Kakashi still able to use susanoo?

I don't really watch boruto but I've always wondered if kakashi is still capable of summoning susanoo or not.
Technically it's always the eyes doing the job, proved by non-ucchichas whi have sharingans. This means ucchiha DNA is irrelevant.
On top of that, madara used susanoo without eyes at all. Even as a zombie that initially was built out of another humans body, again proving DNA is irrelevant.
This means, once unlocked susanoo is your eternal pet.

There's no reason kakashi shouldn't be able to use it.
Kakashi has not been in single Panel of boruto manga, only "Canon" thing hes done is traning boruto to learn different types of Rasengan

that being said, i dont think Kakashi can summon Susanoo anymore, its probably uchiha thing, Kakashi had Obito's Chakra + 6 path chakra when he summoned one and then he lost both.