Not necessarily. There are still options to exploit. But the closer to the ending it gets, the less
there is for Oda to change his mind about anything. So the risk is there that Oda will change his mind midway of the ending and steer himself into a dead end for an awkward conclusion. It is also quite possible that this midway point has already been reached and is currently unfolding.
Arguably the series has already gone past it's good times for a while now. One Piece has been on a regression since the New World.
Fishman Island was a very weak arc to start the new world off with.
Punk Hazard introduced the annoying Samurai and the new trend to mass produce female eye candy. Harpy, then Baby 5 and from there directly onward to
Dressrosa, which introduced one of the most hated characters in all of One Piece, Bartolomeo.
And on the back of
Zunesha we had a full cast of annoying furries that simultaneously also served as eye candy. This would serve as the test run for what would later become Yamato in Wano.
Whole Cake Island was the phase in which the New World started to pick itself up, Big Mom's territory was crazy, the story for Sanji was great, the Big Mom pirates overall and Bege being relevant to the story was all really good.
Only for it to move into
Wano, an arc full of annoying characters on all sides, Orochi, Oden, the Samurai, arguably even Kaido himself. Time travel was introduced, Luffy's fruit was reintroduced, luffy's goal was reintroduced, devil fruit relevancy was given the final nail in the coffin just by a single statement of Kaido, Big Mom goofed herself to death, Kaido's original introduction as someone who tries to die was nowhere left to be seen in the entire arc so that first scene that showed him in clear sight was just there to hype his strength up. Even the commanders of Kaido were annoying.
Compare that to Katakuri and Cracker, which were sick characters and had equally good fights.
And to top the whole arc off, Oda decided that since Bartolomeo was such a hated character, he would just go ahead and reintroduce him too, but this time as a woman in the form of Yamato. And to give the readers the ultimate middle finger, he managed to make this bartolomeo 2.0 even worse of a character by having Yamato claim she is a man. If that does not qualify for the most annoying trash character in all of anime history. I don't know if any character could rival her. And not only that, but since she IS designed to be eye candy too, a good portion of readers will just skip over how annoying she is because it's not too relevant to her role as eye candy.
The biggest powers in One Piece and thus the candidates for the final villains are blackbeard, shanks, buggy and the 3 ancient weapons. You know what ending would suck huge bonkers? If Akainu was the final villain.