The whole fandom need therapy for the trauma caused by Tama lmao, her role is over we shouldn't see much of her from now on you guys can relax :cheers:
Her role was over but last chapter we still had like 4 pages of her trio team running around when we could have had an extra two pages dedicated on Jimbo
Chapter 1019: Kaidou VS Yamato

-Yamato is able to use three types of haki and also give us his flashback when she was young, Yamato is Zoan devil eater Hyena
-Yamato believes in Oden words and prophecy that one day Joy Boy will appear in Wano
-Kaidou is laughing while they are clashing, we can see in the sky effect of their classes, Yamato also able to use advanced armament hake
-Zoro is healed and he is heading immediately to the rooftop
-In the first panel we can see that CP zero is on the move to the third floor where Jinbie and Whoswho fighting
-We can see also the bounty of King 1.4B
-Marco and King are clashing

-Break next week