He has an appointment with shiLyu of the stinky piss in some 100 chapters.
You're deluding yourself if you think he stands any chance of beating Kiz.
Are you sure you red Wano?
This is Zoro we are talking about, right?
Oda didn't hesitate to make him scar Kaido (who admirals are scared of btw), stop & tank the strongest attack from 2 people that are stronger than admirals (you can debate about Big Mom I don't care).
He later gave him potentially the greatest power up there is and destroyed a YC1 who also happens to be an invincible Lunarian (without any hax like BitchBull btw).
And you think he has no chance vs Kiz? I'd argue the opposite unless you show me Kizaru's advanced conquerors haki or some more feats, then we'll talk. Cause all Kizaru has right now, is struggling to beat Marco and needing to handcuff him.
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