General & Others My major issues in this arc, and some alternative "fixes"

Act 1 - Fanastic, 10/10 from beginning to end. Ending it on a high note, a sneakpeak of an Emperor's power vs Luffy comparison.

Act 2 - would have been fantastic too, if it wasn't for that garbage Big Mom amnesia plotline.
Alternative - that plot lead to Kaido and Big Mom forming an alliance. Why write that bullshit for one of the top tiers of One Piece if she was gonna be the second major villain of the arc.

An alternative, have the Big Mom Pirates arrive later, using that opportunity of showcasing the capabilities of Wano as a natural fortress, with Kaido, King preventing the ship from reaching climbing the waterfall, pull artillery from mountains to shoot their ship down.
Then the alliance gets proposed by Big Mom, seeing how it would be pretty impossible to climb up. Kaido invites Big Mom for a meeting to discuss their plans while the BMP wait outside Wano. End of act 2 - Kaido and Big Mom alliance announcement.

Act 3 - let's focus with the biggest issue of act 3 -, the raid, the waste of time, pointless scenarios. Act 3 should have been straight up the fighting portion, off screen the running around. Very little backstories, focus on them more as characters get defeated, with most of them dumped for act 2 instead, if/when possible.

Yamato - the first time she reveals herself to Luffy just immediately shoves down his throat that she will sail with him. She gets introduced at the wrong time, the supposedly fighting portion of the arc. And after saying that over and over, in thr end the decision to not join, and the fact that she talked with Luffy over that - off screened.

The Kurozumi, Orochi and Kanjuro went from enjoyable villains, to simply an annoyance as Oda kept them dragging down the mud for the rest of the arc for no reason. Just so he could have a samurai cut down Orochi in the same chapter as Luffy lands his punch on Kaido. It becomes too much dragging, or if you want to have that moment, have them stay lying down for strategic purposes till most pirates take each other out, then make one last flashy end to get ended by Kinemon, while Denjiro finishes Orochi off in the same manner as Kaido starts going down with the final attacks.

The Kurozumi persecution - could have served as a way to develop and help the people within Wano to grow from their ancestors mistakes or some shit. Would have liked something like that, or at least have Hiyori send a far better and inspiring message to the people of Wano regardless what she said to Orochi in his face.

Kinemon - gets destroyed once, recovers to some extend ok, but THEN gets head, his skull smashed, gets cut in HALF, and then the heaps of bullshit to explain how he survived. My question is why, why write something like that if you wont kill that character, could have EASILY avoided that scenario, instead we had entire pages wasted.

Gear 5 - I wont mind the change on the df too much. My main problem is it should have been foreshadowed a lot earlier. Would argue as far back as Enies Lobby, with Lucci throwing some tease on that ability, while then a decade+ later Who's Who enforcing it. Wont mind too much the goofy aspects of it, however I think it should be toned down a bit. Or perhaps my main issue is him gaining too many power ups in a short period of time. Tho I guess the raid started 2 weeks after he gained advanced CoA, then he got CoC coating and advanced it, then Awakening. Still mixed feelings.

Kaido - I think it would simply add a lot more to his character considering he has some dope ass quotes. Find time to make 1-1,5 chapters for his backstory, that's more than enough. As the final attack lands on him, as he gets knocked out, throw a full chapter and a half of backstory then use the last part for him getting buried on the volcano. More interesting instead of back and forth between one panel of backstory, back to present, back to backstory from a different timeline. Terrible paneling choice.

Sanji vs Queen sucked balls - which is strange because Sanji's fights are arguably the best when it comes to choreography. A very odd one among his fights. Good for his character, terrible for the choreography, and Queen had a variety of arsenal at disposal which could have made for a great fight, shame.

King's race - simply have him burst into flames and work from there with his ancient zoan too and non fixated fighting style. No need for the nonsensical on/off switch for his race ability. Have him be awakened for the extra strength from his zoan. This arc was for ancient zoans, should have had at least one ancient zoan awakening. Either him or Jack.

Speaking of Jack... zero named attacks. Oda couldn't even dedicate half of the chapter for him, forget giving him awakening.

Overhaul the entire Page One/Ulti fight. My alternative, have instead Nami/Broom/Usopp with Tama's ability as assistance so Usopp can tame various beasts, and set traps for Ulti/P1 to stop them, Brook and Nami land the finisher. They are known as Luffy's commanders now/senior officers, fuck that Big Mom garbage.

I am happy for Kidd and Law that they got one hefty achievement out of the arc. Even that felt short in the end in terms of enjoying the scenario itself as Oda had the ability to make that much more interesting, but will leave it at that for now, as it might be a big thread already.

The raid could have been a lot more enjoyable in my opinion, considering this is supposed to be a penultimate arc, it drops the ball to deliver in that regard for decades worth of hype. Thriller Bark, Fishman Island, Punk Hazzard, Dressrosa, Zou, Whole Cake Island, ALL for this. Not well planned overall, and it didn't deliver all the years worth of hype. There's a big payoff, but it didn't deliver too well.

Agree, disagree, or am I spouting a bunch of nonsense, feel free to point out.
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Act 3 would have been so good if the fights were longer and no Tama and Raizo vs Fukurokuju stealing so many panels.
Imagine if some of the best fights like kidd and law vs BM, Zoro vs King ,Jinbe vs WsW and Robin vs BM were longer.
Cut out BM amnesia bs, raizo vs Fukurokuju,Tama,Yamato,non stop revivals of Orochi Kanjuro and the scabbards, and we could save up at least half a year of this shipwreck arc.

One major thing is than not even a single character died in the hands of Kaido. Dude wrote an entire raid against an Emperor whose supposed to be the WSC and a ruthless beast and in the end all he did was cut off Kiku's arm. This motherfucker could very well had Izo & Ashura died in rooftop but instead he chose to let them die somewhere else.

Also this forced rivalry of Kid/Law/Luffy was garbage and the overall fight against BM was anticlimatic especially the end.
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Act 3 would have been so good if the fights were longer and no Tama and Raizo vs Fukurokuju stealing so many panels.
Imagine if some of the best fights like kidd and law vs BM, Zoro vs King ,Jinbe vs WsW and Robin vs BM were longer.
My intend wasn't to change entire events, moreso offering an alternative to make the scenario leading to that plotline more interesting, I don't even mind Tama that much, but the entire premise of that fight was trash, and Usopp/Nami are now known as commanders, my alternative was to include Brook with them. Use Tama's power at least properly. Have Usopp set vatious traps usung the tamed beasts and beast pirates so they change the tide of the war against the overwhelming numbers, land traps for Ulti/P1, Nami and Brook deliver the finishers, proper credit for defeating two of the F6 and changing the tide of the war, while at the same time some cowardice due to Nami/Usopp. Very decent feat to be known as Luffy's commanders/senior officers post arc

Instead - Big Mom, chapters of cat and mouse games.