Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1035 Spoiler Summaries and Images

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Gol D. Roger

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|One Piece Chapter 1035 Spoiler Summaries and Images|

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Thanks to Korean Leaks, Confirmed by Scotch and Redon

*제목 "조로 V.S 킹"

* 단기집중연재 25탄 제르마 66 "탈출! 홀케이크 아일랜드"

* 저번 화에 이어서 상디의 마지막 공격에 퀸 패배

* 킹의 등에 타오르는 불꽃이 사라질 떄 움직임은 빨라지지만 방어력이 떨어지는 것을 조로가 간파..

* 킹의 얼굴이 드러남..

검은 날개, 백발, 갈색 피부가 루나리아족의 특징이고 루나리아족을 정부에 알리면 보상금 1억 베리라는 듯.

* 킹과 카이도가 만난 짧막한 과거 회상. 정부의 실험 시설에서 킹과 카이도가 함께 있었음..

킹의 본명은 アルベル ※ 알베르/알벨/아르벨/아르베르 어떤 건지는 공식 로마자 안 보는 이상 모름.

* 계속 전투씬이 이어지고 마지막

킹 : 오오모리카류돈(○○火龍皇)

조로 : 염왕 삼도룡(三刀龍) 일○삼○(一○三○) "비룡지고쿠(飛龍○○)" ※ '지옥' 아님. 삼도룡의 룡은 정말 표기가 저렇게 돼있던데 '류'의 오타일 가능성도 있음. 틀린거면 단행본 나올 때 수정될 듯..

조로의 공격이 들어가면서 끝.

Thanks to Redon:

- Chapter 1,035: "Zoro Vs. King".
- Collection of mini-stories for the covers number 25: “Escaping from Whole Cake Island”.
- Queen has been defeated by Sanji's attack.
-Zoro realizes that when the flame on King's back disappears, he moves much faster but his defense decreases.
- King's face is revealed.
- Black wings, gray hair and brown skin, those are the characteristics of the Lunaria tribe. If someone informs the Government about them, they will pay you 100 million Berries.
- Flashback of the moment in which Kaidou and King meet. They were both at a government research facility.
- King's real name is Arbel / Albert / Albel (romanization is not clear yet).
- Continue the battle between King and Zoro.
- King uses an attack called "Omori Karyudon" and Zoro a new attack called "Dragon King of the Three Flames" or something like that.
- The chapter ends with Zoro attacking King.
What 5ch leaker says is that the word “Santoryuu” from “En-ou Santoryuu” is written in 2 differents forms in the chapter.

- 閻王三刀流 (that mean “King of Hell's Three Swords Style”) with “style” kanji (流).
- 閻王三刀龍 (that mean “King of Hell's Three Dragon Swords”) with “dragon” kanji (龍).

It seems it's not a typo, but who knows.

Zoro attacks that 5ch leaker mentions are “Rengoku Oni Giri” (煉獄鬼斬り) and “Ippyaku Sanjou Biryujigoku” (一百三情 飛竜侍極 - 103 Feelings, Flying Dragon Extreme Samurai).
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Zoro attacks that 5ch leaker mentions are “Rengoku Oni Giri” (煉獄鬼斬り) and “Ippyaku Sanjou Biryujigoku” (一百三情 飛竜侍極 - 130 Feelings, Flying Dragon Extreme Samurai).
Hmm... 一百三 would be 103, not 130, so it would be more of "103 Feelings, Flying Dragon Extreme Samurai". Also, furigana for 飛竜侍極 is Hiryū Jigoku, not Biryū Jigoku.
From 5ch:


キ お前は世界を変えられるか?
カ 俺にしか変えられない


Kaido: I'm going to get out of here and create a pirate crew.
Will you come, too?
King: Can you change the world?

Kaido: I'm the only one who can change.

King and kaido are walking.With the experimental facility on fire

flashback 1p.
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