Theory My theory about letter D Chapter 111 5


Chapter 1115 told us that Joyboy is the first one to be called a pirate. However in current timeline, Luffy has shown us everything else except being a real pirate. So Joyboy 900 years ago was sailing a normal ship and doing what Luffy was doing which is to bring freedom and laughter to everyone. From my speculation, I think the symbol that more suited for the Joyboy was a smiley mouth.
In Alabasta arc, all of the members share the same vision of Joyboy that was so extraordinary that led to creating a symbol as the mark of friendship. The same event probably happened to Nefertari Lily from what happened to Vivi.

If the smiley mouth is drawn on the left hand like this, when it lift up will be come the letter 'D'. But the downside is that the ink will fade away, so they put the letter 'D' into their name to make sure they will always find each other.
I am not 100% sure how the 20 kingdoms found out the letter 'D' is what distinct themselves as the crew of liberation. They just label them as their enemies, thus comes the statement of "D is the enemy of God".


Old stuff. Already theorized more than a decade ago.
For the record, I do too agree with it. I think the "D" is a symbol of friendship used by the descendants of the AK/JoyBoy's crew to recognize one another. Aside from its immediate textual appearance (i.e., anyone can identify a D. member by their name alone), I think there is a secondary, hidden meaning that acts as a password of sorts against fake Ds, like BB. Teach can claim to be a D. all he wants, but he may not know or may not agree with the deeper meaning of the lineage, thus setting himself apart negatively.