Future Events Insane Goda Foreshadowing For Kid VS Aokiji!!!

The only Admiral that Kidd could fight is Fuji, the fanbase meme'd that Kidd can beat anyone with a sword, why not go for the swordsman?
And he surely wouldn't have a problem against a DF that does everything his does but on a completely different scale, right? :ohreally:
If Kid beat one, it would be Greenbull imo

Kid has a metal bull attack

In the color spread you can see rivals Kid and Luffy competing over a riceball. So Kid will continue to get stronger just like Luffy is. Luffy is riding a red animal, he will soon defeat the Red Dog (Akainu). Kid is riding a blue bird, because he will soon defeat the Blue Pheasant (Aokiji). It is basically confirmed. Thank you for your attention!
Millukis a terrible character
Kid is winning his next fight

Doesn't matter who's his opponent
He's gonna with plot armour!

He lost to Benn then didn't lose against Smoothie

He lost 2v1 against kaido offscreen then won 2v1 against Linlin onscreen

He lost off-guard to Shanks and he will win 1v1 against a top tier soon
Mid is gonna hype helempo next by losing his arm to helempo while trying to take loby's head.

Next, we wil get carried by low and random bombs against an Admiral or sthing and win.

Thinking he could solo any Admiral at this point, he will try to take on loby again and get half shotted by lobby.

The hype loby gets will justify his promotion to Admiral rank. Then loby gets stomped by loofy.
Kid is winning his next fight

Doesn't matter who's his opponent
He's gonna with plot armour!

He lost to Benn then didn't lose against Smoothie

He lost 2v1 against kaido offscreen then won 2v1 against Linlin onscreen

He lost off-guard to Shanks and he will win 1v1 against a top tier soon
Still salty I see


I can believe it tbh, ever since i saw that spread page of luffy facing a bison on football gear, i started to realize how genius goda is.