Forgive me for not understanding the clearly obvious nuance ironically in "just stop reading".

Especially when it's parroted so many times by those who constantly whinging about "One piece haters/critics" ironically.

Still doesn't dismiss my point that it's trying to get rid of him from the fandom, whatever your real intentions are though.
"Im just thinking of their well being, stop doing something you hate!"

(Phew thank god he stopped reading so we have one less complainer and thus less hate around here now. I mean I'm glad he stopped reading and thus doing something that clearly upsets and bothers him!)

If you did mean it that was as you said then fair enough, overblown fandoms, far too big ones are always a PITA but too many of Oda's glazers constantly tell people to stop reading, leave the fandom and to "get lost" too.
Its tiring. That's how cults operate too.

i found myself enjoying my time more with One Piece just reading it, and ignoring if of others are glazing or hating it

i dislike quite a few things about One Piece rn, but what's the point in complaining to others that like about it?

am i trying to take their fun away because i'm mad i wasn't happy with the story myself?

if others are enjoying it that much, that's great honestly