Speculations Kizaru's devil fruit was used to create Uranus

So apparently the ancient kingdom 900 years ago was arguably more advanced than current day and age Egghead. Vegapunk is your average Ancient Kingdom scientest and is still looking for answers regarding trivial issues. On the other hand 900+ years ago someone forged Uranus, a weapon capable of nuking islands.

16 light beams were fired simultaneously that completely erased Lulusia

Kizaru while directing this casual attack at fodder nuked a mangrove tree

Here's a different perspective for the size of these things: (ignore pixels they were already there)

If this casual Kizaru beam was fired 16 times simultaneously it can easily amass such fire power, arguably even far stronger
So i guess at this point that every single DF was created by scientists in the past. They started with Zoans because extracting DNA from animals is easiest, then they went on to natural elements and after that they could pretty much turn everything into a fruit. Explains how there is a book of DF's.

When the D's realised they're getting clapped they came up with a system to have the abilities pass on to next generations in hope they will be used against the CD.

Riding with that headcanon rn

Prometheus, a concept of "eternal flames":

Fueling its power to create a light beam.... Also I think this concept is implied how Lunarians end up getting extinct:

The concept of their "god status" was with their flame mode as it was indirectly implied according to Zoro:

If I were to add on to your theory I think there's a chance in history that Lunarians willing gave up their flames on their backs(the "eternal" conjure of their flames) when they came to an agreement with whoever was building Uranus. They end up getting backed-stabbed/taking advantage of at the end and went extinct because of it.

Formerly Seth

So apparently the ancient kingdom 900 years ago was arguably more advanced than current day and age Egghead. Vegapunk is your average Ancient Kingdom scientest and is still looking for answers regarding trivial issues. On the other hand 900+ years ago someone forged Uranus, a weapon capable of nuking islands.

16 light beams were fired simultaneously that completely erased Lulusia

Kizaru while directing this casual attack at fodder nuked a mangrove tree

Here's a different perspective for the size of these things: (ignore pixels they were already there)

If this casual Kizaru beam was fired 16 times simultaneously it can easily amass such fire power, arguably even far stronger
I guess it would make sense.

The reveal of the Ancient Kingdom being actually advanced as fuck ( my theory proven right btw ) opens up endless possibilities.
So apparently the ancient kingdom 900 years ago was arguably more advanced than current day and age Egghead. Vegapunk is your average Ancient Kingdom scientest and is still looking for answers regarding trivial issues. On the other hand 900+ years ago someone forged Uranus, a weapon capable of nuking islands.

16 light beams were fired simultaneously that completely erased Lulusia

Kizaru while directing this casual attack at fodder nuked a mangrove tree

Here's a different perspective for the size of these things: (ignore pixels they were already there)

If this casual Kizaru beam was fired 16 times simultaneously it can easily amass such fire power, arguably even far stronger
This ain't it, Chief. :handsup: