The Charlotte family's relationships are all toxic and it's just annoying to look at as Loda is trying to convince the reader of the opposite.
Sanji's obsession with feeding everyone is a result of his personal childhood trauma of starvation and shows the importance of overcoming trauma and its potential damages to one's personality. Every time Sanji feeds a hungry person in his mind he's feeding his starving younger self. Which is detrimental to his and the SHs survival as it makes him feed even his enemies. Providing one's enemies with nutrition is one of the dumbest, most nonsensical things. It's like nerfing himself. Lanji has the same ocd like issues when it comes to the not beating women thing. His brain is switching off in those situations. And his kindness is not real kindness or empathy and rather subconscious disregard for himself and lack of self respect, which can be seen in how he treated his insane family towards the end of the arc.

I don't recognize any lovable or sympathetic traits in brulee. Plusthe Charlotte siblings care about one another at best (most don't even care atall),they're still shitty criminals who destroy entire kingdoms for bm 's food cravings.
yeah... i'm talking to a wall here
Woro noticed sum last ch and drew sandai
Nooticing :shocking:
thats also what Im getting at that reaction must lead to something otherwise it is just useless pannel ... now when I think about it thats something Oda does all the time.
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it takes 2 people to do it so some gorosei is involved
yeh Luffy and Zoro, Zoro understood that Nika might be minorities afterall so they had a big Haki clash
"I can't have a discussion with others if they don't 100% agree with me" 🤡
No. I could. But not on this thread. We can have a long discussion if you want. But this thread is a spam zone so if a detailled analysis doesn't convince you on the spot, nothing will here. So its useless to have any discussion about the subject here.