Speculations Nobody will be permanently defeated in Elbaf

I really thought this arc might end in a huge battle, for all the hype elbaf got, but this is honestly just shaping up to be Zou 2.0

This arc is mostly just a lore dump, with the only tension coming from a the HK plot. But the HK can’t actually challenge all of Elbaf. Shamrock even admitted it. He’s going to use hostages.

The fact that the HK came here via teleportation means that if their plans go wrong, they can just leave. Which is probably what will happen.

Ultimately Shamrock might get embarrassed in a clash, but he won’t be permanently defeated. Like Jack in Zou, Oda will likely save Shamrock for the final war.

My guess is Loki will defeat him then, similar to how the dukes got revenge on Jack for the events of Zou.