While I do think a sword and spear would be cooler what if luffy just straight up using a pipe/staff/stick/etc. He and his brothers use to use them when they fought as kids

Sabo still uses one till this day

Goku and son wukong had one

It’d basically work the same as nami’s climatact. Which I honestly don’t like they idea of luffy having the same exact weapon as her basically but idk
Nami basically has a flying nimbus like Goku and wukong too

As for weapon quality maybe there could be an exception with it being a supreme grade even tho it’s not a blade. If not that just means he has to use armaments more often

Still think a sword and spear would be cooler. Like him getting roger and whitebeards main weapons would be cool. As well as not as right on the nose with the sun wokong stuff nami already has