Questions & Mysteries One Piece is a "Spiral"

Only read this theory if you already read

Chapter 1092 we saw that luffy nika power turn on the ancient robot. Vegapunk said that only the ancient energy could do that. In chapter 1068 vegapunk says "if they'd only open their eyes! There is energy all around us! The world is teeming with it! If that raw power can be converted to a more apparent and acessible form...". The ancient energy vegapunk is searching is in everywhere around the world, but he can't access. I think this mean that the ancient weapon is immaterial.

But we saw that Luffy nika powers can interact with the energy. My previous theory says that one piece is a machine created by Willie Gallon. According to Roger he arrived at Laugh Tale too early. It is because one piece is a disabled machine that could only turn on if the user of nika fruit arrives at laugh tale. Shanks know that. There is a reason why shanks didnt go to laugh tale and wait luffy awaken his df to claim the one piece (he saw the awaken form in luffy bounty).

But if the ancient energy is something immaterial what is it? I think an answer to that is in SBS 7:

D: Why does Sanji-san's eyebrow curl up at the end? Is it for fashion? Make it clear!!

O: Hey!! You there, sit down!! Now listen!! Everyone lives in circles!! The Sun, the Moon, and the Earth all spin in circles!! And!! If the Earth suddenly stopped spinning!! The planet would be covered in tidal waves!! It would be terrible!! Now remember that Sanji's eyebrow channels that same powerful circular energy!! Reflect upon this!! You may go!!

*notice oda saying that sanji eyebrow channel that same powerful circular energy

I saw a theory that the "spirals" we see in the df (all df has spirals), sanji, rocks jolly roger, etc is inspired by fibonacci sequence

This sequence is found in every place of the universe and it's a immaterial property of objects. I think the "spirals" in one piece is a figurative representation of "dreams". The ancient immaterial energy is people's dream that can be converted into devil fruits (material objects). The one piece is like a "wishing well" that can materialize the energy in devil fruits.

And I think the one piece treasure has a spiral shape.

@AverageNamiEnjoyer @AverageSanjiEnjoyer @OnePiss @Mr. Reloaded @Sir Yasheen @Rambles @straightforward @Ren~ @mmd @JoNdule @Devilbat @Jailer @Paperchampion23 @Shimotsuki Ghostly @Admiral Maynard @Albino πŸ‘‘ @MonochromeYoru @GUI @Bepo D. Bear
And I think the one piece treasure has a spiral shape.
Conch shell? They mean something different if it's clockwise vs counterclockwise (just like Sanji.)

Also to add to this, there's a lot of reference to the planet Venus in symbolism and imagery, especially around Sanji.

Venus's rotational pattern with the sun over 8 years creates a pentagram.
That pentagram if shaved off to the center is a Pentagon. (5th place)
The length of each spike of the pentagram equals the golden ratio spiral.