One Piece EPISODE 1065
"The Destruction of the Alliance?! Fire up, the Will of the New Generation!"
Dōmei Kaimetsu!? Moero Shin Sedai no Ishi!
Opening 24 | PAINT - I Don't Like Mondays. (Simulcast)
Chapter(s) : -
Airdate: June 11, 2023
Episode 1066 Preview
w/ narration from Nami (Akemi Okamura) & Robin (Yuriko Yamaguchi) - also not region restricted for the first time
"The Destruction of the Alliance?! Fire up, the Will of the New Generation!"
Dōmei Kaimetsu!? Moero Shin Sedai no Ishi!
Opening 24 | PAINT - I Don't Like Mondays. (Simulcast)
Chapter(s) : -
Screenplay | 冨岡淳広 - Atsuhiro Tomioka
Art | ___
Animation | 伊藤公崇 - Kimitaka Itō & 新垣重文 - Shigefumi Shingaki
Direction | 重矢葉月 - Hazuki Omoya
Storyboard | ___
Art | ___
Animation | 伊藤公崇 - Kimitaka Itō & 新垣重文 - Shigefumi Shingaki
Direction | 重矢葉月 - Hazuki Omoya
Storyboard | ___
Episode 1066 Preview