General & Others Oda Loves Tarot cards. Imu: The World/The High Priestess

Oda seems to love his Tarot cards with Hawkins being a character that's the embodiment of them.

The Tarot card: The High Priestess is a picture of the goddess Isis. I have theorized already on Twitter that Imu has parallel of the Egyptian Goddess Isis.

The Mesopotamian equivalent of Isis is Tiamat. The Egyptian term for a throne was also st (we've seen st a lot recently) and may have shared a common etymology with Isis's name. Therefore, the Egyptologist Kurt Sethe suggested she was originally a personification of thrones.

In Sumerian mythology, Tiamat is sometimes seen as the devil. The name Isis means “She of the Throne.”

Tiamat is the mother of the gods and creation, Isis is them moon goddess of darkness and chaos, Tiamat is also a sea goddess and creates monsters like Imu did. Isis is Tiamat's Egyptian equivalent. Tiamat's name means the sea.

Tiamat is basically a dragon creature The five head headed dragon, which would explain Im's pointy tail.

Mesopotamian mythology, Tiamat. She then gives birth to the eleven monsters, known as Tiamat's Creatures, who will help her fight against the younger gods:

Musmahhu, Usumgallu, Basmu – three horned snakes, Furious, Exalted, and Venomous
Umu-dabrutu – a raging storm
Mushussu – a snake-dragon
Lahamu – a hairy beast-man
Ugallu – a lion-demon
Uridimmu – a lion-human hybrid
Girtablullu – a scorpion-man
Kulullu – a fish-man (merman)
Kusarikku – a bull-man

Tiamat was killed by Marduk with the winds. Marduk is Jupiter. Gorosei member St Shepherd Ju Peter is theorized to be a traitor or killed by Imu. Marduk is a god of agriculture (and justice )just like the Ju Peter the gorosei member. Could confirm the traitor theory. I don't think he will kill Im but he will ruin Imu's plans.

Marduk also seems like he could be a parallel of monkey D Dragon. Dragon could be the one to kill Imu. Marduk is a god of thunderstorms.
His predominant symbol is the snake-dragon. While his name is Marduk, it was probably pronounced as Marutuk. This shows his association with Utu, the sun god in Sumerian mythology.

Sumerian mythology will parallel a ton into the final war. Gilgamesh Creation Story Essay - 1341 Words | Internet Public Library ( This website tells the story of Egyptian, Aztec, Sumerian mythology. Aztec = Skypeians, Egyptian = Alabasta, Sumerian = World Government

The story begins with the dual gods, Ometecuhtli/Omecihuatl. Ometecuhtli/Omecihuatl was both male/female, evil/good, and chaos/order. This dual deity was able to have children, and its children represented the four directions. Xipe Totec (north), Huizilopochtli (south), Tezcatlipoca (west), and Quetzalcoatl (east)

To support this newly created universe, five suns had to be created along with it. A new sun is created when one of the gods is offered as a sacrifice when the world is destroyed (five different worlds and five suns have existed since the beginning/hence: belief in rebirth). The fifth and final sun is the sun that supports the world we now live in.


The High Priestess card in Tarot symbolizes sexuality, mystery, and general higher power. The basic symbols of this card are blue, white, and black colors, pomegranates, an Isis moon crown, veil, solar cross, crescent moon, and pillars.

Another Tarot card that symbolized IMU is the Tarot Card the world. A Woman surrounded by 5 beast 4 beast in each corner: Lion, Man, Ox/Bull, Eagle/Bird and a serpent around her body being the 5th.

There's a lot more info and parallels but I don't wanna make this too long, you get the point.