Chapter Discussion Kuma and the Sorbet Kingdom

This last chapter we got confirmation that Bonney is the Daughter of Bartholomew Kuma. So I wanted to look over Kuma and his relationship to the World Government.

We'll start off with the first major point

Kuma at one point was the King of the Sorbet kingdom.

Bartholomew Kuma at one point in time was a Royal, but more than just a Royal, he was the King of one of the 170 Kingdoms of the World Government. The two following images support the idea that even now, Sorbet is still a WG member

"Connie" being able to attend the Reverie acts as proof that the Kingdom is still in good standing with the government

Lindbergh's statement on why they responded to Kuma the way that they did.

Now of course, one could presume that Kuma as a revolutionary took over a Government controlled country and it was eventually returned to Government control. However I don't think that is the case, because the world at large did not know that Kuma was a Revolutionary. The two examples of this I can provide are

Kuma revealing his position to Rayleigh

Doflamingo having no idea how Kuma was connected to Ivankov

These two are very important because it suggests that to the greater world, even people as knowledgeable as Ray and Doffy, Kuma's status as a Revolutionary was unknown. Which leads into my next point, which is Kuma's status as the King of Sorbet and his past. From Morley, we're told that Kuma has always had a hard life due to the World Government.

And we can see suggestion of this from Kuma's child picture

This is not the look of a child born into wealth. Which leads me to believe Kuma took to the throne of Sorbet in one of three ways.

  1. He started a revolution that was recognized by the World Government after the fact.
  2. He married the Queen of Sorbet and became the King as a result
  3. Sorbet is a dirt poor nation to the point that even the Royal Family lives in squalor.
While I feel like 1 and 2 are equally likely, I feel like option 3 is less so due to the fact that if Sorbet was so poor, there's no way it'd be a member of the World Government much less have a seat at Reverie.

I personally think option 2 may be the most likely and would like to direct you towards Bonney and Queen Dowager Connie. Bonney's vivre card mentions that when she ages up, she resembles Connie. Knowing that Bonney is Kuma's daughter, it wouldn't surprise me if Connie is Bonney's Grandmother (or less likely, but still possible, her mother). And the possibility is that Bonney's mother is Connie's child and the rightful heir/current Queen of the kingdom of Sorbet. This would, beyond Kumas personal sacrifice, explain why Sorbetis still in good standing with the World Government.

There is, however, the possibility that the entire kingdom, down to the royal family are poor, and I think the strongest argument for this is Bonney's child picture

Here we have Bonney as a child, equally as covered in dirt as her father was when he was a kid.

Now if we leave out the possibility that Bonney was adopted, this would suggest that the Princess of the Sorbet kingdom was also living in fairly squalor conditions. In which case, it may be a situation where the World Government with all their tributes was bleeding Kuma's home dry, which I feel would ingratiate a King to Dragon's Cause by feeling the suffering at the World Government's hands.
This is actually a great post

Though I'd like to point out that your Bonney point isn't completely sound

We don't know how old Bonney is in this picture (or at all I think) and we don't know when Kuma officially lost his kingdom

This could be Bonney after Kuma is labeled The Tyrant and they're forced to survive on their own
This is actually a great post

Though I'd like to point out that your Bonney point isn't completely sound

We don't know how old Bonney is in this picture (or at all I think) and we don't know when Kuma officially lost his kingdom

This could be Bonney after Kuma is labeled The Tyrant and they're forced to survive on their own

That's fair, didn't consider that possibility.
Connie was allowed in Marijoa but she wasnt one of the Royals in the Reverie, what mean the she was there as part of one of the Royal groups and the current King of Sorbet was one of the Kings we see at the Reverie.

For Kuma, could be that he was born royal but grow up in close contact with poor people, we have seen that with Sabo, and that contact would be what lead him to enter the Revos and fight ti change.

Kuma have this motif of sacrifice , from Buddhist and Cristhian religions, what would explain he living in poverty like a Monk.

Also the "Tyrant" thing seems to be something from the times he was King, pehaps he shared all the royal weath, including the Celestial Dragons Tribute, with the people, and that was the thing that forced him to flee the country and become a pirate, with the WG creating stories about he being a cruel king, as propaganda against his good acts, the same thing could be what made he and Dragon get close each other, as Dragon saw Kuma as a good King.

So his timeline would be like:
-Grow up as heir of Sorbet but in contact with the people struggles
-Become a good King and start to share with the people
-Dont pay the Celestial Money to help his people
-That made the WG frame him as a criminal and call him the Tyrant
-That also make Dragon like him
-Become a Revo
-He and Dragon made a plan that lead to the Pacifista project
-Become a Warlord
-Get in contact with Vegapunk
-Become a Cyborg

For Bonney, think sometime after she visited Egghead with Kuma se was captured by the WG. Akainu seems to imply that she had escaped the WG sometime ago. Pehaps the WG use her to blackmail Kuma into the Pacifista project