Speculations My take on how BBP Vs SH will happen

Considering Blackbeard captured koby, I think it's not far fetched to think he will also capture law.

The question is why is he doing that?

Before I give my opinion on the matter, YES, I take in consideration how oda write (it's partially why I think law will not die):saden:

The first actual reason in the manga is because Blackbeard wants to set up a public execution of these 2 (just like marineford) to show that he is the one who reign supreme on the sea.

The second reason is that it could gather some big name who might as well join his crew.

Are a marine hero and a 3 billions berry pirate enough?

Some might say that it is but I think having another pirate would settle the deal.

Who could be this pirate?:saden:

Well yes, I am obviously talking about kid, the other 3 billions bounty pirate.

How could he be captured?

I didn't put so much thought on it so the explanation is rather easy, kid's pirate just happen to sail on behive island and Aokiji and Shiliew captured them.

I think it's a symbolic match up, one side is composed of ex WG agents and the other side is composed of WG haters. Shiliew the bloodlusted Vs killer the killer and Aokiji the crippled covered in scars who use his df to replace his missing limb Vs Kid the crippled covered in scars who use his df to replace his missing limb. :risicheck:

6 billions berry is way more interesting than 3 and surpass the 5 billions of whitebeard, the previous pirate who got a public execution.

Goofy will learn about their upcoming executions in the newspaper and fly to behive to save his friends koby and law.:hapnoel:

This could also explain why Oda gave to law and kid such a big bounty, to hype up their capture.

Is it good? Bad?:endthis:
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Considering Blackbeard captured koby, I think it's not far fetched to think he will also capture law.

The question is why is he doing that?

Before I give my opinion on the matter, YES, I take in consideration how oda's write (it's partially why I think law will not die):saden:

The first actual reason in the manga is because Blackbeard wants to set up a public execution of these 2 (just like marineford) to show that he is the one who reign supreme on the sea.

The second reason is that it could gather some big name who might as well join his crew.

Are a marine hero and a 3 billions berry pirate enough?

Some might say that it is but I think having another pirate would settle the deal.

Who could be this pirate?:saden:

Well yes, I am obviously talking about kid, the other 3 billions bounty pirate.

How could he be captured?

I didn't put so much thought on it so the explanation is rather easy, kid's pirate just happen to sail on behive island and Aokiji and Shiliew captured them.

I think it's a symbolic match up, one side is composed of ex WG agents and the other side is composed of WG haters. Shiliew the bloodlusted Vs killer the killer and Aokiji the crippled covered in scars who use his df to replace his missing limb Vs Kid the crippled covered in scars who use his df to replace his missing limb. :risicheck:

6 billions berry is way more interesting than 3 and surpass the 5 billions of whitebeard, the previous pirate who got a public execution.

Goofy will learn about their upcoming executions in the newspaper and fly to behive to save his friends koby and law.:hapnoel:

This could also explain why Oda gave to law and kid such a big bounty, to hype up their capture.

Is it good? Bad?:endthis:
I don't think BB is gonna capture Law cause he would just kill him and take his fruit. The Ope Ope is quite literally known as the Ultimate Devil Fruit. I also think Koby is gonna break free somehow since it would go against his growth if he didn't

I think there's a good chance that Nami gets kidnapped by Blackbeard though
I don't think BB is gonna capture Law cause he would just kill him and take his fruit. The Ope Ope is quite literally known as the Ultimate Devil Fruit. I also think Koby is gonna break free somehow since it would go against his growth if he didn't

I think there's a good chance that Nami gets kidnapped by Blackbeard though
I think you missed the public execution part:endthis:


𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐢
I always think about how this will happen and I still can't find a proper solution.

Let's be real, SHs going after BB once they hear he captured Law or whatever is shit as fuck.

I would write their face-off on their final way to Laugh Tale and they would fight midway or something like that.

While on Laugh Tale Shanks would be already waiting to challenge Luffy.

Luffy said he wants to defeat all Yonko and Shanks is now interested in Laugh Tale for some reason. He will bump into Kidd beat him up and take his rubbings too.
I always think about how this will happen and I still can't find a proper solution.

Let's be real, SHs going after BB once they hear he captured Law or whatever is shit as fuck.

I would write their face-off on their final way to Laugh Tale and they would fight midway or something like that.

While on Laugh Tale Shanks would be already waiting to challenge Luffy.

Luffy said he wants to defeat all Yonko and Shanks is now interested in Laugh Tale for some reason. He will bump into Kidd beat him up and take his rubbings too.
The issue is that you don't take in consideration the character you re talking about, goofy would just give on his goal to be the pirate king if it's to save koby or law:endthis:
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Especially recently with Luffy revealing clearly that his dream is not really to be the pk:endthis:
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Considering Blackbeard captured koby, I think it's not far fetched to think he will also capture law.

The question is why is he doing that?

Before I give my opinion on the matter, YES, I take in consideration how oda's write (it's partially why I think law will not die):saden:

The first actual reason in the manga is because Blackbeard wants to set up a public execution of these 2 (just like marineford) to show that he is the one who reign supreme on the sea.

The second reason is that it could gather some big name who might as well join his crew.

Are a marine hero and a 3 billions berry pirate enough?

Some might say that it is but I think having another pirate would settle the deal.

Who could be this pirate?:saden:

Well yes, I am obviously talking about kid, the other 3 billions bounty pirate.

How could he be captured?

I didn't put so much thought on it so the explanation is rather easy, kid's pirate just happen to sail on behive island and Aokiji and Shiliew captured them.

I think it's a symbolic match up, one side is composed of ex WG agents and the other side is composed of WG haters. Shiliew the bloodlusted Vs killer the killer and Aokiji the crippled covered in scars who use his df to replace his missing limb Vs Kid the crippled covered in scars who use his df to replace his missing limb. :risicheck:

6 billions berry is way more interesting than 3 and surpass the 5 billions of whitebeard, the previous pirate who got a public execution.

Goofy will learn about their upcoming executions in the newspaper and fly to behive to save his friends koby and law.:hapnoel:

This could also explain why Oda gave to law and kid such a big bounty, to hype up their capture.

Is it good? Bad?:endthis:
Straw hats and BB will meet in laught tale and fight for PK position.We don't need any fancy twist for this fight to happen.
Considering Blackbeard captured koby, I think it's not far fetched to think he will also capture law.

The question is why is he doing that?

Before I give my opinion on the matter, YES, I take in consideration how oda's write (it's partially why I think law will not die):saden:

The first actual reason in the manga is because Blackbeard wants to set up a public execution of these 2 (just like marineford) to show that he is the one who reign supreme on the sea.

The second reason is that it could gather some big name who might as well join his crew.

Are a marine hero and a 3 billions berry pirate enough?

Some might say that it is but I think having another pirate would settle the deal.

Who could be this pirate?:saden:

Well yes, I am obviously talking about kid, the other 3 billions bounty pirate.

How could he be captured?

I didn't put so much thought on it so the explanation is rather easy, kid's pirate just happen to sail on behive island and Aokiji and Shiliew captured them.

I think it's a symbolic match up, one side is composed of ex WG agents and the other side is composed of WG haters. Shiliew the bloodlusted Vs killer the killer and Aokiji the crippled covered in scars who use his df to replace his missing limb Vs Kid the crippled covered in scars who use his df to replace his missing limb. :risicheck:

6 billions berry is way more interesting than 3 and surpass the 5 billions of whitebeard, the previous pirate who got a public execution.

Goofy will learn about their upcoming executions in the newspaper and fly to behive to save his friends koby and law.:hapnoel:

This could also explain why Oda gave to law and kid such a big bounty, to hype up their capture.

Is it good? Bad?:endthis:
At this point I'll just be happy if Oda doesn't offscreen the fight and if he doesn't come up with BS like BM attacking Ulti and P1 to save the weak trio.
The first actual reason in the manga is because Blackbeard wants to set up a public execution of these 2 (just like marineford) to show
Buggy exceeded everyone's expectations by putting bounty on Marine's head.
But Blackbeard will take it to another level: he will set a public execution Marineford style, for defeated Fujitora whom Shiryu caught.
Considering Blackbeard captured koby, I think it's not far fetched to think he will also capture law.

The question is why is he doing that?

Before I give my opinion on the matter, YES, I take in consideration how oda's write (it's partially why I think law will not die):saden:

The first actual reason in the manga is because Blackbeard wants to set up a public execution of these 2 (just like marineford) to show that he is the one who reign supreme on the sea.

The second reason is that it could gather some big name who might as well join his crew.

Are a marine hero and a 3 billions berry pirate enough?

Some might say that it is but I think having another pirate would settle the deal.

Who could be this pirate?:saden:

Well yes, I am obviously talking about kid, the other 3 billions bounty pirate.

How could he be captured?

I didn't put so much thought on it so the explanation is rather easy, kid's pirate just happen to sail on behive island and Aokiji and Shiliew captured them.

I think it's a symbolic match up, one side is composed of ex WG agents and the other side is composed of WG haters. Shiliew the bloodlusted Vs killer the killer and Aokiji the crippled covered in scars who use his df to replace his missing limb Vs Kid the crippled covered in scars who use his df to replace his missing limb. :risicheck:

6 billions berry is way more interesting than 3 and surpass the 5 billions of whitebeard, the previous pirate who got a public execution.

Goofy will learn about their upcoming executions in the newspaper and fly to behive to save his friends koby and law.:hapnoel:

This could also explain why Oda gave to law and kid such a big bounty, to hype up their capture.

Is it good? Bad?:endthis:
6 billion, No.

Blackbeard will obtain the highest bounty the world has ever seen. Above Dragons supposedly 6 billion by my head canon