General & Others Oda retcons post time skip

Madam Shyarly can now predict the exact time because "plot". Oda and his yes men editors just don't give a fuck anymore lmfao! Like this should be easy find for them. Either they knew and didn't care or they aren't doing their jobs. There are other retcons too post time skip with Big Mom and KingBaum homie, Katakuri devil fruit changing from "logia" to "special paramecia" and others that I can't remember now.

*Image below pertains to chapters 632 and 967.

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You just need some rcomprehension bruh. It didnt say that sharly cant predict the exact time.

It s just that in his vision about luffy theres no detail when it is going to happen.

Whereas in roger's flashback, her vision showed the exact time, which isnt exactly surprising since joy boy had been predicting the current timeline to be the time where someone will emerge as the joyboy
You just need some rcomprehension bruh. It didnt say that sharly cant predict the exact time.

It s just that in his vision about luffy theres no detail when it is going to happen.

Whereas in roger's flashback, her vision showed the exact time, which isnt exactly surprising since joy boy had been predicting the current timeline to be the time where someone will emerge as the joyboy
LMFAO! I am seriously doubting you guys are just fanboys instead you guys are probably paid Oda bots. No way you guys are this irrational. Such a cult.
The prediction of the destruction of Fishman Island seemed extremely stressful to Shyarly when she made it, so I wouldn't be surprised if that caused her to not see the details. Just like you can't use Future Sight when you don't stay calm.
That actually seems a legit answer for a soft plot hole.
I don't know the exact Japanese lines, but Viz doesn't say that all of her visions are vague, just that she can't tell when Fishman Island will be destroyed
This is why I ignored you. Dude comes on my fucking thread to spew nonsense and doesn't even provide a link or source and yet tells me to go buy the manga. Fuck off my thread.
Of course you should buy the manga. That's part of being a decent participant although like I said, scans are easy.

It's also easy to guess this is a joke alt since somehow you ignore me but are aware of my responses. But it would be funnier if you were some weirdo obsessed with poring over hundreds of chapters to bitch about some perceived inconsistencies. 300 chapters to make some arbitrary connection. Constantly getting angry over some shit you're voluntarily reading for free.

Roger asks a broad question and gets a simple answer. Sharley is asked a question that narrows down to within a year, and she answers while she's bleeding on the floor.

As readers we would understand a few things. Obviously the true answer is just a few months from when Fishman Island took place. But we also understand that if Sharley said a specific date outside of that arc, it would have removed a degree of tension from what was happening at that moment. While simultaneously not meaning anything to us, because serial stories don't account for time so strictly. Hawkins prediction early in Wano was extremely vague, but asking Sharley and getting a response of "next month" would mean nothing as a reader. "Possibly now" holds weight, and having gone through that arc without the prophecy coming true means that Luffy can potentially return at any time to fulfill it.
Zou was succinct and unconventional. WCI... I don't think Sanji was built for lofty expectations but the execution was still underwhelming. I can't imagine being one of the people who always expect Sea Train Sanji