Role Madness NieR: Automata Mafia Game Thread [Game State: Game End - Indie Victory]

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I feel Luka might be the path

Claims to be neighbor with Polar, claims he doesn't talk to him, doesn't vote with or participate to save someone Polar was against lynching, has 4 moves-uses nothing, very emotional reactions at times, some of those moves are held by another player who was crushed for half the game
Do you expect me to do anything? I've done similar things with Ratchet before in games I was neighored with them, I was just very clearly AFK.
For 4 moves that do nothing, yes. That is not my fault.
I am emotional and please don't accuse me of being wolf for that. I'm actively trying to dim down the amount of emotion I'm showing in my posts too since at points I've been very frustrated.
You being crushed has nothing to do wtih this and not even half, 1/4th.
essentially what im saying is if Luka was always the upgraded version with the yorha alignment and the bus drive, they would never be able to use it before Polar became Adam. what's the point of having an ability you can never use? Plus during the whole 48 hours u didn't talk at all? not even a "hey who do u wanna busdrive tn" or a "hello neighbor?"


When were you under the impression this game is..
I feel Luka might be the path

Claims to be neighbor with Polar, claims he doesn't talk to him, doesn't vote with or participate to save someone Polar was against lynching, has 4 moves-uses nothing, very emotional reactions at times, some of those moves are held by another player who was crushed for half the game
Like why do you keep talking about the rolecrush lol
(Passive) This cannot continue... - [Redacted]

(Passive) Rust Status - As your body is slowly rusting, you are aware that you must force your evolution to occur before it's too late for your kind. If This cannot continue... is not triggered by the end of night 2, it will automatically be triggered at the start of day 3.
Presumably you just have to dodge N1, fail to see how that's a big deal or evidence against me.
Do you expect me to do anything? I've done similar things with Ratchet before in games I was neighored with them, I was just very clearly AFK.
For 4 moves that do nothing, yes. That is not my fault.
I am emotional and please don't accuse me of being wolf for that. I'm actively trying to dim down the amount of emotion I'm showing in my posts too since at points I've been very frustrated.
You being crushed has nothing to do wtih this and not even half, 1/4th.
As scum you display more emotional reactions imo. As town you just keep talking in circles
As scum you display more emotional reactions imo. As town you just keep talking in circles
This is true in some form. As scum I resort to insults more than I do as town, but I tend to be equally as emotional as both. Saying I tend to be more emotional as scum is only true if you're looking at it on a localized level.


What could have been...
Day 2 - Vote Count 1

Flower ->
Ultra -> Pot > Luka
Indigo -> RA > Unvote
Orca -> AM
Luka -> RA
Kweh -> Luka
Fuji -> YTW

RA = 2
(Flower, Luka)
Luka = 2 (Ultra, Kweh)
AM = 1 (Orca)
YTW = 1 (Fuji)

Please let me know if I made any mistakes.

Forced Replacements will occur before end of today.

With 21 alive, it's 11 votes required to achieve majority.
Day 2 ends in a little more than 26 hours.


Living Players [21/23]
  1. @Yoho
  2. @Alexis2282AE
  3. @Fujishiro
  4. @Yo Tan Wa
  5. @Alwaysmind
  6. @York
  7. @The Orca
  8. @KWEH
  9. @Flower
  10. @Red Night
  11. @Random Asshole
  12. @Charlie
  13. @Pot Goblin
  14. @Ultra
  15. @Luka
  16. @Indigo
  18. @T-Pein™
  19. @Crying bc no Cryo
  20. @Gadonkadonk
  21. @hime
Dead Players [2/23]
  1. @Butterscotch Sundae - YoRHA No. 9 Type S (9S) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 1
  2. @Polar Bear - Adam - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 1
  1. @Lord Melkor
  2. @Rej
  3. @tepig19283
  4. @Worst
  5. @Ratchet
  6. @Orwellian
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This is true in some form. As scum I resort to insults more than I do as town, but I tend to be equally as emotional as both. Saying I tend to be more emotional as scum is only true if you're looking at it on a localized level.
Not really, its my thoughts and data set

Also, how did you not talk with Polar and are claiming AFK.. you have 150+ posts here
My issues are these:

Why would Ekko flip the scum role with the fake claim it would literally out Devolas role fake if people think its Eve. Its basically a 2 for 1. You get one and you catch the other. Its bad game design and I dont think Ekko does that. I think this is a setup trap meant for us to mislynch Luka.

@KWEH @Pot Goblin @The Orca @Crying bc no Cryo
i mean i considered that too. hence why im considering a world where Luka is yorha the whole time, but i get hung up on the busdrive ability.

but i also wonder if the trap is more that EVE becomes a jester/vengeful-townie-type role when Adam dies and that's why Luka outted / why the fake claim was outted


When were you under the impression this game is..
i mean i considered that too. hence why im considering a world where Luka is yorha the whole time, but i get hung up on the busdrive ability.

but i also wonder if the trap is more that EVE becomes a jester/vengeful-townie-type role when Adam dies and that's why Luka outted / why the fake claim was outted
Whats the issue with the bus drive? After Polar Bear turns he can still use it. If Polar Bear dies he cant use it lol.

I dont think so Eve should be scum now lol.
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