Gorosei Informer

Yamato can join now? :myman:
Yeah a lot of people including me rejoiced when this was revealed BUT given what we know now about Zoans having their own wills and Yamato also having a "God Zoan" that is a Guardian Deity too, its probably going to force her to stay and protect Wano or at least try to.
She also may have to stay to protect Momo if he doesn't join too.

But I absolutely refuse to believe she won't join for various reasons including Ecchiro Lolda's horniness and LOVE of fanservice especially post TS and how WELL that shit SELLS too! Some official OP merchandise of towels or something included her with the SHs too.

I like how some people say she can't join because she has a Myth Zoan like Luffy now. Chopper should leave the crew because hes a Zoan then! Such dumb logic. Is there some absolute, unnegotiable, unbreakable, forbidden, unspoken rule to why 2 Myth Zoans can't be in the same crew? Stupidity, honestly.

The SHs desperately need a new female member and a strong one too especially (sorry Lance she's not a dude as much as you want her to be)


and they also need a Logia and a giant too imo. People hoped for Caesar or even Caribou as the Logia to join but I'd be extremely fucking disappointed if they joined, especially Caesar as Oda himself and also through Nami too has said Caesar is irredeemable/unforgivable and I feel the exact same way too. But I don't want to start arguments about morality and how the SHs arent so "perfect "either, tired of those damn arguments.

Imo Yamato and Carrot should both join, maybe even Momo too and I see Zeus being permanent too somehow, even though it shouldn't be possible especially if Big Mom does die or has died already but we'll see.