Theory Imu's Mother Flame is a form of Superior Soul Technology/Ancient Technology

Hi Worstgen,

I have speculated for a long time that Ancient Technology in the story is merely what I refer to as Soul Technology. The idea I present to you today is that Imu's, "Mother Flame" is an "inextuinguishable flame" because it uses soul power instead of any form of conventional energy source. Otherwise, it would seem strange. Where would it get energy from? There is always an energy source for something like this.

That is to say, if I were to give this energy source a name, then it would be "Haki Reactor." It is a reactor that uses the spirit/Haki of people to create a devastating volley of photonic energy (light energy).

The flying component itself of the machinery may be a result of Vegapunk's own research into using flight or it may be propelled by the unknown power source similarly to the guardian warmachine found in the lower level or Enel's Arc Maxim.


Obviously, the reason why souls create an inextuinguishable flame is because souls produce energy and souls can't be destroyed- they simply move to another vessel. But, if they can't be destroyed, and they don't go to another vessel, then they just constantly produce energy. It's that simple.
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