Le Fishe Thread It's over - Yonkou have PLOT ARMOR yet they still weaker than Akainu

Mr. Tuna Sandwich

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
Yonkou enjoy heavy PLOT ARMOR, confirmed by Meme, Buggy, Koido, Luffy, Teech, etc

Literally all of them would be dead long ago if not for their PLOT ARMOR.

You need PLOT ARMOR to be mere Yonkou, which why Buggy is mere Yonkou while Mid and Mihawk aren't.

Akainu don't have PLOT ARMOR yet he'll later major boss (after the mere Yonkou are no more)

If Akainu had PLOT ARMOR he would've find One Piece in one year!

Akainu (and HQ Admirals in general) simply built diffrent, fax.



Cope Doctor

This/ Thread.

Oda doesn't even consider Akainu anything remotely near to the Strongest
Oda tells you how to escape Akainu

but against a mother (strongest creature) you are too “brash” if you even think you stand a chance

At this point Admiral fans are not better than ZKK fans who was mad at viz for translating Big moms shout to Kaido as “watch out” they were desperate she should say “dodge” :josad::doffytroll: