Theory One piece mystery solved part 1. Imu cell cell fruit

Imu ate the cell cell no mi allowing any of its body parts to move how it wants also adding more features to its body. Can turn into any beast or human and can turn others into any living things.

Can turn its pupils into any design with its devil fruit.

Its similar to luffys fruit as both imus and luffys fruit allows user to have freedom to manipulate body parts.

Imus awakening allows it to turn objects into living things similar to big moms fruit but imu doesnt need others soul.

Imus goal is to turn the whole world into a living thing. The one piece is the place where you disable the function of devil fruit thats why the World government are so against it.

Imu turning the world into a whole giant living thing can grant it to control the whole world as it wishes and become earth itself.

Imu has been alive for centuries because it could manipulate its cells and become immortal. Imu needed to become the king of the world to be able to achieve its goal so it can have rule over every area in the world. There are still some area imu needs to control that it cannot access for example wano. imu needs every single area in one piece to be turned into a cell.

Celestial dragons are known for their sick actions and do things that would pleasurably satisfy them. Imu believes that becoming earth is the biggest pleasure ever.

In the end we will see imu becoming earth and luffy will find the solution to end imu whether he will disable the function of devil fruit or use his own fruit to defeat imu. Is this where luffy destroys fishman island?

Part 2 of the theory will be dropped shortly