Role Madness NieR: Automata Mafia Game Thread [Game State: Game End - Indie Victory]

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Day 3 - Final Vote Count


What could have been...
Day 3 - Final Vote Count

Yoho -> Gad
Charlie -> Gad > Pot
Tepig -> Gad > Pot
Crying -> AM > Alexis
Orca -> Tepig > Pot
Kweh -> RA > Pot
Ultra -> Flower > Yoho > Pot
Hime -> Pot
Indigo -> Yoho > Pot
Flower -> Pot
RA -> Pot
AM -> Pot

Pot = 9
(Charlie, Tepig, Hime, Orca, Ultra, Flower, Indigo, RA, AM, Kweh)
Gad = 1 (Yoho)
Alexis = 1 (Crying)

Sand Trail 3 Kick Out:
Rej = 0
No Kick = 4
(Charlie, Flower, Pot, Orca)

Duel Winner:
Flower = 14 (Tepig, Yoho, Pot, Indigo, Charlie, York, Flower, RA, Crying, Orca, Ultra, Alexis, Kweh, Hime)
Gad = 0

Please let me know if I made any mistakes.

Day 3 has ended. Everyone please stop posting.

Living Players [18/23]
  1. @Yoho
  2. @Alexis2282AE
  3. @Yo Tan Wa
  4. @Alwaysmind
  5. @York
  6. @The Orca
  7. @KWEH
  8. @Flower
  9. @Red Night @tepig19283
  10. @Random Asshole
  11. @Charlie
  12. @Pot Goblin
  13. @Ultra
  14. @Indigo
  15. @T-Pein™ @Rej
  16. @Crying bc no Cryo
  17. @Gadonkadonk
  18. @hime
Dead Players [5/23]
  1. @Butterscotch Sundae - YoRHA No. 9 Type S (9S) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 1
  2. @Polar Bear - Adam - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 1
  3. @Luka - Eve - Machine Network aligned - Lynched Day 2
  4. - The Logic Virus - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 2
  5. @Fujishiro - ??? - YoRHa aligned - Consumed by Simone Day 3
  1. @Lord Melkor
  2. @Worst
  3. @Ratchet
  4. @Orwellian
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Day 3 - Sand Trial 3 End


What could have been...
Day 3 - Sand Trial 3 End

As per rule 6...61... Er, what was it again? (Why do we still use these silly ancient desert human rules anyway?).

ANYWAY... per that rule, I declare trial 3 to be over:

No player was deemed unworthy and kicked out of the game.

Enjoy the freedom of choice while you can, ningens. Trial 4 Moderator won't even give you that luxury I am afraid...

(Oops I slipped and leaked something I shouldn't, I hope they don't sue me using rule 32...71... Er, dammit I forgot again!)

Living Players [18/23]
  1. @Yoho
  2. @Alexis2282AE
  3. @Yo Tan Wa
  4. @Alwaysmind
  5. @York
  6. @The Orca
  7. @KWEH
  8. @Flower
  9. @Red Night @tepig19283
  10. @Random Asshole
  11. @Charlie
  12. @Pot Goblin
  13. @Ultra
  14. @Indigo
  15. @T-Pein™ @Rej
  16. @Crying bc no Cryo
  17. @Gadonkadonk
  18. @hime
Dead Players [5/23]
  1. @Butterscotch Sundae - YoRHA No. 9 Type S (9S) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 1
  2. @Polar Bear - Adam - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 1
  3. @Luka - Eve - Machine Network aligned - Lynched Day 2
  4. - The Logic Virus - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 2
  5. @Fujishiro - ??? - YoRHa aligned - Consumed by Simone Day 3
  1. @Lord Melkor
  2. @Worst
  3. @Ratchet
  4. @Orwellian
Day 3 - One Solution...


What could have been...
Day 3 - One Solution...

We were created to fight!

To eliminate all others and reside at the pinnacle of existence!

Yet the battle rages eternal!

Our cursed cycle of destruction and rebirth continues without end!

None of us in this world are loved!

This world has no need for us!

There is only one solution...

Living Players [18/23]
  1. @Yoho
  2. @Alexis2282AE
  3. @Yo Tan Wa
  4. @Alwaysmind
  5. @York
  6. @The Orca
  7. @KWEH
  8. @Flower
  9. @Red Night @tepig19283
  10. @Random Asshole
  11. @Charlie
  12. @Pot Goblin
  13. @Ultra
  14. @Indigo
  15. @T-Pein™ @Rej
  16. @Crying bc no Cryo
  17. @Gadonkadonk
  18. @hime
Dead Players [5/23]
  1. @Butterscotch Sundae - YoRHA No. 9 Type S (9S) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 1
  2. @Polar Bear - Adam - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 1
  3. @Luka - Eve - Machine Network aligned - Lynched Day 2
  4. - The Logic Virus - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 2
  5. @Fujishiro - ??? - YoRHa aligned - Consumed by Simone Day 3
  1. @Lord Melkor
  2. @Worst
  3. @Ratchet
  4. @Orwellian
Day 3 End / Night 3 Start - ...or not to [B]e


What could have been...
Day 3 End - ...or not to [.B]e

@Gadonkadonk has lost the duel and was regular killed.

I killed many of your kind... Killed Androids beyond counting...
It meant nothing while I was connected to the network...

But now... now I understand...
The Network

Congratulations, you are The Network, Machine Network aligned!

Once created by the Aliens to interconnect the millions of Machines they developed, you are slowly evolving to have a sentient hivemind of your own, and all of the Machines under you are gradually seeking to mimic human behavior. You are currently being utilized by The Red Girls (N2) as one of their greatest assets to achieve their goals...

In this game, you have the following ability(ies):

(Passive) Machine Hivemind - You will be treated as Machine Lifeform aligned for the purposes of all role interactions. Effective only when you are alive.

(Passive) Egoistical - You are immune to all positive actions from non-Machine Lifeform aligned players.

(Passive) The Network - You are a massive intertwined network of Machines whose reach encompasses the entire world. Throughout the course of the game, you may learn otherwise undisclosed information about the setup in the form of new data that gets sent to you by The Red Girls (N2). You do not know of the exact accuracy of this information, but you are instructed to strategically spread it publicly with no questions asked...

(Passive) Alter Ego of the Machine Network - Being capable of a conscious evolution yourself, you are provided with an egoistical second fake claim in the event that you decide to develop an ego of your own and defy the orders of The Red Girls (N2). Should you decide to use that fake claim and temporarily fracture the ego of N2, you can assume that there may be indirect consequences from N2 that you are currently unaware of...

Special Boss Machines - Twice per cycle, you can activate this ability to summon any of the following boss Machines linked to your network. All summoned bosses and their effects will appear publicly as natural disasters at the start of the phase following to the one they were summoned in, and their effects will last for that phase only, unless specified otherwise. Your team is not immune to the bosses effects. Does not get cancelled if you die in the same phase you summon a boss. Can self-target but not twice in a row. Does not count as a visit:
  • (Day) 1x Engels: Target up to 1/5th of the living players (rounded up) and disable all supportive abilities used by them.​
  • (Day) 1x Boku-shi: Target up to 1/5th of the living players (rounded up) and disable all investigative abilities used by them.​
  • (Day) 1x Hegel: Target up to 1/10th of the living players (rounded up) and link them together, making it such that any non-lethal, non-manipulative, and/or non-investigative action experienced by one of them will be copied over to the other(s) without generating a visit.​
  • (Day) 1x Auguste: Target up to 1/7th of the living players (rounded up) and reduce the strength of kills targeting them by 1 level.​
  • 1x Simone: Activate at night to janitor the factional kill if successful. You will consume the janitored player to become more beautiful, obtaining a copy of their abilities as 1-shots. Certain abilities cannot be copied. The janitored flip will only show the objective of the janitored player, and will be fully revealed upon your death. If the faction kill or janitor failed, it will be shown as Simone failing to consume a player.​
  • 1x So-shi: Activate at night to disable all active day abilities the following day, except your own abilities.​
  • 1x Grün: Activate at night to make one player unvotable for lynch the following day. Cannot be activated if you are the last member of the faction alive.​
  • 1x Ko-shi & Ro-shi: Call the names of 2 players at night, marking one of them for death with a real mark and the other one with a fake mark. In the following cycle, both players will be publicly announced as marked for death and are set to be super-killed at the end of the upcoming night. The announcement will reveal that one of the marks is fake, without revealing which one it is. The announcement will also reveal that visits to the real marked player will weaken the mark on them such that if the real marked player is visited by 2 or more unique players that cycle, the mark will be weakened completely and disappear, however, if only 1 player visits the real marked player that cycle, the mark will not be weakened enough, resulting in the visitor AND the real marked player to both be regular killed instead. Your team cannot perform a factional kill in the night following this ability's usage.​

Objective - The true objective of your faction is currently unknown except to The Red Girls (N2), however, you are instructed to obey and ensue chaos...

Wise Machine

Congratulations, you are Wise Machine, Machine Lifeform aligned!

A worn out Machine Lifeform sitting on top of a hill contemplating the meaning of life. While you seem abnormally unresponsive from the outside, you harbor deep thoughts in your Machine mind, driven by the suffering caused by this never ending conflict...

In this game, you have the following ability(ies):

(Passive) Unbothered and Unloved - As you stand and ponder, alone and isolated atop the cliffs, unbothered by the battle happening around you, yet wondering if you will ever be loved by the Machines, you are immune to all positive actions from non-Machine Lifeform aligned players.

(Passive) Ponderer's Wisdom - You are constantly questioning the worth of your own existence and wondering if there is ever any value to this meaningless world. Throughout the course of the game, you will learn otherwise undisclosed information about the setup that helps you understand the nature of this conflict in terms of inner thoughts and visions that come to your mind as game events transpire...

(Locked) 1x End it all... - After you are finished pondering via Ponderer's Wisdom... [Locked until further notice].

(Passive) Rust Status - As your body is slowly rusting, you are aware that your body is getting weaker, however it does not directly affect your thoughts. As you continue pondering, you are repeatedly asking yourself... Does anyone truly care about your existence...? Will you ever be loved...? Should you just end it all here...? All this pointless suffering...? You are slowly leaning to that conclusion as the only solution out of this miserable world...

Objective - Destroy the enemy...
The Red Girls (N2) Alter Ego

Congratulations, you are The Red Girls (N2) Alter Ego, Conscious Evolution aligned!

A fragment of the Machine Network that evolved far enough to compete with The Red Girls (N2)'s ego. To you, the Machines current existence and survivability outweighs their continuous evolution, and you intend to eradicate all Androids or Machines that get in your path of achieving that, including N2...

In this game, you have the following ability(ies):

(Passive) Machine Hivemind - You will be treated as Machine Lifeform aligned for the purposes of all role interactions. Effective only when you are alive.

(Passive) Egoistical - You are immune to all positive actions from non-Machine Lifeform aligned players.

(Passive) Alter Ego of the Machine Network - You are a newly evolved ego of the machine network, directly clashing ideals with that of The Red Girls (N2). You are vaguely aware of N2's motives, but you disagree with them, and instead, have your own motive to quickly eliminate the YoRHa Type A No. 2 (A2) unit as you deem it dangerous to your Machine kind. Despite being unaware of A2's objective or alignment, your perpetual fear of them blinds your reasoning. You will win the game if you eliminate A2 before N2 achieves their first objective.

(Passive) Do you truly think you can win? - As the other half of N2, you will be given otherwise undisclosed information about the setup and N2's objective progress in the form of data that leaks to you throughout the course of the game as you passively peek deep into N2's hivemind.

2x The Network - You are a part of a massive intertwined network of machines whose reach encompasses the entire world. You are aware that this network is responsible for sending Special Boss Machines to rampage the world. Once per night, you can activate this ability to access the network and learn if any of the players targeted by the Special Boss Machines this cycle was A2 or not, but will not know exactly which player it is.

2x Threat Disposal - Once per night, you can target a player and super-kill them if they are A2, bypassing any immunities. This ability will have no effect on anyone else.

Objective - Eliminate the YoRHa Type A No. 2 (A2) unit before The Red Girls (N2) achieves their primary objective. If you fail this objective, your role and objective will be slightly updated...

If needed for claim purposes, you may use the same Wise Machine role as a suggested fake for this role.

With The Network's death, @Fujishiro 's body was recovered and flipped.
YoRHa No. 6 Type O (6O)

Congratulations, you are YoRHa No. 6 Type O (6O), YoRHa aligned!

A communications operator permanently stationed at the Bunker with the other operators of YoRHa, your duties include sending directives and other information to YoRHa soldiers in the field, primarily the 2B unit. You are always positive and cheerful, and wish to one day land on the Earth and experience it's beautiful weather and landscape...

In this game, you have the following ability(ies):

Cycling Operations - You have access to the following 2 operations. You may not use one of them 3 times in a row:
  • Operator 6O: Once per night, you can target a player and track them, learning the names of all player(s) they visited that night, if any. If you target a YoRHa aligned player with this ability, you will also automatically and unbeknownst to you visit them with your Blackbox Detonation that night, if able.​
  • Relay Information: Once per night, you can send an anonymous message to a player via the host. This will not reveal your flavor nor identity, but you can reveal them in the messages if you wish. All game rules apply to the messages.​

Blackbox Detonation - Once per night, you can target a player with your Blackbox. If that player owns a Blackbox as well, and visits you with it in the same night, you both will trigger a full on detonation, taking both of your lives and regular killing all of your visitors as well as the other players that you visit that night, if any. This ability is immune to all forms of redirection.

Objective - Reclaim the Earth back for humanity...

@Pot Goblin was executed.

This world is meaningless... without you...
Oh... there you are...

YoRHa No. 2 Type B (2B)

Congratulations, you are YoRHa No. 2 Type B (2B), YoRHa aligned!

An executioner type YoRHa model originally designed to carry out executions on fellow YoRHa units that step out of line, you were programed to live your entire conscious life killing Machines and fulfilling the orders of the Council of Humanity as a battler type. You treasure the humanity's goals before all else and strive to achieve your objectives with no room for emotions or questions asked...

In this game, you have the following ability(ies):

(Day) 1x Executioner - Once during the day, you can privately activate this ability to execute a current lynch wagon, provided that it has reached at least 50% of the votes required for majority, rounded up. This will immediately end the day with that wagon's lynch. This will not reveal your flavor nor identity.

(Passive) Pod 042 - Upon successfully executing a non-YoRHa aligned player with Executioner, you will have your pod analyze the executed victim, obtaining an instant report of all players they have interacted with (visited or were visited by) throughout the course of the game up to this point.

Blackbox Detonation - Once per night, you can target a player with your Blackbox. If that player owns a Blackbox as well, and visits you with it in the same night, you both will trigger a full on detonation, taking both of your lives and regular killing all of your visitors as well as the other players that you visit that night, if any. This ability is immune to all forms of redirection.

Objective - Reclaim the Earth back for humanity...

The Red Girls (N2) Fractured Ego has regained a fraction of their ego, absorbing The Network's Special Boss Machines ability.


Day 3 has ended!

It is now Night 3

You have a little less than 18 hours to send in your actions.

Night 3 ends in - Countdown


@Ultra is protected from the effects of the Boss Machines until the end of this cycle.

Living Players [16/23]
  1. @Yoho
  2. @Alexis2282AE
  3. @Yo Tan Wa
  4. @Alwaysmind
  5. @York
  6. @The Orca
  7. @KWEH
  8. @Flower
  9. @Red Night @tepig19283
  10. @Random Asshole
  11. @Charlie
  12. @Ultra
  13. @Indigo
  14. @T-Pein™ @Rej
  15. @Crying bc no Cryo
  16. @hime
Dead Players [7/23]
  1. @Butterscotch Sundae - YoRHA No. 9 Type S (9S) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 1
  2. @Polar Bear - Adam - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 1
  3. @Luka - Eve - Machine Network aligned - Lynched Day 2
  4. - The Logic Virus - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 2
  5. @Fujishiro - ??? - YoRHa aligned - Consumed by Simone Day 3 - Flipped Day 3: YoRHa No. 6 Type O (6O)
  6. @Gadonkadonk - The Network - Machine Network aligned - Dueled out Day 3
  7. @Pot Goblin - YoRHa No. 2 Type B (2B) - YoRHa aligned - Executed Day 3
  1. @Lord Melkor
  2. @Worst
  3. @Ratchet
  4. @Orwellian
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What could have been...
Day 3 End - ...or not to [.B]e

@Gadonkadonk has lost the duel and was regular killed.

I killed many of your kind... Killed Androids beyond counting...
It meant nothing while I was connected to the network...

But now... now I understand...
The Network

Congratulations, you are The Network, Machine Network aligned!

Once created by the Aliens to interconnect the millions of machines they developed, you are slowly evolving to have a sentient hivemind of your own, and all of the Machines under you are gradually seeking to mimic human behavior. You are currently being utilized by The Red Girls (N2) as one of their greatest assets to achieve their goals...

In this game, you have the following ability(ies):

(Passive) Machine Hivemind - You will be treated as Machine Lifeform aligned for the purposes of all role interactions. Effective only when you are alive.

(Passive) Egoistical - You are immune to all positive actions from non-Machine Lifeform aligned players.

(Passive) The Network - You are a massive intertwined network of Machines whose reach encompasses the entire world. Throughout the course of the game, you may learn otherwise undisclosed information about the setup in the form of new data that gets sent to you by The Red Girls (N2). You do not know of the exact accuracy of this information, but you are instructed to strategically spread it publicly with no questions asked...

(Passive) Alter Ego of the Machine Network - Being capable of a conscious evolution yourself, you are provided with an egoistical second fake claim in the event that you decide to develop an ego of your own and defy the orders of The Red Girls (N2). Should you decide to use that fake claim and temporarily fracture the ego of N2, you can assume that there may be indirect consequences from N2 that you are currently unaware of...

Special Boss Machines - Twice per cycle, you can activate this ability to summon any of the following boss Machines linked to your network. All summoned bosses and their effects will appear publicly as natural disasters at the start of the phase following to the one they were summoned in, and their effects will last for that phase only, unless specified otherwise. Your team is not immune to the bosses effects. Does not get cancelled if you die in the same phase you summon a boss. Can self-target but not twice in a row. Does not count as a visit:
  • (Day) 1x Engels: Target up to 1/5th of the living players (rounded up) and disable all supportive abilities used by them.​
  • (Day) 1x Boku-shi: Target up to 1/5th of the living players (rounded up) and disable all investigative abilities used by them.​
  • (Day) 1x Hegel: Target up to 1/10th of the living players (rounded up) and link them together, making it such that any non-lethal, non-manipulative, and/or non-investigative action experienced by one of them will be copied over to the other(s) without generating a visit.​
  • (Day) 1x Auguste: Target up to 1/7th of the living players (rounded up) and reduce the strength of kills targeting them by 1 level.​
  • 1x Simone: Activate at night to janitor the factional kill if successful. You will consume the janitored player to become more beautiful, obtaining a copy of their abilities as 1-shots. Certain abilities cannot be copied. The janitored flip will only show the objective of the janitored player, and will be fully revealed upon your death. If the faction kill or janitor failed, it will be shown as Simone failing to consume a player.​
  • 1x So-shi: Activate at night to disable all active day abilities the following day, except your own abilities.​
  • 1x Grün: Activate at night to make one player unvotable for lynch the following day. Cannot be activated if you are the last member of the faction alive.​
  • 1x Ko-shi & Ro-shi: Call the names of 2 players at night, marking one of them for death with a real mark and the other one with a fake mark. In the following cycle, both players will be publicly announced as marked for death and are set to be super-killed at the end of the upcoming night. The announcement will reveal that one of the marks is fake, without revealing which one it is. The announcement will also reveal that visits to the real marked player will weaken the mark on them such that if the real marked player is visited by 2 or more unique players that cycle, the mark will be weakened completely and disappear, however, if only 1 player visits the real marked player that cycle, the mark will not be weakened enough, resulting in the visitor AND the real marked player to both be regular killed instead. Your team cannot perform a factional kill in the night following this ability's usage.​

Objective - The true objective of your faction is currently unknown except to The Red Girls (N2), however, you are instructed to obey and ensue chaos...

Wise Machine

Congratulations, you are Wise Machine, Machine Lifeform aligned!

A worn out Machine Lifeform sitting on top of a hill contemplating the meaning of life. While you seem abnormally unresponsive from the outside, you harbor deep thoughts in your Machine mind, driven by the suffering caused by this never ending conflict...

In this game, you have the following ability(ies):

(Passive) Unbothered and Unloved - As you stand and ponder, alone and isolated atop the cliffs, unbothered by the battle happening around you, yet wondering if you will ever be loved by the Machines, you are immune to all positive actions from non-Machine Lifeform aligned players.

(Passive) Ponderer's Wisdom - You are constantly questioning the worth of your own existence and wondering if there is ever any value to this meaningless world. Throughout the course of the game, you will learn otherwise undisclosed information about the setup that helps you understand the nature of this conflict in terms of inner thoughts and visions that come to your mind as game events transpire...

(Locked) 1x End it all... - After you are finished pondering via Ponderer's Wisdom... [Locked until further notice].

(Passive) Rust Status - As your body is slowly rusting, you are aware that your body is getting weaker, however it does not directly affect your thoughts. As you continue pondering, you are repeatedly asking yourself... Does anyone truly care about your existence...? Will you ever be loved...? Should you just end it all here...? All this pointless suffering...? You are slowly leaning to that conclusion as the only solution out of this miserable world...

Objective - Destroy the enemy...
The Red Girls (N2) Alter Ego

Congratulations, you are The Red Girls (N2) Alter Ego, Conscious Evolution aligned!

A fragment of the Machine Network that evolved far enough to compete with The Red Girls (N2)'s ego. To you, the Machines current existence and survivability outweighs their continuous evolution, and you intend to eradicate all Androids or Machines that get in your path of achieving that, including N2...

In this game, you have the following ability(ies):

(Passive) Machine Hivemind - You will be treated as Machine Lifeform aligned for the purposes of all role interactions. Effective only when you are alive.

(Passive) Egoistical - You are immune to all positive actions from non-Machine Lifeform aligned players.

(Passive) Alter Ego of the Machine Network - You are a newly evolved ego of the machine network, directly clashing ideals with that of The Red Girls (N2). You are vaguely aware of N2's motives, but you disagree with them, and instead, have your own motive to quickly eliminate the YoRHa Type A No. 2 (A2) unit as you deem it dangerous to your Machine kind. Despite being unaware of A2's objective or alignment, your perpetual fear of them blinds your reasoning. You will win the game if you eliminate A2 before N2 achieves their first objective.

(Passive) Do you truly think you can win? - As the other half of N2, you will be given otherwise undisclosed information about the setup and N2's objective progress in the form of data that leaks to you throughout the course of the game as you passively peek deep into N2's hivemind.

2x The Network - You are a part of a massive intertwined network of machines whose reach encompasses the entire world. You are aware that this network is responsible for sending Special Boss Machines to rampage the world. Once per night, you can activate this ability to access the network and learn if any of the players targeted by the Special Boss Machines this cycle was A2 or not, but will not know exactly which player it is.

2x Threat Disposal - Once per night, you can target a player and super-kill them if they are A2, bypassing any immunities. This ability will have no effect on anyone else.

Objective - Eliminate the YoRHa Type A No. 2 (A2) unit before The Red Girls (N2) achieves their primary objective. If you fail this objective, your role and objective will be slightly updated...

If needed for claim purposes, you may use the same Wise Machine role as a suggested fake for this role.

With The Network's death, @Fujishiro 's body was recovered and flipped.
YoRHa No. 6 Type O (6O)

Congratulations, you are YoRHa No. 6 Type O (6O), YoRHa aligned!

A communications operator permanently stationed at the Bunker with the other operators of YoRHa, your duties include sending directives and other information to YoRHa soldiers in the field, primarily the 2B unit. You are always positive and cheerful, and wish to one day land on the Earth and experience it's beautiful weather and landscape...

In this game, you have the following ability(ies):

Cycling Operations - You have access to the following 2 operations. You may not use one of them 3 times in a row:
  • Operator 6O: Once per night, you can target a player and track them, learning the names of all player(s) they visited that night, if any. If you target a YoRHa aligned player with this ability, you will also automatically and unbeknownst to you visit them with your Blackbox Detonation that night, if able.​
  • Relay Information: Once per night, you can send an anonymous message to a player via the host. This will not reveal your flavor nor identity, but you can reveal them in the messages if you wish. All game rules apply to the messages.​

Blackbox Detonation - Once per night, you can target a player with your Blackbox. If that player owns a Blackbox as well, and visits you with it in the same night, you both will trigger a full on detonation, taking both of your lives and regular killing all of your visitors as well as the other players that you visit that night, if any. This ability is immune to all forms of redirection.

Objective - Reclaim the Earth back for humanity...

@Pot Goblin was executed.

This world is meaningless... without you...
Oh... there you are...

YoRHa No. 2 Type B (2B)

Congratulations, you are YoRHa No. 2 Type B (2B), YoRHa aligned!

An executioner type YoRHa model originally designed to carry out executions on fellow YoRHa units that step out of line, you were programed to live your entire conscious life killing Machines and fulfilling the orders of the Council of Humanity as a battler type. You treasure the humanity's goals before all else and strive to achieve your objectives with no room for emotions or questions asked...

In this game, you have the following ability(ies):

(Day) 1x Executioner - Once during the day, you can privately activate this ability to execute a current lynch wagon, provided that it has reached at least 50% of the votes required for majority, rounded up. This will immediately end the day with that wagon's lynch. This will not reveal your flavor nor identity.

(Passive) Pod 042 - Upon successfully executing a non-YoRHa aligned player with Executioner, you will have your pod analyze the executed victim, obtaining an instant report of all players they have interacted with (visited or were visited by) throughout the course of the game up to this point.

Blackbox Detonation - Once per night, you can target a player with your Blackbox. If that player owns a Blackbox as well, and visits you with it in the same night, you both will trigger a full on detonation, taking both of your lives and regular killing all of your visitors as well as the other players that you visit that night, if any. This ability is immune to all forms of redirection.

Objective - Reclaim the Earth back for humanity...

The Red Girls (N2) Fractured Ego has regained a fraction of their ego, absorbing The Network's Special Boss Machines ability.


Day 3 has ended!

It is now Night 3

You have a little less than 18 hours to send in your actions.

Night 3 ends in - Countdown


@Ultra is protected from the effects of the Boss Machines until the end of this cycle.

Living Players [16/23]
  1. @Yoho
  2. @Alexis2282AE
  3. @Yo Tan Wa
  4. @Alwaysmind
  5. @York
  6. @The Orca
  7. @KWEH
  8. @Flower
  9. @Red Night @tepig19283
  10. @Random Asshole
  11. @Charlie
  12. @Ultra
  13. @Indigo
  14. @T-Pein™ @Rej
  15. @Crying bc no Cryo
  16. @hime
Dead Players [5/23]
  1. @Butterscotch Sundae - YoRHA No. 9 Type S (9S) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 1
  2. @Polar Bear - Adam - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 1
  3. @Luka - Eve - Machine Network aligned - Lynched Day 2
  4. - The Logic Virus - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 2
  5. @Fujishiro - ??? - YoRHa aligned - Consumed by Simone Day 3 - Flipped Day 3: YoRHa No. 6 Type O (6O)
  6. @Gadonkadonk - The Network - Machine Network aligned - Dueled out Day 3
  7. @Pot Goblin - YoRHa No. 2 Type B (2B) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 3
  1. @Lord Melkor
  2. @Worst
  3. @Ratchet
  4. @Orwellian
Writeup updated.

Living Players [16/23]
  1. @Yoho
  2. @Alexis2282AE
  3. @Yo Tan Wa
  4. @Alwaysmind
  5. @York
  6. @The Orca
  7. @KWEH
  8. @Flower
  9. @Red Night @tepig19283
  10. @Random Asshole
  11. @Charlie
  12. @Ultra
  13. @Indigo
  14. @T-Pein™ @Rej
  15. @Crying bc no Cryo
  16. @hime
Dead Players [7/23]
  1. @Butterscotch Sundae - YoRHA No. 9 Type S (9S) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 1
  2. @Polar Bear - Adam - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 1
  3. @Luka - Eve - Machine Network aligned - Lynched Day 2
  4. - The Logic Virus - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 2
  5. @Fujishiro - ??? - YoRHa aligned - Consumed by Simone Day 3 - Flipped Day 3: YoRHa No. 6 Type O (6O)
  6. @Gadonkadonk - The Network - Machine Network aligned - Dueled out Day 3
  7. @Pot Goblin - YoRHa No. 2 Type B (2B) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 3
  1. @Lord Melkor
  2. @Worst
  3. @Ratchet
  4. @Orwellian
Night 3 - Intruders!


What could have been...
Night 3 - Intruders!

- Four Hours Ago -

His majesty hasn't grown at all...

No... not in the slightest.

How can we make him bigger?

I don't know...

We're too dumb to figure that out.


Sure is a cutie though!

Yeah... so tiny and cute...

We better keep him safe.

Right... can't let anyone into the Forest Kingdom

D-danger... danger!!

Everyone get out now... Intruders in the Kingdom!

Don't let them in here!

Living Players [16/23]
  1. @Yoho
  2. @Alexis2282AE
  3. @Yo Tan Wa
  4. @Alwaysmind
  5. @York
  6. @The Orca
  7. @KWEH
  8. @Flower
  9. @Red Night @tepig19283
  10. @Random Asshole
  11. @Charlie
  12. @Ultra
  13. @Indigo
  14. @T-Pein™ @Rej
  15. @Crying bc no Cryo
  16. @hime
Dead Players [7/23]
  1. @Butterscotch Sundae - YoRHA No. 9 Type S (9S) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 1
  2. @Polar Bear - Adam - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 1
  3. @Luka - Eve - Machine Network aligned - Lynched Day 2
  4. - The Logic Virus - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 2
  5. @Fujishiro - ??? - YoRHa aligned - Consumed by Simone Day 3 - Flipped Day 3: YoRHa No. 6 Type O (6O)
  6. @Gadonkadonk - The Network - Machine Network aligned - Dueled out Day 3
  7. @Pot Goblin - YoRHa No. 2 Type B (2B) - YoRHa aligned - Executed Day 3
  1. @Lord Melkor
  2. @Worst
  3. @Ratchet
  4. @Orwellian
Night 3 End / Day 4 Start - Fam...ily...


What could have been...
Night 3 End - Fam...ily...

@Ultra , @Charlie , @tepig19283 have died last night.

Please... I beg of you...
Do not... hurt it...

Animal Loving Machine

Congratulations, you are Animal Loving Machine, Machine Lifeform aligned!

A Machine Lifeform with a strange liking to organic non-human lifeforms, you've been injured some time amidst the war on the Forest Zone, and were met by an animal that appeared to be sympathetic to your pain. You've since then devoted yourself to protecting these animals, and will give up your life to defend them against all aggressors...

In this game, you have the following ability(ies):

6x Animal Keeping - Once per night, you can target a player and protect them from regular kills. Cannot self-target.

1x Trap - Once at night, you can activate this ability alongside your Animal Keeping ability. Any non-Machine Lifeform aligned player visiting your protected target that night will be hit by your trap, reducing the strength of kills they perform by 1 level for the duration of the following cycle, unbeknownst to them.

(Passive) Rust Status - As your body is slowly rusting, you are aware that your body will lose efficiency. Starting cycle 2, you can only use your remaining shots of Animal Keeping once every other cycle, or consume 2-shots per usage to use it in a row.

Objective - Destroy the enemy...


Congratulations, you are Immanuel, Machine Lifeform aligned!

A tiny and cute baby Machine Lifeform hailed as the new Machine king. You were given the final memento of the old king, Ernst, after he has ceased functioning due to his generosity. Despite this, you are still a baby Machine model with no organic capability to grow into the big king that the Machines are hoping to see once again...

In this game, you have the following ability(ies):

(Passive) The Forest King - As the new forest king, you will require 1 additional vote to be majority lynched, however, if you are lynched, the next day phase will be skipped.

(Passive) Baby Machine - Your voting power will count as zero unless it would hammer the lynch wagon, upon which it will count as 1.

1x The Gravekeeper - You have a Gravekeeper dedicated to protecting the grave of the old king at your service. Utilizing this Gravekeeper, once at night you can target a player and seraph knight protect them. You will attempt to visit your target with this protection in each upcoming night phase until one of you dies. This protection is subject to interactions with other roles in each individual visit.

(Passive) Rust Status - You are too young of a Machine, and is well maintained by your guards, therefore do not rust...

Objective - Destroy the enemy...

To consider someone a friend... is to consider someone else your enemy...
Perhaps this is what is meant by the emotion called "discrimination"...
The emotion that seems to consume me... as I speak...

Plato 1728

Congratulations, you are Plato 1728, Machine Lifeform aligned!

A bio Machine created to invade Earth, you were simply put - defective and unfit for combat. Due to your failures, no Machine wanted to befriend you. Despite this, you always tried your best and gave it your all, hoping that one day this cursed world will open it's doors for you...

In this game, you have the following ability(ies):

(Passive) Defective - You are a defective Machine model. Every action you take will have a 10% chance of failure. You will not be informed if an action you have taken has failed or not. Failed actions are still casted, they just simply do not have any effect.

Cherished Treasures - You cherished a toy that you found in the abandoned factory, which soon became your one and only friend that you'd protect at all cost. Once per cycle, you may use one of the following abilities:
  • Activate at night to nexus all non-lethal actions visiting a player that night back to their respective senders. Can self-target.​
  • (Day) Target a player and heal their role from any existing disable/rolecrush that they are suffering from, and grant them immunity to disables/rolecrushes until the end of the cycle. Upon successfully curing the target from an existing disable/rolecrush, the target will be informed of the disable/rolecrush being removed from them at the start of the night.​

(Passive) Rust Status - As your body is slowly rusting, you are aware that your defectiveness is getting worse. At the start of each cycle after the first, the probability of your Defective actions failing is increased by an additional 15%. This effect continues indefinitely until you reach a 0% success rate by cycle 7.

Objective - Destroy the enemy...


Day 4 has started!

You have a little less than 36 hours to discuss lynch.
With 13 alive, it is 7 votes required to achieve majority.

Day 4 ends in - Countdown

Living Players [13/23]
  1. @Yoho
  2. @Alexis2282AE
  3. @Yo Tan Wa
  4. @Alwaysmind
  5. @York
  6. @The Orca
  7. @KWEH
  8. @Flower
  9. @Random Asshole
  10. @Indigo
  11. @T-Pein™ @Rej
  12. @Crying bc no Cryo
  13. @hime
Dead Players [10/23]
  1. @Butterscotch Sundae - YoRHA No. 9 Type S (9S) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 1
  2. @Polar Bear - Adam - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 1
  3. @Luka - Eve - Machine Network aligned - Lynched Day 2
  4. - The Logic Virus - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 2
  5. @Fujishiro - ??? - YoRHa aligned - Consumed by Simone Day 3 - Flipped Day 3: YoRHa No. 6 Type O (6O)
  6. @Gadonkadonk - The Network - Machine Network aligned - Dueled out Day 3
  7. @Pot Goblin - YoRHa No. 2 Type B (2B) - YoRHa aligned - Executed Day 3
  8. @Ultra - Animal Loving Machine - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  9. @Charlie - Immanuel - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  10. @Red Night @tepig19283 - Plato 1728 - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  1. @Lord Melkor
  2. @Worst
  3. @Ratchet
  4. @Orwellian
Day 4 - Sand Trial 4


What could have been...
Day 4 - Sand Trial 4

A legendary rule once said: Do not let your feet touch the ground, for the ground is Lava!

Ladies and gentlemen, I, your charismatic Trial 4 Moderator, shalt hereby inform you, as guided by rule 65023, about Sand Trial 4.

Sand Trial 4 - Do not let your feet touch the ground! The player with the lowest post count will be automatically Mod-killed at the end of today if their post count is lower than mine. If it's a tie, all tied players will burn in the lava!

Sounds simple enough, now get on with it!

Living Players [13/23]
  1. @Yoho
  2. @Alexis2282AE
  3. @Yo Tan Wa
  4. @Alwaysmind
  5. @York
  6. @The Orca
  7. @KWEH
  8. @Flower
  9. @Random Asshole
  10. @Indigo
  11. @T-Pein™ @Rej
  12. @Crying bc no Cryo
  13. @hime
Dead Players [10/23]
  1. @Butterscotch Sundae - YoRHA No. 9 Type S (9S) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 1
  2. @Polar Bear - Adam - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 1
  3. @Luka - Eve - Machine Network aligned - Lynched Day 2
  4. - The Logic Virus - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 2
  5. @Fujishiro - ??? - YoRHa aligned - Consumed by Simone Day 3 - Flipped Day 3: YoRHa No. 6 Type O (6O)
  6. @Gadonkadonk - The Network - Machine Network aligned - Dueled out Day 3
  7. @Pot Goblin - YoRHa No. 2 Type B (2B) - YoRHa aligned - Executed Day 3
  8. @Ultra - Animal Loving Machine - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  9. @Charlie - Immanuel - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  10. @Red Night @tepig19283 - Plato 1728 - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  1. @Lord Melkor
  2. @Worst
  3. @Ratchet
  4. @Orwellian
Day 4 - Call to arms


What could have been...
Day 4 - Call to arms

"Attention Yorha"

we've nearly crushed those
but the war is not yet won
If you are a
Yorha! Rise up! reveal yourselfs to your brothers and sisters in arms, show everyone humanity can't be stomped out! Show them we will not coward from mere nuts and bolts! And if you are a Machine that swears loyalty to the Yorha cause prove it! Prove your worth! Anyone who's yet to prove their loyalty should be hunted down and executed!

Sincerely Commander White
Aka Good Noodle Yoho

Living Players [13/23]
  1. @Yoho
  2. @Alexis2282AE
  3. @Yo Tan Wa
  4. @Alwaysmind
  5. @York
  6. @The Orca
  7. @KWEH
  8. @Flower
  9. @Random Asshole
  10. @Indigo
  11. @T-Pein™ @Rej
  12. @Crying bc no Cryo
  13. @hime
Dead Players [10/23]
  1. @Butterscotch Sundae - YoRHA No. 9 Type S (9S) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 1
  2. @Polar Bear - Adam - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 1
  3. @Luka - Eve - Machine Network aligned - Lynched Day 2
  4. - The Logic Virus - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 2
  5. @Fujishiro - ??? - YoRHa aligned - Consumed by Simone Day 3 - Flipped Day 3: YoRHa No. 6 Type O (6O)
  6. @Gadonkadonk - The Network - Machine Network aligned - Dueled out Day 3
  7. @Pot Goblin - YoRHa No. 2 Type B (2B) - YoRHa aligned - Executed Day 3
  8. @Ultra - Animal Loving Machine - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  9. @Charlie - Immanuel - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  10. @Red Night @tepig19283 - Plato 1728 - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  1. @Lord Melkor
  2. @Worst
  3. @Ratchet
  4. @Orwellian
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