting fodders without the plot progressing, sudden powerups just for rule of cool without narrative purpose of reason, lost tension and any sense of danger to root for the characters, etc.

...i mean can people actually suggest for Oda to take a long break? Maybe take a month-long vacation to somewhere beautiful, peaceful and quiet? Just for him to give time to himself and relax, in order to recompose his mental condition and freshen up his ideas. Maybe he can use a few days of the vacation to rearrange and refocus his draft, to find ways to emphasize or formulate key points in an arc in order not to mess up?

I have real concern for the man's writing and storytelling quality nowadays. I get that writing and drawing for years and years must've been too tiring for his mind and body etc. That condition will affect your work's quality no doubt. From pre-TS i expect OP to be a masterpiece when it enters the later stage, but then we got this dragging and false hype and lack of payoff etc.

Tldr is there anyone here who can send some SBS letters or anything to the address? Like point out that his writing has dropped and suggest some resting period?