So why is Koby’s Cross Guild bounty is massively inflated?
Of course the answer is because Koby’s fairy-ass title of “Hero” of the Marines:

So if Koby’s Cross Guild Bounty is massively inflated by being “the Hero” of the Marines, then we must also conclude that Garp’s bounty is also massively inflated:

Middle school level algebra tells us that Garp’s true Cross Guild bounty would be exactly 600 million berries if he didn’t possess his “Hero” title which massively inflates his bounty. And would you look at that, the standard Vice Admiral is worth exactly 500 million berries on the CG system.
Which makes sense, a guy who can’t even beat Kuzan in a fist fight has no business ever being compared to the Admirals or Him

And as always remember Cross Guild Bounties are poverty stricken criminal bounties:

@SakazOuki @Kurozumi Wiwi @The White Crane @Wuuuke @silverfire @scoobie3 @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Apollo @Admiral Mou Bu @ZenZu @Extravlad @kurwa @haxxor @EmperorKinyagi @Blackbeard @Owl Ki @TheKnightOfTheSea @God Buggy @Sentinel @Tyki_Mikk @Veku @Sir Tuna Sandwich II @GoldDiamond @Dragon777 @Cadis Etrama Di Urek @Djordje @BaboonMihawk @Negan @Djordje @RyoQ @DarkestKnightofSpoilers @[No Name] @King7 @Darkrai1381 @DarkWitch @Mr. Anderson