Future Events Luffy/Zoro/Sanji Bounty Pattern.

I have three patterns here.
So I was doing meth last night and this came to me in my dream.

There's a pattern in Zoro and Luffy Bounty.

- 1st Bounty (Arlong Park)


- 30 Million


- 0 Million

- 2nd Bounty (Arabasta)


- 100 Million


- 60 Million

- 3rd Bounty (Pattern Starts here as Both have a Bounty now)

Luffy - 300 M

Zoro :

Formula = [Zoro Current + (2 x Luffy 1st)]

= [60 + (2 × 30)]

= 120 M (correct answer)

- 4th Bounty

Luffy - 500 M

Zoro = [Zoro Current + (2 × Luffy 2nd)]

= [120 + (2 × 100)]

= 320 M (Again correct)

- 5th Bounty

Luffy - 3 B

Zoro = [Zoro current + (2 × luffy's 3rd)]

= [320 + (2 × 400)] (we will consider 400 M over 300 M because of time skip)

= 1.1 B

6th Bounty

Luffy - 4.5 B

Zoro = [1.1 + (2 × 500 M)]

= 2.2 B ~

7th Bounty

luffy - 6 B (Surpassing Roger)

Zoro = [2.2 + (2 × 1.5)]

= 5.2 ~ 5.390 B (5.3 , opposite of 3.590 , Mihawk bounty)

Zoro will Surpass

- WB - World Strongest Man (5 B)

- Kaidou - W.S Creature - (4.6 B)

- Mihawk - W . S . S - (3.5 B) (I'm expecting his bounty to increase as well)....



Bounties ArcLuffyZoroSanji
Arlong Park30 M"-""-"
Alabasta100 M60 M"-"
Eniess Lobby300 M120 M77 M
Post Marineford400 MNo UpdateNo Update
Dressrosa500 M320 M177 M
Whole Cake Island1.5 BNo Update330 M
Wano3 B1.1 B1 B
EggheadYet to DisclosedYet To be Disclosed
ElbafProbably in next 3 years""

  • Only place you where everyone got a bounty upgrade are "Enies Lobby" , "Dressrosa" , "Wano".
  • Luffy has 3 Extra Bounty upgrades Compared to Zoro
  • Luffy has 3 Extra Bounty Upgrades Compared to Sanji
I'm trying to look for a pattern in their Bounty.

First Pattern is ,
  • Zoro Bounty is Luffy's 0.6 or 0.4 times.
BountiesLuffyMultiplicativeZoro BountyExtra or Less
Alabasta100 M0.660 M"0"
Enies Lobby300 M0.4120"0"
Dressrosa500 M0.6320 M20 M Extra
Wano3 B0.41.2 B" - 89 M "
Whatever the next bounty Update4 B / 4.5 B / 5 B / 5.5 B / 6B0.62.4 B / 2.7 B / 3 B / 3.3 B / 3.6 B"-"

5.5 B or 6 B. and For Zoro 3.6 B will be last after beating Mihawk Bounty of 3.59 B.

But this Pattern has it's own Flaws. ,
because above one suggests , Only one Bounty update is left.

and if two are left. then Final multiplicative would be "0.4".
Problem with that is , Luffy Final Bounty would be "9 B" , which is Unrealistic.

So above one have it's own Cons , and Pros.

Second Pattern I Noticed is ,
  • Zoro Bounty is (Formula - (Luffy Previous Bounty * 2) + Zoro Previous Bounty).
  • Pattern Goes like , if Luffy Previous Bounty is "a1" and next previous bounty is "a2" and Zoro Previous Bounty is "b1" and Next Previous Bounty is "b2"then ,
    - "( a1 *2) + b1 =c1"
    - "( a1 *2) + b2 =c2"
    - "( a2 *2) + b3 =c3"
    - "( a2 *2) + b4 =c4"
    - "( a3 *2) + b5 =c5"
    - "( a3 *2) + b6 =c6"
    - "( a4 *2) + b7 =c7"
  • Everything remains same , just that Luffy bounty is repeated twice.
  • To Simply it ,
    Luffy and Zoro First Bounty was 100 M and 60 M. (Because this was the first time both had a bounty and zoro didn't, so I'm not Counting 30 M of luffy)

Luffy BountyLuffy Previous BountyZoro Previous BountyApplying FormulaZoro Given Bounty
100 M30 M"0"(( 30 M * 2) + "0") = 60 M60 MValid
300 M30 M"60 M"(( 30 M * 2) + "60 M"120 MValid
500 M100 M"120 M"(( 100 M * 2) + "120 M"320 MValid
1.5 B100 M"320 M"(( 100 M * 2) + "320 M"620 M(additional 100 M)Zoro Never Got WCI update
3 B300 M"520 M"(( 300 M * 2) + "620 M"1.2 B (~1.111 B)Valid
Unknown (~4B)300 M"1.2 B (Calculated)"(( 300 M * 2) + "1.2 B"1.8 BEgghead Update
Unknown(~5B)500 M"1.8 B"(( 500 M * 2) + "1.8 B"2.8 BElbaf/Blackbeard Update
Unknown(~6B)500 M"2.6"(( 500 M * 2) + "2.6"3.6 BMihawk battle Final Bounty Update

Cons to this pattern is
  • I have to Ignore Luffy 400 M update to make it accurate.
  • I added in Zoro post WCI raise which Zoro never got. (Maybe his was never Updated but if He were Present in WCI , that much it would have been)
  • Rest Aligns Perfectly , except 1.8 B and 2.8 B , 3.6 is the most logical one , after beating Mihawk at 3.59 B.
I gave you all two patterns and both of them rests at "3.6 B".

Now coming to Sanji Pattern.
  • Sanji Bounty is Always , (Half of Zoro Bounty + Some Extra)
Zoro BountySanji BountyFormulaExtra
120 M77 M(120 / 2 + 17 M)17 M
320 M177 M(320/2 + 17 M)17 M
640 M330 M(640/2 + 10 M)10 M
1.8 B1B(1.8 B/ 2 + 100 M)100 M
2.8 B1.4 B (+ extra)(1.8 B +)(2.8 B/2 + (Extra))If you can think of any number please do
3.6 B1.8 B (+ extra)(2
8 B +)
(3.6 B/2 + (Extra))"

  • Reason I didn't counted 1.1 B here is because , in Wano both had 320 M and 330 M bounty. but in Egghead I believe only Luffy and Zoro get Bounty Update for Kizaru and Lucci , which is 4B and 1.8 B.
  • Another reason being , I believe Zoro Bounty to be 1.8 B after Wano itself. 1.1B is criminally underrated for AdCoC Zoro.

  • With this , It fits perfectly with Zoro being strong enough to have 3.6 B bounty after Beating Mihawk and entering Yonkou Top tier Category without any crew but by being a part of it, superior to Admirals.
  • And same for Sanji cuz , his Final Bounty Should be 2 B+ , Strong enough to be considered low top tier , yet in Admirals Tier. maybe 3B is the peak he can hit , as he always crosses Zoro Prior Bounty , which was 2.8 B.
@Fleet Leader Fenaker you were asking for this ig.
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You cannot forget the Goroawase.

Oda always makes puns you the numbers of the bounties.

Luffy's actual bouty can be read as San wokung, Big Mom's bounty has 88 (haha, mother), whitebeard had shiro (white)...

Luffy's next bounty will likely be 4,444 Billion (shi shi shi shi), his Nika laugh, thar also can be translated as death death death death.

His final bounty will probably be 5,6 bi, the gomu gomu, sightly higher than Roger's.

zoro: 3,106 billion (Santoryu)

sanji: 2,968,400,000 (Kuro Ashi, black leg)

jinbe: 2,893 bi (yakuza)
You cannot forget the Goroawase.

Oda always makes puns you the numbers of the bounties.

Luffy's actual bouty can be read as San wokung, Big Mom's bounty has 88 (haha, mother), whitebeard had shiro (white)...

Luffy's next bounty will likely be 4,444 Billion (shi shi shi shi), his Nika laugh, thar also can be translated as death death death death.

His final bounty will probably be 5,6 bi, the gomu gomu, sightly higher than Roger's.

zoro: 3,106 billion (Santoryu)

sanji: 2,968,400,000 (Kuro Ashi, black leg)

jinbe: 2,893 bi (yakuza)
But My zoro 3.6 B makes total sense.
3 Heads , 6 Hands , 9 Swords , Ashura reference.
3.690 B bounty.

And same with Luffy I already gave the case of Luffy being or hitting 5.6 B exact.
Both a little above Roger and Mihawk.

Roger : Mihawk : Croc is a good baseline for their final bounties.

Again, bounties, not powerlevel, because Zoro is only in his early twenties post-Mihawk.
Unlike Roger/Yonkou. 3.6B is a huge bounty , because if your remove crew from their them , they will start falling on 3-4 B ranges too.
Oda will go for puns over "accurate" reflections of bounties every time. Using a formula for the math is folly. You have to look for the common patterns he goes for with his puns.
3.69 B follows the pun of 3 heads , 6 heads and 9 Blades.
5.6 or 6.056 follows luffy pun,

EoS luffy and Zoro needs to surpass , Roger and Mihawk Bounty.
This goes out the window if cross guild get an increase
No it actually doesn't.
Further boost on Mihawk bounty will lead over all Cross guild bounty boost.
3.59 is Mihawk alone Strength based Bounty.
Anything further than this will involve Cross guild Involvement.

And where Blackbeard and Shanks did somethhing.

Crocodile , Mihawk , And buggy did really nothing rn.