Versus Battle Juubidara (Naruto Shippuden) vs Jigen (Boruto)

Setting/Location: Fourth Shinobi War Battleground
Victory Conditions: Death of the opponent
Motivation: In character
Circumstance: Jigen tries to kill madara as to take his chakra
Equipment: Standard Equipment
Continuity/Canon: Composited versions
Period/Saga/Era: Madara in his ten tails form
Starting distance: 35 ft
rules: Isshiki cannot take over jigen or juubidara's body if jigen dies

Jigen easily. Naruto and Sasuke were already close to Juubidara in terms of power level before they even gained mastery of their abilities. Jigen trashed adult Naruto (with both halves of Kurama) and Sasuke (with complete mastery of Rinnegan) while surviving Baryon Mode in rematch too.