General & Others Luffy + commanders = 4 gods


Luffy: dragon
Zoro: tiger
Sanji: phoenix
Jinbe: turtle

Starting off with Jinbe and the black turtle aka genbu. Jinbe seems to specifically specialize in hardening. Him being able to not only use full body hardening but a tougher version of normal armament in shark skin. The turtles element is also water. Fishmen in general represent black people in some ways

Next up Sanji and the vermilion phoenix aka suzaku. Pretty self explanatory but Sanji is a flying fire guy and phoenixes fly and have fire powers

Zoro the white tiger aka byakko. The tiger is associated with autumn, metal, and wind and so it zoro. Shimotsuki and therefore zoro have lots of connections to the month November. Zoro uses swords aka metal weapon and he hair air slashes

Luffy the azure dragon aka seiryu. No pun intended but this one is admittedly more of a stretch. The dragon represents wood, creativity, benevolence, and rain. Luffy being creative and benevolent is self explanatory. As for wood maybe because he ate a devil fruit with it literally coming from some magic tree somehow. For rain we’ve been told multiple times that d will bring a storm and a rain storm is a thing….idk

Maybe someone can eventually represent the dragon better with luffy being the middle idk. Maybe maybe someone else can represent the middle better too. Since imu has the 5 gorosei maybe to mirror him luffy will also have 5 people that represent the same planets/elements
Feels kinda forced seeing how Luffy shares no connection to dragon imagery or the color blue and the black warrior is a turtle and a snake; not just the turtle.

Besides oda seems to have made the main commander and luffy have an overarching theme it’s that they’re all sinners who break the 5 precepts of Buddhism

1. No killing any living animal or human - Luffy who’s obsessed with eating meat
2. No stealing - Nami who’s a thief
3. No lustful actions - Sanji who has a pervert gag
4. No lying - Usopps lies are a main part of his character
5. No drinking alcohol - Zoro has an alcohol gag