Versus Battle Kamijou Touma “Dragon Strike” vs…

Latest Index novel was crazy. Touma’s been holding back some crazy shit for years now.

Simply put, here are the following questions for Touma’s recent power-up:

What are some of the weakest characters from any media Touma can lose to?

Some of the strongest characters from any media Touma can beat?

Will list off the feats later when there’s discussion going.


✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
With his ability to cancel out powers combined with his dragon arm he's a beast a very under rated character I think he can beat anyone with power but no skill his limit is probably people with a good balance of both like Vegeta but people like Issei from dxd who imo is stronger than goku and vegeta would lose cause Touma can just cancel his armor and then he's superior in hand to hand

Any idea if they'll make a season 4 of the anime?
With his ability to cancel out powers combined with his dragon arm he's a beast a very under rated character I think he can beat anyone with power but no skill his limit is probably people with a good balance of both like Vegeta but people like Issei from dxd who imo is stronger than goku and vegeta would lose cause Touma can just cancel his armor and then he's superior in hand to hand

Any idea if they'll make a season 4 of the anime?
He doesn’t have Imagine Breaker while in this state, which comes at the cost of removing his right arm.

Volume 9 of GT has Touma using the most complete version of this thing to date.

For one thing, it attacks and defends independently for Touma

It also possesses all the powers of the previous dragons that emerged in Railgun against Level 6 Misaka

-First Dragon (the one that appears in the fight against Aureolus Izzard): This dragon specializes in decursing and psychological attacks. If it bites you, you could have your memories destroyed.

-Blind Dragon: The blind dragon is a darkness dragon. It too has a powerful psychological effect, so you'll be overcome with terror and confusion when it's nearby.

-One-eyed Cobra Dragon: The one-eyed cobra dragon is a water dragon that summons rainstorms. Its fangs contain the undiluted concept of poison, so anything living it bites will either die or experience a fate worse than death.

-Four-eyed Dragon: The four-eyed dragon has multiple eye powers. It has illusion and hypnotism powers that can blur the line between dreams and reality. It is also a singer with a beautiful voice that can shatter even Shadow Metal.

-Corpse Flame Dragon: The corpse flame dragon is an undead fire dragon with flames erupting from its bones. It damages things with an energy drain that seemingly burns life force itself.

-Ice Crystal Dragon: The ice crystal dragon is as tough and solid as the planet itself and it breaths ice.

-Spear Head Dragon: The spear head dragon releases lightning from its body and fires lasers from its mouth.

The angel dragon's traits and powers are a secret since Mikoto is fighting it in the current Railgun manga arc.

For the Angel Dragon, it’s powers included being able to absorb the energy released from black holes across the universe, fire beams of light that turned whatever they touched to salt, and can fire feathers whose effects on the target vary - if the target consumed the user of the Angel Dragon’s blood prior, their mind controlled. If they didn’t, the feather lethally raises the sodium levels in their body and kills them soon.

^ This new Dragon has access to all the above powers and specifically made use of the Poison of the Snake-like one-eyed Dragon

For feats:

- Touma is now too great of an existence that reality itself strains and nearly collapses just by him existing

He had always stood tall on the battlefield. His march across Academy City had continued unabated even during the satellite’s heavy metal bombing and the Hula Hoop’s largescale particle accelerator cannon. With that in mind, just how much power had this small result required?
This far surpassed human limits.
The boy had chosen to cross that line.

Because he had sworn he would save the greatest wicked woman who could only wait for death.
Kamijou Touma provided no response.
He did not speak up in triumph and he kept his head lowered, hiding his expression.
A change came over the boy’s own shadow at his feet.

It flickered.
Unnaturally, like a dying fluorescent light.

What had this power cost him?
It was like the boy, who supposedly had a physical body, was shifting into the realm of shapeless and weightless illusion.
He took another step.
That was enough for the world to distort and strain. The space around him definitely sank. If he had stepped with greater purpose, it might have triggered an inwards gravitational collapse in that space, creating an irreparable hole.

- Even attacks too powerful for Imagine Breaker to stop are ignored by the Dragon if they don’t have enough killing intent to them.

But Kamijou did not speak a word.
He instructed what lay beyond his nonexistent right arm and the invisible dragon moved slightly. That was enough to overturn all the assumptions.
The dragon’s maw – and its razor-sharp teeth – bit a black object, stopping it in its tracks.
The object was a bit larger than a golf ball.
A…projectile?” muttered Aradia, her eyes widened in shock as she watched from the sidelines.
This was the identity of the extremely powerful magic that supposedly made defense impossible.
There was no mystery or miracle there. In fact, if a projectile was given a lethal amount of destructive force, it would naturally be moving too quickly to see with the naked eye. That unchangeable rule remained the same even when magic had influenced the logic. It was only a common parlor trick.
Kamijou did not bother with mockery. For that matter, he showed no human reaction at all. He only swung his arm dragon horizontally, tossing the annoyance of an object aside.
Why waste time on ordinary emotion when he could dedicate that time to devouring his prey?
That was the only thought behind his actions.
“Hee hee. So you can finally fight back and let me have some fun.”
Rosencreutz continued firing.
Annoyed and irritated by the identical attacks, Kamijou’s dragon released a deafening roar.
It was possible the boy couldn’t control it himself. The sloppily swung jaws deflected CRC’s projectiles to the side, sending them ricocheting toward hospital rooms with no connection to the fight.
The silver young man grinned.
As if to say he had guided things in that direction.
But the fearsome attacks vanished into thin air before contacting the wall.
“Oh?” breathed CRC in fascination.
He had sensed something worthy of his interest.
“You eliminated my attacks without permission? No, this is a simple matter of willpower. Any attack launched without a powerful intent to kill will be swallowed up and destroyed. And any attack that misses its mark swiftly loses all meaning.”

“After experiencing an improbably uniform amount of misfortune, you loathe lucky shots from your enemy. And this old man loathes all coincidental actions that go against my passions and playfulness. I see. Our clashing wills have distorted space on the macro level. But,” said Rosencreutz with a mocking grin. He held his palm out to the side, casually aiming at the wall there. “Kee hee hee, ee hee, hwa ha ha ha ha ha!! That leaves me plenty of room to play. As long as this old man directs his intent to kill toward those strangers, I can still hit them!”

- The Dragon commands all things, living and non-living to move or even physically alter in impossible ways with just its will alone.

Space was immediately sliced through over a distance of more than 100m.
But not because CRC had sliced through the innocent hospital patient beyond that wall.
A moment before he could, Kamijou Touma jabbed his dragon jaws forward and had it exhale a violent beam of light. Then he swung the jaws straight up to slice CRC’s right arm off at the shoulder.
Rosencreutz showed no interest in his own right arm spinning through the air.
As soon as he spoke that one word, the nearby rubble gathered around and formed something like the smooth arm of a mannequin to stop his bleeding. This was not a resurrection that returned him to normal. He was only mending by creating something new. After traveling the world, gathering all sorts of knowledge, and going around teaching people the secret art to create a human from scratch inside a still, this was a simple task for him. He didn’t even bother checking the movement of the arm that was lither and more beautiful than a real human arm. Instead, he raised his gaze straight up.
The ceiling had split.
But not because it had been sliced through.
Like custard or gelatin, the hospital’s walls and ceiling had separated themselves to the left and right to avoid Kamijou’s attack. Including the beds, the medical equipment, and the wiring in the walls. It all forgot its original texture, spread apart at the center like a slime, and then reconnected like nothing had happened.
It was like the building itself had a mind and a life of its own.
Christian Rosencreutz drew on his vast wisdom to instantly explain it.
This was not creation or destruction.
It was…
Did you command it? The intimidation of the crowned dragon king can command all living things, but also all inanimate objects?”
Those words carried deeper meaning than it initially seemed. And not just the silly risk of CRC himself obeying the command if he got careless.
Stray shots, hostages, other’s lives?
With this ultimate power, Kamijou wouldn’t have to worry about any of that.

- Touma can turn himself invisible and anything caught within the dragon’s maw, even reality itself, is erased

Something flew from the dragon maw like a whip. It was a long, chameleon-like tongue. CRC stepped back before it could ensnare him, but then he realized something.

He was gone.
Kamijou Touma had disappeared in the brief moment CRC’s eyes were off the boy.

But he could sense him.
A great pressure was approaching from the front!!
“You are a poikilotherm – that is, you have the ability to blend into the surrounding environment. But did you really think that would work against this old man?”
CRC swung a single arm, not hesitating to strike a point of empty space.
A cross with several sharp rose vines tangled around appeared there. It was more than a meter tall and it was entirely made of heavy gold.
It didn’t matter. A disturbing sound of bending metal rang out.
Kamijou and the dragon maw appeared out of thin air. The fangs and the cross struck each other.
The result was a series of snapping sounds.
Seeing the cross bending, CRC kicked a nearby stretcher into the shutting jaws. It could be hard to tell since they were made so light for greater portability, but the stretcher was made of sturdy stainless steel to ensure it didn’t drop a critical patient. It wasn’t going to break in a crocodile’s jaws or in a brown bear’s grasp.
But the jaws were not slowed.
They closed at the exact same speed, the row of fangs approaching Rosencreutz’s hand holding the cross.
That cross was not magic.
Nor was it an illusion, but the arm jaws still chewed it up and erased the intruding wreckage from the world.
Those jaws would destroy even unshakable reality.
This was a new power Kamijou Touma had acquired at the cost of his own destruction.

- At the cost of the Dragon’s tail, Touma can bring himself back to life one time. Does this and regenerates having his head destroyed.

“Interesting – kee hee – but not good enough!”
Rosencreutz held his empty palm out toward the boy’s face.
While their weapons were locked.
That attack had already been identified as a projectile. But in this moment, the invisible dragon could not move to stop the point-blank projectile attack.
With the unpleasant sound of the air being compressed, Kamijou Touma’s entire head was obliterated.
He didn’t even have time to blink.
Kamijou took another step forward like nothing had happened. His head had already regenerated. A dragon tail appeared out of thin air and twirled away as a substitute. That was likely a lizard’s tail that would take on any damage he took. But Kamijou knew without being told that it was a move he could only use once.
Now that he knew he had that option, he wished he had held onto it for longer.

- Even if one phases themselves into a state of non-existence, the Dragon’s attacks can still reach them

The entire surface of the invisible dragon jaws erupted. All its razor-sharp scales shot out. They rushed out to pummel Rosencreutz’s entire body like a point-blank shotgun blast.
“Ohhhhh!” shouted CRC just before a white steam explosively filled the space.
In the Rosicrucian cabal, clouds were an important symbol of covering up wisdom and truth to prevent the unworthy from viewing it. Inside that cloud, no attack could hit him even if made from 0cm away. The entire space could be filled with a dense scattershot, but it would be as useless as trying to attack a cat that may or may not be there because no one could observe it.
Kamijou swept the dragon horizontally to tear the thick cloud apart in an instant and then the color red sprayed out.
The cloud didn’t matter at all.
The dragon released its breath.
It looked like a sharp purple-shining blade, but was that actually the poison stored in an evil dragon’s body being released at extreme pressure?
The box was shredded, the cat was forced out to establish its existence, and then it was killed.
“Kee hee.”
CRC laughed and took immediate evasive action, but also ignored the deadly toxin traveling through his bloodstream.

- Dragon’s power to control the weather.

Something grew from the base of the great jaws that had replaced his right arm. It resembled a giant cape, but it was actually a sinister bat wing. The single wing gathered the air and then flapped.
The air became a solid mass and then became an extraordinary projectile that flew through the hospital.
At the same time, all the windows frosted over, the air electrified, and thick bolts of lightning rushed toward Rosencreutz from every direction. Was this what would happen to someone if they were thrown inside a large, swollen cumulonimbus cloud?
“You have not just created wind. The air pressure obeys your will, allowing you to control the weather!?”
This was well within divine territory, making it a legit miracle.
It could be blessed rain, or it could be electric divine punishment.
And CRC could also control clouds. He brought two fingers to his mouth and blew between them. One cloud struck the other, the weather conditions were forcibly altered, and the lightning changed course.

- Dragon’s Breath changes properties based on what either it or Touma puts in their mouth.

CRC held his palm out toward a thick metal door.
“The red elixir can conquer all deadly disease and even manipulate the lifespan!”
With a series of solid clanking sounds, the door, a cart, a scanning device larger than a fridge, and various other things gathered together and took the shape of a giant doll. It didn’t matter that they were all inorganic items. A liquid nitrogen tank must have burst because a thick white frost covered it all.
But Kamijou took action before it could actually do anything. In fact, Kamijou had punched Rosencreutz down here because he wanted something down here: the medical waste incinerator.
That special electric furnace could reach temperatures as high as 3500 degrees Celsius.
The wall right next to Kamijou audibly broke.
The following crunching sounds did not come from the invisible dragon maw.

Kamijou Touma was chewing it in his own mouth.
And the boy raised his right arm. The front-facing dragon jaws opened as wide as possible. This was something new. Something massive and brutal filled the depths of that mouth with a dangerous light.
He didn’t hesitate to unleash it.
Magnetron Dragon Breath.
All the dust and moisture in the air burned as a fearsome white torrent tore away at Christian Rosencreutz.
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Damn after reading what the angel dragon can do, that’s way worse than the cobra dragon can does.

Turning your body to salt, yikes reminds me of the queen beast from Drakengard to Nier.
With his ability to cancel out powers combined with his dragon arm he's a beast a very under rated character I think he can beat anyone with power but no skill his limit is probably people with a good balance of both like Vegeta but people like Issei from dxd who imo is stronger than goku and vegeta would lose cause Touma can just cancel his armor and then he's superior in hand to hand

Any idea if they'll make a season 4 of the anime?
Oh yeah, and no announcements made for an Index New Testament anime. 2024 does mark the series 20 year anniversary so there could be something like there was for 2014

Multiversal now with the way Phases are defined starting with Othinus. This Touma was able to fight to a stalemate with CRC whose > Othinus
Then he should be able to beat anybody who is only Universal level, since Multiversal is where he is at.

Maybe this Touma vs GER Giorno can be an interesting matchup.

He is not beating

Featherine augustus
Beyonder pre retcon
Reinhard heydrich
Lord of nightmares
Kami Tenchi
Sai akuto

This is accurate, but who is Mercurius?
Then he should be able to beat anybody who is only Universal level, since Multiversal is where he is at.

Maybe this Touma vs GER Giorno can be an interesting matchup.
Perhaps. Imagine Breaker counters GER but Touma doesn’t have it here. Feel free to try the thread if you like

This is accurate, but who is Mercurius?
From the same VN as Reinhard. Don’t know much else, tried it out but the story is one of the dumbest chunni premises I’ve ever read and the anime was ass
Perhaps. Imagine Breaker counters GER but Touma doesn’t have it here. Feel free to try the thread if you like

From the same VN as Reinhard. Don’t know much else, tried it out but the story is one of the dumbest chunni premises I’ve ever read and the anime was ass

Btw, is it confirmed that IB can counter something on the level of GER that can produce infinite realities?

Ok, thanks.
How did GER send its target to a new reality after each death, then?
It didn’t? Diavolo just had his death returned to 0 through its power to nullify things to 0 each time just before he died so that he’d be forced to move on to the next possible way he’d die.

He’s basically going around to random places in the world to die over and over
It didn’t? Diavolo just had his death returned to 0 through its power to nullify things to 0 each time just before he died so that he’d be forced to move on to the next possible way he’d die.

He’s basically going around to random places in the world to die over and over
Ok, this match up went nowhere because of how different the perception of GER'S ability is.

Let me rephrase my earlier statement then: I think IB Touma or this Touma vs Anti-Monitor from DC can be an interesting match-up.