Questions & Mysteries If we had a spin-off series...



So, say Kingdom ends and a spin-off series was to be created, what character spin-off would you guys want to see? I would personally like to see a prequel spin-off of Ouki's life, Renpa, Ryofui, and Hakuki. Ouki because he is a fan favorite that would make a very interesting story of his adventures and battles from a young buck to a Qin 6 General. Out of those 4, he'd probably produce the most sales. I choose Hakuki because Hara has continuously displayed this man to be chronically insane so reading how his story is all about is something I'm very interested in. Alongside, Ouki, Ryofui is one of my favorite characters, and his entire backstory being explored is something I'd love to see. Last but not least, Renpa, he's straight-up awesome and I'd definitely love to see all of this:
Live in action.

@Admiral Lee Hung @Owl Ki @MarineHQ62 @Blackbeard @Shanks @Dark Admiral @PuckTheGreat @Arara @Xione @RayanOO @Paytripe @Hiragaro @Guan Yu
@ranady etc.


I will never forgive Oda
I'd probably pick the most prolific period in Chinese history to be a spiritual spin off, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. It's an exceptionally vibrant time period, both in terms of local mythos' created (Guan Yu) and the literary material that stands up to scholarly scrutiny. It's filled with ambitious men (and women) and plenty of realer—than—fiction heel turns.
I would say either Renpa or Ryofui.

Reason those two is:
- Ryofui came to stand on par with Kings while being a normal mercenary at the start. But him as MC would be interesting because he's not exactly a "good guy" like the rest here.

- Renpa, hes lived through the longest. The situation he faced with the Zhao Kings switching would be interesting part of the story unlike any other general we have here. Also, might just be me but the 4 heavenly Kings would make to be some great ass side characters.

I'd probably pick the most prolific period in Chinese history to be a spiritual spin off, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. It's an exceptionally vibrant time period, both in terms of local mythos' created (Guan Yu) and the literary material that stands up to scholarly scrutiny. It's filled with ambitious men (and women) and plenty of realer—than—fiction heel turns.
Maaaan take your Ravages of time reading ass outta here.:beckmoji:
A spin-off that narrates Renpa's journey and how his flames died with the loss of his opponents.

Lian Po wants to see a fiercer age than the Qin 6 Great Generals which would only happen by the unification, something that Shin promised. Renpa also historically died in Shouchun/Chu, so a spin-off like that would basically narrate the military record of a man who survived the strokes of time and the old warring states period to live long enough and witness the collapse of every state he served, there's so much detail that could fit in this epic storyline.

Beginning with how he assembled the four heavenly kings (How he met Kaishibou/Genpo, fighting Kyouen, finding child Rinko etc...) showing how Renpa's army was growing like the Hi Shin Unit, his battles with Mougou, what caused his brotherly bond with Rinshoujo, the 2 years stalemate in Changping against Hakuki/Ouki, how he repelled the Yan army, his dispute with Toujou, the journey across central China all the way through Zhao-Wei-Chu.
Something about Qi
Create a fictional general
We see him lose everything and everyone he loves as a kid due to the coalition army attack but he swears to take back his country and fights in diffrent battles to make Qi which was left with 2 cities a great state again
The good thing is that each state took some part of the country so he can have clashes with all the states and diffrent generals like Renpa, Gekishin and young Kou En :cheers:
Also a love story with the princess is necessary
Spoiler alert: This may or may not be the spin off i was thinking of writing :shocking:
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Ah it's any character in the manga, not just those 4 you mentioned.

Then on a second thought, if there were to be a spin off series it should be on King Sho. Reason being is similar to how Alexander's father was the core reason why Alexander was able to build his vast empire. King Sho similarly is the reason why Qin has any chances of taking all of China. It was under his reign that great talented generals started showing up in Qin, to a point where Qin was THE power state of China (even though we're told Chu is the superstate). He built the backbone of Qin, which Ei Sei and SHK will now use to conquer China.

None other than the Goat Renpa. Through him we can also have Qin's six generals and Zhao's three great heavens in the mix.
I'm especially intrigued in his relationship with Rinshoujou.

- Kanki's past would be great.
- The Ou family and Ousens private life.

And obviously Ryofui rise to power.

In general Zhao is my favourite state and i would dig anything that involves its history, their generals and prominent figures.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
I’m going to go with an unconventional pick, but I always thought this would be an awesome side story: I want to see a side story involving Karin’s search for her brother:

I can’t find the panel from a quick search, but Ri En and Karin talked about how she wandered battlefields by herself in search of her brother. I’d love to get some more insight on Karin and Chu in general, and I think Karin’s backstory would just be really interesting to see.

With all of the flashbacks we’ve gotten of Ouki, we really don’t need a backstory on him lol. We basically have one already.

Also, fuck Ren Pa, nobody cares about him. Give us a Mou Gou backstory instead.
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𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝕾𝖕𝖆𝖜𝖓
I would love a story focused on Gaku Ki, the "Military God".

I’m going to go with an unconventional pick, but I always thought this would be an awesome side story: I want to see a side story involving Karin’s search for her brother:

I can’t find the panel from a quick search, but Ri En and Karin talked about how she wandered battlefields by herself in search of her brother. I’d love to get some more insight on Karin and Chu in general, and I think Karin’s backstory would just be really interesting to see.

With all of the flashbacks we’ve gotten of Ouki, we really don’t need a backstory on him lol. We basically have one already.

Also, fuck Ren Pa, nobody cares about him. Give us a Mou Gou backstory instead.
I want to see more of Chu characters like Kar In.

A side story focusing on Han, the weakest state would also be nice. We don't know shit about Han.


𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐢
Chu state Spin-off. They were a Super State even during Sho's reign aKa prime years of guys like Ouki, right?.

You ain't no Super State out of blue.

Adding a little spice to it. Kouen's backstory and how he became a "Nightmare of China".

Yes, this is my little headcanon here with Kouen but I defo can see him being a general that even GGs like Renpa or Ouki preferred to avoid.

Maybe Renpa's loss of "fire in him" due to losing his rivals is a farse and in reality, Kouen broke him and maybe killed his favorite rivals.

I'm speaking from the perspective of someone who didn't read any historical facts about the Kingdom so don't get riled up.


𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝕾𝖕𝖆𝖜𝖓
Chu state Spin-off. They were a Super State even during Sho's reign aKa prime years of guys like Ouki, right?.

You ain't no Super State out of blue.

Adding a little spice to it. Kouen's backstory and how he became a "Nightmare of China".

Yes, this is my little headcanon here with Kouen but I defo can see him being a general that even GGs like Renpa or Ouki preferred to avoid.

Maybe Renpa's loss of "fire in him" due to losing his rivals is a farse and in reality, Kouen broke him and maybe killed his favorite rivals.

I'm speaking from the perspective of someone who didn't read any historical facts about the Kingdom so don't get riled up.
I can see Kouen being the state of Qi's biggest enemy, and being super feared by them. Maybe he also fought against and killed one of the previous Three Heavens of Zhao too.