Versus Battle Kaido & Big Mom Vs Carnage Kabuto

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Tbh I don't even know why I asked that haha, I don't know how to scale him. Didn't he only fight against Saitama?

Unless he has some databook feats, I give it to the Yonko. Hell, I could see both of them beat him 1 vs 1
Now that I think about it this may be too much, should at least add Primebeard to even it out
In NON asura mode, although Genos could detect him with his sensors, he couldn't react to him. And he also blew an attack powerful enough to incinerate an 8 floor building with his breath, one could only imagine what Asura mode would do
Now that I think about it this may be too much, should at least add Primebeard to even it out
In NON asura mode, although Genos could detect him with his sensors, he couldn't react to him. And he also blew an attack powerful enough to incinerate an 8 floor building with his breath, one could only imagine what Asura mode would do
I think Obs Haki could help with detecting him, especially since Kabuto is crazy bloodlusted 24/7
And BM and Kaido are tanks if their own, with Kaido having some pretty big attacks covering large areas. His speed is also nothing to sneeze at.
I would love to hype up BM too but she got shafted too hard in the story. Still, at least she has her durability and hax homie attacks.

I think this tag team is too much for Kabuto, even with Asura Mode


This is base Kabuto not asura. This genos attack completely incinerated an 8 story building
It's much stronger than that, Genos could bust mountain tops and Base Kabuto overpowered him with only his breath. It's impressive but simply nothing to OP top tiers.
Zoro was cutting down Pica when he wasn't even close to a Top Tier.
Now imagine where Top Tiers actually scale.
Swordsmanship will only complicate things. When it comes to physical strength, no one in the OP verse demonstrated something of this scale. Not only did he disperse it, but returned it back at Genos, and this is only base Kabuto.
In base too, he was fast enough that Genos couldn't react to him even though he was aware of his position,

His best feat is managing to last 15 minutes against maximum strength Darkshine, who could react to Garou's afterimages and hit the real one. Darkshine is strong enough to dissimate Tiger level monsters into small bits just by clapping/waving//running infront of them.