General & Others In Memoriam of Monet


Hello, everyone.

A year ago, in an attempt to manifest my hopes and dreams into the universe, I declared that 2023 would be the Year of Monet. In the event that this failed, I promised that I would publicly hold a funeral for Monet, as it is significantly less likely that she'll appear past the Egghead Arc where I initially proposed she would reappear.

In my defense, I didn't expect Egghead to still be going. Unfortunate for me, really, because that means that even as the year ended, my dreams haven't actually been dashed and I still hold hope in my heart that it can happen in 2024.

But I am nothing if not a man of my word. The year ended without any sign of Monet, so even if Oda still plans to bring her back to me later, it would only serve to bring me shame to move the goalpost and put this off. Frankly, it would just be really funny if she came back after I publicly admitted that I was wrong, and that's one egg on my face that I would happily accept.

Now, let's begin. Ahem...


Monet was only present in One Piece's canon for approximately fifty chapters. Many people found her forgettable, others only remember her for her unique status as the only female character to explicitly die outside of a flashback. Despite this, despite how small of a role she played or for how short of a time, Monet managed to garner a small but significant following.

Some people liked her for design, others for her personality, and others for the many mysteries that were perceived to be around her: the tattoo that was shown in but a single panel, the astronomy textbooks seen on her desk, her strange willingness to abandon her human limbs for those of a bird, her seemingly in-tact heart after Caesar was shown stabbing it. There are a thousand questions surrounding her, and these questions served as inspiration for many theorists in our community.

I am one such fan. I have been asked before why I like Monet as much as I do, and I always say the same thing: because she inspired me. Before I learned about the theories surrounding her, I honestly wasn't that big of a fan of One Piece at all. I had been watching or reading it for years already, and I definitely enjoyed it, but if you'd asked me back then what I actually thought of it, I'd probably just say "it's better than Bleach and Naruto." And I wasn't exactly a fan of those at the time either. One Piece was just another manga to read at the time, a way to kill time. I didn't feel any connection to the world, I just liked the fights.

Then Monet died.

This wasn't the moment that everything changed, but I had no idea it was the harbinger of it. I was shocked, for sure, that Oda willingly killed off a character in such spectacular fashion aside from Ace and Whitebeard. It really seemed like a new era had begun, one where death was always a possibility in the formerly and notoriously deathless series. I had heard whispers that Monet might join the Straw Hats, whispers that I thought were silly and paid no mind to, and in response to her death thought "welp. Guess she's not joining after all."

It was about a year and a half later that I remembered those whispers. Luffy had just revealed Gear 4th, which prompted me to reread One Piece in its entirety to better understand why everyone was so excited by this development, and in the process I found myself recalling the strange suggestion that the one-off villain might be Straw Hat material. So I put my reread on pause and did a little digging, and I found a theory. All of the little details I mentioned earlier, all laid out neatly on a blog, and suddenly I felt the world in front of me changing. Expanding.

This one minor, forgettable character had so much detail packed into so little screen time. Was everything in One Piece like this?

So I did a little more digging. And sure enough, yes! Every location, every word in the glossary, every background character with so much as a name had a much deeper, richer history than I ever would have guessed! Some may have just been gags, sure, but Oda clearly took the time to consider how every little puzzle piece fit into the complete picture! It was simply astonishing!

I suddenly felt a much greater appreciation for why One Piece was so special. I knew it was popular, but I never really got why it was considered the best. Now, though, I could see it. I could see the intricacies of the piece in front of me, but I needed to see more. So I started to ask my own questions, formulate my own theories, and find my own answers. Sure, I was wrong most of the time, but that was never the point. I was having so much fun navigating the maze that I didn't mind hitting constant dead ends.

But the questions alone weren't enough to keep me in the maze; it was the people I would run into around every corner. I've met so many wonderful, passionate people since becoming a One Piece theorist, people who have encouraged and inspired me to keep pushing through.

It's one thing to shout my thoughts into the void, it's another to share them with people who can share their own in turn. Without Monet, I never would have even known all of these people existed, much less had the opportunity to talk to them and hear what they had to say. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Monet is my favorite character because she gave me One Piece, both the story and its community.

I've been flying this flag for going on nine years. I've said stupid and baseless things like suggesting that Monet's tattoo is similar to Big Mom's and her real name might be "Charlotte Alaska," and I've said things that I still stand by wholeheartedly, like her decision to become a harpy being inspired by childhood exposure to the Lunarians. For every word of it, I've been met with support and mockery alike, and all of it has been worth it. At the end of the day, whether I was right or wrong, I've had so much fun writing about this topic, and I know people have had fun reading what I've written. Even the people who disagreed, I genuinely hope you had fun lambasting me, that you spent your time in a way that made you feel joy. Even if you were just laughing at me acting like a clown, I hope you posted your feedback with a smile.

Even if everything I "know" about Monet is just headcanon, even if the Monet in my mind is unrecognizable from the one in canon, that won't change the fact that she's made me smile just about every day for the last nine years. Collecting figures, commissioning art at conventions, ranting at friends and customers at work, making a DnD character whose story revolves around saving a pastiche of her; I've found ways to derive joy from a character with less than fifty chapters worth of existence for just shy of a decade. I know people who wish they could be passionate about something for so long.

And even if she never comes back, even if she really is gone forever, that's not going to kill me. She's still going to be my favorite character. The only difference is that I won't be looking forward to what she could be, I'll simply be looking back at what she was. And what she was was my inspiration. My guiding light who brought me to all of you, who got me to look at the world in a different way, and who gave me a fun way to spend my days. Someday I'll likely move on; I've certainly found countless things to get excited about and focus on in the last decade, so it's not like she was literally my whole world. She's just where I tended to come back to, a safe and reliable space to find refuge when times were tough. But who knows, I've made it a decade already, so maybe she really will be my forever fave. Maybe it'll turn out that her not coming back will let me carry her in my heart infinitely longer than her return would have, and I'll still be talking about how much of an inspiration she was to me for the rest of my life. Maybe I'll become an author in my own right, using all of this creative energy to realize the story I always wanted to see. Even if she never comes back, I'll find a way to keep smiling and keep dreaming.

People's dreams never die, and mine are no different.


Thank you all for letting me share my story. I know this was more about me than about Monet, but I hope this snapshot of my life has helped even one person understand why I've been so passionate about this topic for so long.

If you were a fan of Monet's, if you were a dreamer like me, please feel free to share your experiences with her in the comments. Tell us what she meant to you, how you became a fan, any stories you may have about your time with her. If you weren't a fan and only have hurtful words to share, I hope you'll choose today to be kind and keep them to yourself.

As I said, if Monet comes back even after all of this, great, I'm used to ironic strokes of luck like that. But if she doesn't, I refuse to let 2024 be a bad year for me over it. 2023 was rough for a litany of reasons, and I kept thinking "if I have to go through this, just let me have Monet back." But this year I won't fall into that hole. This year, I'm not going to let my happiness be dependent on some tenuous cosmic deal with an indifferent universe, I'm going to find happiness in what I have and strive to create happiness where there isn't any to be found. It's what I've been doing the whole time, really, it just took letting go to realize it.

I hope you all are able to find your happiness this year, too.

Thank you, everyone.

Thank you, Monet.

Harpy New Year.
dannazione a te, mi hai fatto quasi piangere. Inizialmente mi piaceva Monet unicamente per il suo aspetto fisico.Monet è una delle più belle ragazze della serie. La sua maglietta, i suoi capelli e le sue caratterisitche… ammetto che inizialmente valutava la ragazza solo come materiale per r/funpiece. Su di lei non ha mai fatto grandi riflessioni filosofiche, a differenza tua non ricordavo della passione che Monet ha per l’astronomia. Tutto quello che posso dire su Monet è che è un criminale come il resto dei pirati di Doflamingo… nonostante questo mi piaceva per la sua personalità. è da tempo che non leggo Punk Hazard però ricordo che mi ero innamorato di Monet già da subito… oltre che per il suo aspetto fisico anche per il suo frutto del diavolo, molto bello e interessante. Forse l’aspetto che più mi ha interessato di Monet sono le sue versioni what if. Monet e Sugar sono state “salvate” da Mingo. Sono l’unico che pensa a cosa poteva succedere se venivano salvate da altre persone? Sengoku? Shanks? altri personaggi? Quello che mi ha fatto più apprezzare Monet è stato il suo discorso finale. Ammetto che mi sono più a piangere con la sua dichiarazione di Doflamingo re dei Pirati che quella dei Mugiwara verso Luffy. Per me Monet rimarrà un personaggio meraviglioso che ha avuto la sfortuna di imbattersi in Joker. So che ho scritto in italiano, ma volevo togliermi questo sfizio…almeno in ricordo dell’angelo arpia
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I don't think she'll be back, I wonder if Koby will get her fruit in a parallel with Kuzan similar to Sabo/Ace and Akainu.
dannazione a te, mi hai fatto quasi piangere. Inizialmente mi piaceva Monet unicamente per il suo aspetto fisico.Monet è una delle più belle ragazze della serie. La sua maglietta, i suoi capelli e la sua maglietta… ammetto che inizialmente valutava la ragazza solo come materiale per r/funpiece. Su di lei non ha mai fatto grandi riflessioni filosofiche, a differenza tua non ricordavo della passione che Monet ha per l’astronomia. Tutto quello che posso dire su Monet è che è un criminale come il resto dei pirati di Doflamingo… nonostante questo mi piaceva per la sua personalità. è da tempo che non leggo Punk Hazard però ricordo che mi ero innamorato di Monet già da subito… oltre che per il suo aspetto fisico anche per il suo frutto del diavolo, molto bello e interessante. Forse l’aspetto che più mi ha interessato di Monet sono le sue versioni what if. Monet e Sugar sono state “salvate” da Mingo. Sono l’unico che pensa a cosa poteva succedere se venivano salvate da altre persone? Sengoku? Shanks? altri personaggi? Quello che mi ha fatto più apprezzare Monet è stato il suo discorso finale. Ammetto che mi sono a piangere con la sua dichiarazione di Doflamingo re dei Pirati che quella dei Mugiwara verso Luffy. Per me Monet rimarrà un personaggio meraviglioso che ha avuto la sfortuna di imbattersi in Joker. So che ho scritto in italiano, ma volevo togliermi questo sfizio…almeno in ricordo dell’angelo arpia
Let's just say that her wings and the chicken legs she has for limbs aren't exactly the sexiest thing in the 'verse... I guess it's a matter of tastes.
I don't think she'll be back, I wonder if Koby will get her fruit in a parallel with Kuzan similar to Sabo/Ace and Akainu.

Let's just say that her wings and the chicken legs she has for limbs aren't exactly the sexiest thing in the 'verse... I guess it's a matter of tastes.
I mean, even with her wings and legs, she’s still easily in the top 10 hottest women of one piece imo.


This forum is retarded.
oh noes brosito

it's been 6 or 7+ years of Monet hopium we had and thoroughly analyzing

the Snow fruit theory, of the snow fruit respawning on the ship has been by far one of my most favourite theories, even by Egghead I still had hopes that Oda at some point retcons himself and has the fruit spawn on the Sunny. this theory was one of the greatest creations ever.

the cruel death of Monet is still branded in my memory. I hope that there is still an epilogue and that monet gets to live for another day...

thanks for your honest Monet-work Tokiro and a harpy new year to you too!


A man, my son 🌊
I’ve been following your long journey on and off for some time and you raised something that a lot take for granted: we forget the different ways people become invested in this manga. There are those who keep the fire burning on parts of the story even when Oda wishes to extinguish it.

It takes a lot of willpower to admit how significant your inspiration was in this manner. Therefore, I salute your passion, dedication, and perseverance towards this character! Don’t ever let your fire die out.

Happy New Year!
oh noes brosito

it's been 6 or 7+ years of Monet hopium we had and thoroughly analyzing

the Snow fruit theory, of the snow fruit respawning on the ship has been by far one of my most favourite theories, even by Egghead I still had hopes that Oda at some point retcons himself and has the fruit spawn on the Sunny. this theory was one of the greatest creations ever.

the cruel death of Monet is still branded in my memory. I hope that there is still an epilogue and that monet gets to live for another day...

thanks for your honest Monet-work Tokiro and a harpy new year to you too!
I’ve been following your long journey on and off for some time and you raised something that a lot take for granted: we forget the different ways people become invested in this manga. There are those who keep the fire burning on parts of the story even when Oda wishes to extinguish it.

It takes a lot of willpower to admit how significant your inspiration was in this manner. Therefore, I salute your passion, dedication, and perseverance towards this character! Don’t ever let your fire die out.

Happy New Year!
Thank you both for your support! Y'all are gonna make me cry first thing in the morning...!

Looking back, I too was once invested in the idea of the Snow-Snow Fruit reappearing on the Sunny. I never liked the theory that Nami would be the one to eat it, since I feel like Nami being physically weaker than the rest of the crew is a core part of her character, but there was a time where I was sure that Carrot was going to be the one to eat it because of all of the rabbit symbolism surrounding Monet and Punk Hazard. I had this whole idea in my mind of Carrot combining the snow with her Electro to create thundersnow, lightning with a much stronger charge than normal. Having that to latch onto made me feel a lot better about the possibility of Monet being gone at the time

I don't really remember where or when my mentality shifted back to believing in Monet wholeheartedly. If I had to guess, it was probably because of all of the theories I was writing at the time; I was charged with so many ideas that I couldn't stick to just one, and I guess I was just so ensconced in the possibility of Monet returning that I just reconvinced myself that that was the most likely option

Of course, I always knew that there was the possibility it wouldn't happen. "Convinced" is a strong word, but I definitely believed in what I was saying, and to some extent I still do. Honestly, I don't think it's like Oda to write something like Monet's heart being unstabbed without purpose, it just seems a lot less likely now that Monet will join the crew. I don't know when or where, but I'm sure that Oda will show us how Monet fits into the story sooner or later. If she's just chilling somewhere, fine. If she's getting up to mischief, fun. But it was never about whether or not I'd be right, it was about getting to talk about it

I've joked about wanting to go to the future and see where One Piece ends just so I can know the truth about Monet, but honestly that would be so sad, wouldn't it? To know for a fact that what I want is going to come true only to go back to a time where it isn't, waiting for it to happen as preordained? What would I have to talk about, then? I could make myself look like the smartest One Piece fan alive, sure, but I wouldn't want to do that to people. I wouldn't want to spoil the experience for everyone, so I'd have just spoiled it for myself while also forcing myself into isolation from all of you!

I wouldn't want to go on a boring adventure like that. I'd rather risk it all on a stupid dream with everyone else than rush to the end by myself. Thank you again for being by my side through it all!