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Un-amed saying "we all won, but not in the way we wanted" probably means "the others won, and I got a consolation prize". Consistent with Yamato joining and Carrot accepting rulership.

I coulda lived without reading that....
I read that story about 10 years ago.
Will you believe me how much it DISTURBED the shit out of me???

This is the story. 17th century that's old af,_Moon,_and_Talia

Is it at all disturbing to German kids when they hear "und wenn sie nicht gestorben sind, dann lieben sie noch heute"?

It's a little bleak to end fairy tales with that, no?
I never found this disturbing.
It's just a nice formulaic ending line which indicates that the story ends before the narrator comes to the point where they die. I mean everyone dies lol.

Deleted member 83

When will you guys stop believing in Twitter

I agree loool but it’s a very controversial take I know
Oh no, no jokes there. Naruto's my favorite shonen, for the longest time it was the only manga I was interested in.
You like Sasuke and Naruto(manga)?? God our similarity in tastes is absolutely disgusting

Gorosei Informer

I still can't believe Oda didn't let freaking King have CoC but Rayleigh, Zoro (most deserving one ofc) and Katakuri all have it. Beckman could have it too knowing Trollda.

A guy called King in rank too not having it SMH.

I still don't get what that deal was when Zoro stabbed him and he exploded? He's like a fuel tank or something? Gas? To produce his flames?
Maybe a reference to world war era aircraft and aviation somehow? Zeppelins maybe? Idk lol.

Oda really wasted him. Not even awakenings from any Beast Pirate sigh. Last Lunarian that could be dead due to Green Bull now but I doubt he is either since he survived the Zoro fight and fall to his "death" too.

I hope he comes back and gers more fleshed out or even just briefly like Katakuri is getting. Same with Jack and Queen.

I wish he had the Nidai instead too.

Lunarians are really interesting so far too. Hope we get more in them too.
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