Chapter Discussion Kagura Bachi - chapter 41

Things of note I picked up (some of which are obvious but theyre cool) from these last few chapters:
- The EB Swordmasters may not exactly have been good dudes despite winning peace for the world (just Japan?) that KB takes place in.
- Chihiro won against Sojo and it was pretty close, and now he is being power+experience gapped by another EB user. He has a LONG way to go.
- Enten might be one of the most busted EB's if Chihiro can master it.
- Chihiro's identity is probably now 100% exposed to the underworld and possibly to the public.
- Chihiro was 100% gonna absorb that "Dragonfly" with Red and send one back.

Some questions:
- Fight just started but is Hiyuki still holding back? Is she gonna summon all of Flame Bone? Is it actually a big ass fire skeleton?
- Whats gonna happen to the Sazanami clan after this battle? Is Hakuri gonna lead it or join Chihiro's crew?
- Where can I buy some KB stock? I need to invest now.